Hi all went for a FIX (Not my 3Rd NavX) yesterday in the J160. I had my friend who is a GA/RA Pilot (Peter) departed YBLT accross to YLED, over my model aircraft club in bacchus marsh, over to laverton, over point cook, down to werribee south, across to YBLT. this was not a NavX as such just went for a quick buzz in my local area for the required "FIX". I flew with no actual flight plan just a couple of lines on the map, required Doc's and was just trying to get a Visual feel for flying trying to place things on my map to the ground which worked a treat BUT I did however find one thing, i keep drifting to the right of track all the time. i have noticed this is a habbit i have fallen into. although i had no GPS or anything yeaterday i had did notice i always wanter to drift right.
has anyone else had this sort of thing happen ?
Either way yesterday was a success, Peter said although i can get to where i am going i need a little Nav work of which he has offered to help with but did comment on my landings and said they are some of the best he has seen and my general flying was Excelent
Ah well all this flying all i need is my own plane now :big_grin: Will someone lend my $20,000