Adrian Lewer
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My Second Big Nav (What a Blowout)
Adrian Lewer replied to Adrian Lewer's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
:big_grin: Thanks -
My Second Big Nav (What a Blowout)
Adrian Lewer replied to Adrian Lewer's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
you could not put me in touch with the owner could you i would love to have a look. -
My Second Big Nav (What a Blowout)
Adrian Lewer replied to Adrian Lewer's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
Hi Everyone, on "My Second Big NavX" we had a stop in YTOC to see some Rello's who where on holiday there. After we departed they went for a look around the airfield and came across a hangar there. Being a bunch of sticky beaks they ignored the No Entry Signs and went for a closer look and this is what they saw. What i want to know is what are they ? who owns them and can we get an even closer look ? there was also someone there saying that there was a bunch of P51's buried in the area on the field ? is it true ? Would love some "Memento's" Oh Yeah and some pics of the Navigator and Myself The Usual Father In Laws G/Friend Getting a "Joy Flight" Me Giving A Quick Check -
did i get the waypoint file uploaded you bet i did all 160 odd of them, what a great thing. I love it, on the desk top version is it like the AirNav software where you can put the wind in and it will work the lot out for you Etc give you a list of information like travel times between Waypoints ETA's Etc...
Hi Ian yep i got the Altitude one but was not sure about the Horizontal one. i never knew there where 3 types of Miles. I Must say i might invest in a decent GPS oneday, my screen on the HTC Touch measures 1 3/4 inch x 2 1/4 inch of which is cut down to a viewing 1 3/4 inch x 1 inch when the screen is open and operating, but having said that if it is only used for the purpose of getting you out of the proverbial mud then i think it is a great thing to have on my mobile phone.
I have OziExplorer Working you beauty what a great tool, durning the config i stumbled across a snag, what do we measure in, nautical miles nautical miles meters nautical miles feet ? i am not sure... i would like to thank Ross who gave me some info and maps to use while mine are being delivered, i will get a full version of the pc version and the Mobile version when $$$ over the next couple of weeks permit. can i program a flight on the pc then upload it to the mobile device ? i don't need the co pilot live for the car anymore as the OziExplorer has a map pack for the road
cool so around July' ish..... where can i find out what the WX will be like at around that time of year, WX is something i never keep a tab on...
so when is the best time of year to have one ? preferably when not much is happening 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after to allow people time to get there in drifters Etc, this has to be bigger than Narrowmine would love to see one of the biggest events in australia, freaki'n huge hence we need the biggest aerodrome we can get with all facilities close by i was thinking of an aerodrome in the centre of australia to be fair to all....
Hi all, ross i have just sent you a pm re the waypoint file. just waiting for my VNC and VTC to show up in the inbox. once these are here i can try to install them on the PDA. i have a mac so it is bloody hard to do these things. i got a micro sd of which my e mail attachments save to but i could not copy the files to the card and install as it said this is an invalid pocket pc application ? "mentioned a couple of posts up" so i borrowed my dads laptop "windows" and installed it that way. i only have the trial version at the moment as i want to see if it all works but hey i might just upgrade it next week to a full version... (why not) how will i go about saving the maps to the oziexplorer ? and also same goes for saving ross's waypoint file ? can you actually print out little maps as well ? are they scale ? I AM GOING TO PICK THE BRAINS OUT OF YOU GUY'S OVER THE NEXT WEEK OR SO Also can anyone help me with my co pilot live6 car mapping software.? i had it on a K-Jam a few years back and went to install it on the HTC Touch but it is having licensing issues, here is what is wrong. i copy the contents of the supplied Mini SD to the Micro SD install it onto the HTC Touch it asks to accept the licencing agreement (i do) it asks me to install on device or SD card i select device it installs i open the program but it says no license record found and will not open ? they gave me a new license number but it is still not working ? i need someone to have a close look at it for me, as i have no idea on how to deal with it, although i have a new license number i can not open the program to activate it ?
My Second Big Nav (What a Blowout)
Adrian Lewer replied to Adrian Lewer's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
Hi Guy's thanks for the reply's first of all i have to say i am not happy with myself. In my opinion i should not have placed myself (or my passengers/aircraft) into these situations, BUT having said that we are taught to keep our heads above water in these situations and this is what i done, kept the aircraft and passengers safe both times, all i see is myself needing some polishing up with planning. but what does someone learn if everything goes to plan all the time ? maybe they will never need to know what it feels like to look out the window and say "crap where the **** am i" maybe they have done all the homework and all is going to plan which i am very sure happens with some pilots but are they pilots who look out the window and if there is 2Kts of breeze they stay home ? maybe some are maybe some are not. what do we do when flying if we are learning nothing ? exactly that NOTHING. I intend to do a Navex very soon (a few weeks or so) and put a new post up called "My NavX Number 3" and within this thread i intend to outline my third navx from concept to completion in a very detailed way, first i will post what aircraft i wish to fly,where, and when. then i will post a detailed flight plan but not just the flight plan but how i got all my flight plan together times distances Etc then i will post on my departure day before i fly, my winds how i calculated them and what ever else is necessary. then i will come back in the afternoon with a detailed trip report flight times,what i experienced in flight, if i was on track or off, did i arrive on time or not Etc. i will also post pictures of my flight plan,maps Etc i think this will be a good thing for myself, giving me the oppertunity for others to pick out errors in my flight plan, and also for others to learn from my mistakes djpacro, yep it probably was but when you are flying and have no idea where you are or what you are looking at it is a bit hard, there are a few hills, mountains out that way i just had no idea, maybe if i fly that way a couple of times i will be a bit more understanding of the area, i can fly without a map from melton,ballarat,colac,geelong etc because of local knowledge. skydog you are right about things looking different from the air and judging distance, -
i will check out the page when i get home in the morning. so if they are true we must add or subtract our magnetic variation which in our case is subtract then apply our wind
yes this is what i was taught but my day vfr study guide says all 3 in true i am so confused on this situation at the moment
My Second Big Nav (What a Blowout)
Adrian Lewer replied to Adrian Lewer's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
yep they did have a good nav course but the school has shut down i am reading up on drift Etc at the moment and trying to better understand it. thats why i had the BAK at work along with the Day VFR guide last night. i am trying to understand it all more. i do know as of last night if your right wing is ahead more you have right drift, and vice versa and if you subtract your current magnetic heading from your supposed magnetic heading you have your drift angle thats all that has sunk in since reading the entire nav section of both books twice last night, so more study is needed of which i once again will be doing tonight, and the night after. you are right calm conditions i can get right on the top of a destination to the second but when variables start to come into play i need some more self teaching via reading and practical work. as for the flat battery on the gps Etc yep totally agree on that thats why i was watching the map as well, once i had myself on the map i was (sort of) sure of my position most of the time so if something did happen i could have a rough idea of where i was and where i had to go if need be. All i need now is some more air time with navigation and throw in some variables of my own so i can "in flight" practice them which is what i feel is the best thing to do. each time i fly i learn something new which i think is very important. -
Hi all AreaFor is done in True format but what are Metar's and Taf's done in ? Both true as well, as far as i am aware (and what the BAK says) yes they are? but would like to double check...
Hi all i thought i would share my second nav experience. We decided a while ago we would go for a 2 day cruise in the little J160-C our plan was to depart saturday 27th from YBLT to YBDG,YSHT,YYWG,YTOC,YECH stopping at all for a stretch, food, empty Etc. and on the way home sunday 28th from YECH, YBDG, YBLT We all know what happened on my first nav so i decided to plan this one well in advance. i rang all aerodromes and asked the usual,landing fees,fuel, tie downs, can i stay in an emergency, things to watch out for, procedures and last but not least is it ok if i land ? after getting the good news from all of them we planned the trip on a flight plan which included the usual, CTAF's, field ALT, leg ALT, TAS, TRKm, TRKt, GS, DIST, ETI ofcourse the TRKm,GS and ETI where filled in on the morning of departure. all maps had lines with 10 mile markers lists of diversion aerodromes Etc. the big day finaly rocked up. on the way to YBLT from home Kirsty drove while i say in the passenger seat and done the necessary Wind Etc. the WX was not the best and we decided we will get to YBDG and see what the WX was doing as we where going to follow it all the way to YTOC. we fueled up,packed up got set up then last but not least got it up :cool:I decided to use the Xponder which was fitted to the J-160-C i have never used one and have only had a personal crash course from the BAK so i set 1200 and set ALT and that was that, set 128.0 on the active and 126.8 on the STBY on the radio. We Departed RWY 36 at YBLT for an overhead departure and it was awesome the best departure i have ever done soooooo smooooooth it was not funny i did not realize i had left the tarmac :big_grin:. Kirsty Was impressed as this was her first time up in a plane. we immediately started a Magnetic track of 013 degrease and approximately 5 minutes into the flight the ground was not looking like the map. we started to get heavy turbulence and i decided we needed to turn back but not after i made a decision to try and operate the GPS on board (garmin 296). Kirsty somehow got the thing to show a track from YBLT to YBDG we where 6Nm off track. i could not understand how this happened. i was now flying via GPS only and using the map looking at the ground matching them up, but there was not much to match up out there. the WX had calmed down somewhat but it did still demand my hand on the stick all the time. after getting to YBDG we where over the top (WX still ok) we called Descending to join mid field c/wind when all hell broke loose we descended 300Ft in a matter of 1-2 seconds and the WX picked up badly. we called Traffic YBDG Jab 4781 Over the top @ XXXX ft experienced Severe wind sheer 300ft drop continuing midfield C/ wind YBDG after landing we sat down and had a cup of coffee and waited for the local club instructor to land (i decided i needed advice) we had a chat and he said in his opinion if we had another cup or two the WX would move away and we would be out of the tail of it he also said he experienced the same wind sheer. i also asked why the Areafor was so far off he said because of the WX that was clearing it could be totaly opposite to what the WX said ? after the WX cleared up we departed and used the GPS as the main navigation tool and i kept an eye out the window and on the map trying to piece together the puzzle. the WX was still Very bumpy but not like it was before. we continued on to all waypoints landing and drinking coffee at each. after landing at YECH we where greeted by my mother and we where taken up to the campsite at the murry to go water skiing. :thumb_up: on sunday we departed in much better WX. it was not bumpy but more Err...... Wavey ? if you know what i mean. we used the GPS once over top of YECH to get a Magnetic Track and then i done the unthinkable, turned the GPS off. all the way to YBDG . we arrived then turned the GPS back on to get the next Magnetic heading to YBLT then once again shut it off. arriving at YBLT using Semi IFR Law (the i follow Road one Etc) after going home i decided to look at why my trip was so miss planned. and it finaly dawned on my after reading the DAY VFR Guide last night... I HAD FORGOTTEN TO CONVERT THE WIND IN THE AREAFOR TO MAGNETTIC !!!!!!!! what an idiot :hittinghead: i was so disappointed in myself. i did however find that this would only be around the 11 degrease but we where experiencing 20 odd degrease either way i have learnt another lesson (plan a bit better) and we are home safe, plane safe and we had fun.
is there civilization over the west is there ;) . hum i will have to figure out how long it will take me to get over there and if you guys have a thing called fuel over there is there a central point we can have one at ? we should try and do something bigger than we have seen before and yep i am putting my hand up to help. DAMN YOU GUYS NOW YOU HAVE MY HEAD THINKING......
the lovely title says it all, lets get a list together so i can save my pennies to hire an aircraft to attend eh ?
i totaly agree if you pay $100 for a flight box you are shopping at the wrong place, if you are after cheap gear, read the post it says $100 for a flight box fuel plug Etc. 4 litres of fuel is around $30-$40(i payed $80 for mine nice fibreglass flight box but hey i wanted it) not to mention you will need some fuel line,plug wrench,spare prop Etc, but hey who is counting, this will add about $15-$20 to cost. we could sit here all day and rattle off names of great plank ARF's that cost from $100-$200 and you are right you can get them for around the $100 not the $150 blown out of proportion by myself i do Apollogize ;) seb would obviousely be a baginner and would be using a half decent wood blade the thunder tiger wood blades are great performers and withstand very high head speeds and dont de laminare, they are only $35 odd dollars, boom, $8, belt $18, packet of 3 flybars $ $14, mainshaft $6, spindal $4 1 undercarrage leg $5 you say you pay $300 for blades and a boom for the trex ? is it a 600 or 700 you arre being ripped off. V Blades (carbons) are around the $200 for 600mm and not much more for 710's mark and a boom is max $15. Cheers, and seb remember you do what you want to do do not be led by myself or anybodyelse into a decission just do what feels right.
plank is what rotary wing flyers call Fixed wing aircraft.
helis are not dear, the only thing people need to know is that hobby shops are out to get money. i often go into hobby shops and ask "how much is a heli" and get the "well you need this that the other" and it will cost $5 Million dollars. you can be in the air in a 50 helli for $1200-$1300 with a DX7 radio and a raptor 50 helicopter of which are a top heli not a low class TOY like the twister (of which are money pits), and all of your starting equipment fuel Etc. i have had people hovering themselves in a day or 2 with no under carriage after 10 odd tanks. as i said you need someone who knows what they are doing not a 2 second know all. as for wanting a fixed wing as a first aircraft i agree but seb was asking about rotary wing and this will still cost you you will still pay around the $400 for radio, $150-$200 for an arf plank and $150 for a motor $100 for flight box fuel plug Etc so you are looking at $800-$900 for a plank if you crash the raptor 50 a good prang will set you back around $200 dollars and if you give the plank a decent prang you will need a new airframe this is also around $200. hellis are cheaper to crash in my opinion but fixed wing slightly more cheaper to set up initially as for doing barrel rolls in a heli, thats one of the first aero's you learn next to auto's. i fly 3D with my raptor 50 and have done so in all my helis stratus,r90 Etc.