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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. absolutely glad you did not fly, shows great responsibility. hope you get a new tube soon and get back in the air.
  2. **** me i am selling my phone..... no way i am going to use it again.
  3. done some stalls the other day in the J160-C and the problem is this ..... it does not stall you just start loosing height at a slowish decent and thats it...35 Kts and the elevator and rudder still have authority..... but not a recomended thing for 3Ft AGL
  4. just remember to smile and wave if an F111 plonks itelf besides you
  5. hi all, i like the idea of the AirNav so the navman will be the go. i do have co-pilot for my windows based palm pilot but, it works but i like the idea of the airNav system cheers.
  6. How did you know i was a stud ;) .
  7. thanks for the info mazda. i always intended to have charts and basic flight plan in place to take but will use the gps to fly with. if it fails i can revert back to my trusty paper.
  8. buggar i was hoping for 200 meters ? has been done in an LSA before by an un named pilot friend of mine at the airstrip i want to fly from but he is an experienced pilot. i have to measure the strip as i am shocking at predicting lengths.
  9. ah i have been shown the alternative.... :big_grin:
  10. absolutely true planedriver.... why the airfield change matt :devil:
  11. OK need to be taught a lesson by you guy's on a few things to do with politics...... (sorry to hijack the thread jim but i am extremely curious and do not know much about the way the RAA is going) i have been reading about the 760Kg MTOW... 758Kg is the MTOW for the Cessna 152 ? Scenario ... i can go and buy a 152, re register it as an ultralight and because it is an ultralight i can still fly into essendon, camden, moorabbin ECT because i will get my controlled airspace endorsement ? is this the way it is going ? Freaking grouse..... but would rather die than buy a 152 :) now next question... if i build an X-Air Hanuman with rotax 582, have controlled airspace endorsement, can i fly this machine into controlled airspace, or will it only be factory built ? will i need a Xponder ECT ?
  12. hi jim, i read in the RAA regs the stall speed has to be 42 Kts and the RV is 43 so its my understanding on this alone its a no go..... you might be able to get away with it but you would be unlicenced and un insured if you had a miss hap ? anyone else think the same.... not trying to rain on your parade jim but just picking a point out i have seen... i might be wrong still ?
  13. yep my oath we will.... might need a plane soon.
  14. actualy not a bad idea. i might measure the strip i want to land on and replicate it on the strip at ballarat, than try some landings. good thinking "99"
  15. cool a new practice strip for me :). migh have to drop in for a cuppa one day captain...
  16. hi mazda, i have checked out the AirNav software and i think i might invest when i go on some solo Xcountry. love it.
  17. Yo decca maybe you should just bite the bullet, ask the aero club to borrow the bbq and make a date for one saturday in the next month or so $5 a head should cover it.. count me in.
  18. hi simon congratulations i done mine a week ago, i still have a smile. i done another 1.0Hrs solo yesterday, and if it is the same as everyone you will feel great. i used the time for a little experimenting to find my sweet spot. but i will say not fun in a 16-20 gusting wind. but i learnt allot. once again congrats.
  19. will certainly have a look at it when the time comes. this is exactly why i have been putting posts up to get this sort of great feed back. cant wait to buy an aircraft (whatever that might be at the moment J160) but realy cant wait to have a fly around the place and meet all you guy's.
  20. well i still have the grin :) LOL. done another 1Hr solo yesterday. love the idea of being able to experement a little.
  21. LOL your funny Matt, if we ever need you attention we will just hold up the spotlight with CT4 on it... i love your enthusiasm.
  22. hi matt thanks for the detailed reply. yep you are right, and i will be using the maps compass ect for nav but like the BLING of the GPS. i had a discussion with the guy's yesterday and said i would always have the maps ect with me after i have passed my nav and fully understand how to use them but like most think i would prefer the gps method for a bit of ease, especially doing 100kts on a 25-30Nm trip.... no time to play with maps... i will only buy a gps when i buy my own aircraft (in dash mount). if i fly someone elses aircraft everything will be kept to the letter but will do the experimenting with different things in my own aircraft. and as for work, yeah its good. i start the new job on tuesday, now i have to catch up on no pay for 1 week i_dunno . but its better than nothing.
  23. ok guy's, not knowing much about air nav i have decided i might go the gps way after obtaining my X country.(yes the basics will still live with me when i fly) i have been doing some reacarch and decided on the garmin 296 in the future. but (once again) have 50 q' for you all ? #1. what does online jepesen nav data, waas , and blue chart mean ? i was taliking to a couple of people on friday (sorry forgot your names) from ballarat and they where using this great thing called AIRNAV Premium... what a great thing, you just plot stuff on the computer programme and it spits out maps, where to change channels ECT... i was stoked... but to top it off you could use the information you programmed into the computer for the flight and printing WAC's and actualy upload the flight plan to the Garmin 296 WHAT A GREAT TOOL now obviousely you can make your way around controlled airspace by plotting on the map. (refer to #3) #2. can you buy DATA.. how do i explain... like a database of all the airfields in australia so if i wanted to fly in flight without AIRNAV i could hop in after checking the weather turn on the gps and take off from ballarat and push lets say tooradin and off we go.. follow the yellow brick road.. #3. on the subject will the garmin (or can you make it) without the aid of AIRNAV, make you aware of restricted airspace, different classes of airspace, so on my flight from ballarat to tooradin will it (or can i ask it or make it) make me fly around controlled airspace/restricted areas ? cheers.
  24. hi ultralights. i have bought a crappy little cardboard one for the meantime. but you are right on the money, the all metal ones are a little bigger, wear better and dont get damaged when you drop and spill coffee on them. i will be buying an all metal bigger one when i go solo on the navs :) thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
  25. Hi all thanks for the replys. i start my new job tomorrow with Toll Ipec driving b/doubles local... i will keep you all updated... but now i have to get use to working day shift :yuk:
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