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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. was about to enter and backtrack 13 at ballarat but a sheep was on the centre of the strip. defenately was somthing different.
  2. oh ultralights as per your question the J160/J170 have about the same cruise speed at 3000RPM of around 105-110 KTS indicated..... the only real difference you will see is on the landing... J160 drives in at 70KTS the J170 floats in at 60KTS.... as for flying the two about the same...
  3. the LAS will fly the same as the J120, (virtualy the same airplane). i done 8 odd hours on the LSA's. will not handle the bad weather as well as the J160/J170 with the little rudder but the climb out is better.... much better.... i like the J160 because it does what you tell it to do, has the room for luggage ect and has all the mod cons (i like gadgets :) ) with regards to buying a LSA you will pay around $40K for one with 2000 odd hours on the clock. might be worth buying a J120 for $58K if you can save the rest. i know of someone who bought a 40K LSA and was unfortunately burnt and needs about 10K work to bring it up to a .......... much better state shall we say so worth the extra 18K in the end... as well as the fact you have a NEW aircraft, only downfll is you get the basics and you cant install a xponder so you cant go into controlled airspace if you had an endorsement... kevin remember the J160 is much bigger this is why the J160 is more of of a slug but flies much better in my opinion (remember we all have different flying styles and wants ect i just like being in the air) J120 great training A/C but the J170 is 100% better for training... you can almost pancake it onto the runway.. was flying the J170 today with 25 Kts 360 degreese done my PFL's and flapless aproaches with it and was great but would still prefer the J160. oh and donkey dont fly the 2.2 at any less than 3000 in the circuit or x country as you will glaze it up and reduce the life of the engine. bendorn that is the best landing style IMO as the stress on the u/c is reduced and you have less skating if you touch down whilst greasing it on, and i like the sound of the stall warning :)
  4. i have flown both and find the J170 to be a pain in the bum for me. the J160 flies where you tell it and will land great for me, the J170 was designed to aid Novices to land a bit better which it does but this is the problem.... the J160 i can pick a point, hold the nose down, pull the power back whilst leveling off and she sits down nicely for me but the J170 will just keep going, going, going,going...... and going..... which i suppose is great for people who hold off to early like id did when i first started flying in an LSA, the J170 also slows the base leg down by 10Kts. i have found the J170 likes to cruise at full flap at 60KTS where as the J160 likes 70 Kts. i have had the J170 down to 50KTs (hope manny does not read this :) ) and it was as solid as a rock i thought i could even slow it down more but thought did not want to become another satistic. the J160 becomes very slugish at this speed for me. i would buy a J160 if i bought one but if it was for a flying school a J170 is great, very forgiving. just my observations having flown both..
  5. bloody hell mate i really feel for you... i am in the t/port game and there are some real idiots out there... (moderated - language - Ian)
  6. want to instruct for cash as any instructor would but having said that if i could affoard to do it for free i would. i love flying and could not think of a better job than instructing...
  7. nope i figure i can get it in... i will get a hook they use on a/c carriers and use 100 mile hour tape and catch the fence on the way in... yep i know i might have to re think the fields i wish to visit will not even attempt to get a jab in there.
  8. absolutely big pete.... he will be flying again in no time.... you can not keep a flying man down..
  9. buggar atleast you know one is coming..
  10. hi all just wondering what is the minimum requirements for the RAA instructor rating.. cheers.
  11. ok guy's i had word from the president today from the strip where i wanted to fly from it is a staggering 105 meters long... so jab is out of the question. the lsa that landed there had a 5 knot head wind... so must have been touch and go getting in and off again...
  12. jee wizz what a pain, the trike will think you have abandoned her... keep us informed.
  13. Hello peoples i am after info on the sonex aircraft. i have found the website but want to know if there is an australian distributor ?
  14. how r u going with the keel tube bill ? hope you get flying soon...
  15. i think i will stick to the 100 kts or there abouts of the jabie..... even slower will be fine.. Hanuman.. including 55 kts... the longer i am in the cockpit the better for me and more fun.. if i wanted to fly long distances in a hurry i would get a GA ticket and fly a 152 to the destination... for me this is fun. but i can see how people want to go faster... nothing wrong with that at all.. but remember, RAA fees will go up, training costs will go up,(as schools will have the latest and gratest) and the average joe blow like me will not be able to afoard it... which sucks. having said that... as with the controlled airspace endorsement and 750 MTOW i will probably get my controlled air endorsement if i can, but to fly a RAA aircraft it is not needed IMO, unless the RAA boy's want to go and visit the GA boy's oneday... ? sorry, i had not posted in a couple of days and had itchy finger's ok having said that, lets ansewr the question, with the info we have can we reg the RV-9 under RAA single or dual seat ?
  16. still not sure what i am buying... but a jab 230 looks like it is out..... but it means room for something else.....
  17. LOL i will not buy a savannah LOL... i will get the wheel from the hire place on the w/end...
  18. man sounds great, i can not wait to do my first navx.
  19. LOL yeah want to be accurate... ... i know it will be short...
  20. hi all went to measure the field today, went to the lock hire place and there where no 1 meter wheels :( so i will have to wait for them to come back tomorrow, so will be some time on the weekend. i will have a read of the article later tonight..... cheers.
  21. oh and just to add fun my user name is now adrian lewer not ferret.... although it does not matter if you still call me ferret i changed because i could....
  22. ah now i understand what you mean.... stalls are related to AofA not airspeed... silly me.. thank god i was on the computer not in the air... i will be measuring the strip today including all perimeter height clearances.
  23. can you elaborate a bit ?
  24. LOL yeah i have had the popcorn now i have no use for my phone..... that is scary...
  25. in what way were they disgusting ?
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