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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. I to have learnt something.
  2. Hi seb, i am a MAAA heli and Fixed Wing instructor in melbourne. helis are great to learn and a real challenge but as for being hard... NO WAY... the KEY is to have the heli set up correctly this is the biggest hurdle.
  3. ep i got that, but forgot to mention one small thing. i have a Mac ? going to get a external HDD and back her up, and set up boot camp on her tonight.
  4. hi all, i have put ozie explorer on my new htc touch and it will not load. it says autorun Etc is not a proper executable file or somthing of the similar. i need help this is killing me.
  5. hi guy's just watching the news after falling out of bed and apparently 2 light aircraft have had a mid air 1 plane crashing into a house and the occupants are alive but trapped in the wreckage. hope all get out with only the minor injuries you would expect but Gee Wizz.... not a good thing to happen.. and i hope there was no one in the house...
  6. hi decca, the ACFT in post 26 is the tecnam S which i dare say you know. it is the ACFT i done my navs in cruise at 100-105 Kts... Bit better than 70Kts in the Gazelle :) . after landing i overshot the Taxiway on purpose to let this beautiful baby out to taxi as i vacated the RWY. what a sight it was. found the Gazelle a bit different to fly but more hands on than the Tecnam and Jab's obviously due to the drag Etc. We opened the doors for a couple of pics but closed them due to the cold WX. Wish i had some money to offer Ian for it, it is honestly a great little plane just needs a little love every now and then... I knew i was outrunning the WX but was planning to be back before the TEMPO but got to sidetracked, i am honestly saying it was not to hard to do..... on the way back all i could do was say to myself (Ian is gonna shoot me) over and over again. oh yeah when i arrived at Tyabb they remembered the plane (oh this plane use to be here ) was what i got... I am not in a hurry to get her home now she is under cover. i was going to get an aircraft trailer(good to have friends with these sort of things) and transport her back to YBLT or YLED to get her under cover the next day but the kind guys at YGLG put her in a workshop for me wings Extended. (not going to want to see the bill they give me for hangarage
  7. Hi all got a good one for you... if the increase in weight goes up can we fly a piper tomahawk on Raa which has a MTOW of 757KG ? if so this is good, but could we re register it Raa ? so we as owners could do the maintenance ? same Question goes for 150,152 Ect...
  8. YBLT from the Technam S
  9. Ok Guys i have learnt another Valuable lesson HOW TO POST PICS Here is me Here are a few shots of the bay. notice the WX was hazey but not as bad as id got. alt=[/img]
  10. I have been flying R/C since i was 3.i am a VMAA Gold Wings Instructor I have the following. Cavilier old timer R 50 heli JR Ergo 30 F-86 Sabre D/F Facet 1200 trubine model TJT 3000 turbine (waiting for a model) 14MZH Radio 2 other older radio units a hand full of kits engines parts ect. sold 3 90 sized helis 4 fixed wings and a heap of bits and pieces to fund my Raa Flying habbit. Its to much at one stage i had over $50,000 of models (could have had a J120 :( )
  11. Hi all and especialy Pylon500, some of the information you say about the new computer and 2.4 radios is incorrect. you have always been able to do basic mixing with sets including the old 27Mhz,36Mhz as long as the radio had a basic Computer. Hitec radios came out with the Flash 5 some years back (like 15 years) which was 36Mhz and had alot of programming features, Elevon, V tail Etc. 2.4 only changes the way the radio transmitts the signal, also it changes the speed it is transmitted at. old sets like 36Mhz where 256 speed my 2.4Ghz is 2048. 3 times faster, but 2.4 now alows us to have 2 way communication. we can have GPS, current draw, engine RPM, speed Etc relayed real time back to the transmitter (if your 2.4 radio is capable) for in flight diagnostics.. this is the radio i use it is a futaba 14MZ. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7476/dscf1296wq3.jpg/IMG]
  12. My new Rule, look out the window Humm nice sunny day i will fly OR wow cloud Etc i will stay home. until i get more comfortable with judging WX
  13. Hi pete, i have had a couple of pilots tell me the co-owner parked a caravan on the strip and all sorts of stories about people not welcome so i just done the right thing and steered clear, but having said that i heard tyabb was a XXXXe hole and people there where rude ect, i dropped in un announced yesterday completed a couple of CCTS, drank there coffee pinched some fuel and all i got was smiles and a please come back soon ? go figure... I think i might be in the Area in a few days (maybe Friday or Saturday) picking up a lonely Gazelle .
  14. yep i definitely uttered to myself.... cant repeat it here... but you probably know what it was...
  15. totally agree but AT THE TIME i felt it was necessary. it was not my instructor it was one at YGLG.
  16. PAX was a friend of mine who is also beginning his Rec Certificate. he was amazed at how the cloud came in and was also amazed at how calm i was. in my opinion there is never any need to panic, i never do and never will, as for getting either violent or into heated discussions, i just don't do it. stress will take years off my life and those years can be used for flying, sex, drinking some beer and flying some more, (obviously not in that order). I did declare an Forced landing Due to weather, which was (Geelong Area traffic Gazelle XXXX 2Nm to the west Joining Down wind RWY 18 geelong, forced landing due to weather unfamiliar geelong, geelong area trafic.) after i landed the instructor said to me that declaring a forced landing was not necessary but i feel it was, it was definitely no mayday call but still the other ACFT in the area now new i was in trouble (for my ability) and i was doing a forced landing onto the RWY due to weather and i was unfamiliar with the airfield ? this is good information for other pilots as it would have given me leeway with CCT procedures if i had broken any (which i did over fly a house of which i was not suppose to) let other traffic know the WX was deteriorating and i was unfamiliar with the airfield so they could have kept and extra eye out for me. all a good outcome, will i fly in bad WX again, yep in the CCT of the departure airfield thats it, if the cloud drops i can put the ACFT to bed and drive home not worry about the bits in between. rang my instructor with the tail between the legs and asked for some advice on the WX as he is down that way and he said he is almost certain i will be able to get her home tonight as the cloud is only low over geelong and the rain is stopping. might be a hop from YGLG,YLED where i have hangarage for her then a Trip to YBLT if WX permits. just feel guilty about leaving Ian's Gazelle out in the cold. Covered the prop and tied her down.
  17. good point about Barwon, i was going to land there but new geelong was only 2 minutes away so opted for there, but kept the option for Barwon open for a 180 and landing. i was speaking to 2 instructors at the geelong aero club and they said i could have made it back to geelong under VMC but to me VMC i being able to see the horizon :) . a student departed for a nav to YLED and YBLT. i am sure if i kept flying i could have made it but i don't like the sound of that. i am sure Ian would have rather me land at an airfield than a paddock in IFR conditions.
  18. yep i think i can name a few factors that made me get into the situation. after reading the AREAFOR ect TEMPO was for 1PM and the conditions we experienced. after departing 1 hour late we decided to amend the flight plan as the weather looked a bit worse than expected, this, inexperience and the need for a fly are what caused my situation. after reaching the heads the weather was clearing up and the decision was made to continue (the mistake) weather was good and way better the VMC. we get to tyabb and see the weather approaching from the NE. so we decide to head back the way we came. we almost made it. the weather came in fast. i always kept my landing options open with airfields in sight. as for being nervous,scared about the landing not at all just done what i was taught to do. before we arrived at the airfield and days before i was thinking to myself wow, me up there..... Er all that way and no one to ask questions ? but once rolling on 05 at ballarat all of my fears just disappeared. kept the map in front of me and eyes out the window. what could i have done better. not flown, not flown as far, kept an eye on time. have i learnt a lesson, yep sure have when the sun is out i fly, when clouds are out i hangar fly.
  19. Hi guy's i thought i would share todays experience with you all. i had the priveledge of borrowing Ian's Gazelle today for a flight. the plan was to fly YBLT,YMEL,Werribee Race course, Williamstown, coastal to Tooradin, Point Lonsdale, YGLG, YLED, YBLT. but ofcourse the weather was a bit of a concern so we ammended the flight plan to YBLT, YLED, YGLG, Coastal to Point Lonsdale, Across to Tyabb then back the way i came. well all was great for the first leg we stopped at YLED to fuel,(i was being over cautious) the next 3 Legs to Tyabb, we fueled there as well (still worried about fuel) Tracking back to Point Lonsdale we where looking across ot out destination and all was looking fine, get across the heads over to Barwon Heads and it became obviouse there was a slight chance of the cloud lovering and small pockets of showers (like the tempo said i_dunno ) we decided we will drop from 2500 AMSL which the cloud base was about 3000 AMSL down to 1400 AMSL to avoid CTA. as we go from the heads to Barwon Heads the cloud base dropped from the heavens, i have been on many flight with friends and can say i have never seen the cloud base drop so fast. we where scraping clouds at 1400 AMSL above Barwon Heads we decided to get to YGLG only a hop across a couple of padocks and the cloud and now rain was comming down to 600 AMSL so we called a forced landing on RWY 18 ( could have landed at Barwon but have heard they don't like any visitors)and landed. after we landed the rain came down for a good 30 minuted then stopped but the cloud base was 500 AMSL so flying out to YBLT was not an option. so here i am at home aircraft awaiting me to get her home into a warm bed of which i hope is tomorrow. all in all the gazelle is a great little airplane and it is great to fly with the doors open...
  20. i am also hopeless at maths, i can not subtract 89 from 235 without having 30 seconds to think about it. in flight you are required to do some sum's but you don't have to do it in the blink of an eye you will have time to get the calculator out and do the sum's i just wright it down and do the 20-30 second think.
  21. What we need is an AIRPARK. a place where GA Raa and some small private companys can operate and we can all chip in and buy it. then we can have housing lots all round of which we occupy so when we walk out the door we get in a golf cart to the hangar or idealy we have hangars out the back of our house which we can have taxi ways linking the hangars to the AIRPARK like the RAAF bases... we can build it in a remote-ish.... area and when the suburbs close in we can tell them to XXXX off or we will drop bombs on them... Frigging good idea now who is gonna help me do it.... preferably someone with money.....
  22. if only AirNav worked on my MAC
  23. AH i like to hear that...
  24. XXXXe.... now i am confused again....
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