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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. mining yep have thought about it but not sure how to go about it. i would have to leave here, go to the top end, drive a truck 24/7...... not sure... do you have any advice for me in regards to mining ?
  2. not wanting to sound silly but i have seen on cessna's the control lock has a red tag over the column... you would have to be blind to miss it but being a bigger aircraft i do not know how they work.... actually hold the phone i do remember seeing a rudder lock being used on a aero commander (370 i think ?) it was on evan's aircraft from melton airfield. it just simply slid under the rudder onto the rest of the vertical stab. looked like "H" section. "controls full and free" is a part of my checklist of which is memorized. from this point on i will be using the "printed checklist". which gives you all an answer to the poll on this forum "do you use a printed checklist or memorize it" unfortunately we only think of these things now
  3. i have had an interest in becoming a LAME (airframe or engines can't decide) for a while now. i was wondering how i could go about this... any advice from LAME's out there ? i do not want to be a AME as i would like to work for myself in the future. all the info on the net is very confusing...
  4. been driving for a transport company for 7 years. i leave in search of better pay to support my family. i find it, apply for it and get it, with my qualifications including MSIC card (maritime security) and a list of people who reffered for me and experience. 2 weeks pass working for the company (nightshift) everything running smoothly. on the thursday morning they say no work tonight, but you have to come in the morning for a meeting (transport industry not uncommon for this) we arrive for it and are told the company can no longer sustain the current market and will for close on 30 june. :( . no more job for me, new house, new car,(was nearly a new aeroplane) 16 month old boy and just gone solo. go back to old employer and my position is already filled. i can see the planes getting a back seat untill i find another job and recover, and if i stuff up any payments i can see the plane slipping away for an even longer time..... in my industry for the last 2 months and the next 3 will be slow (end of financial year) and nobody is hiring... does anyone have a good caravan i can have to live in i am realy upset and just had to vent..... anyway life goes on...
  5. Buggar almost forgot !!!!! Oh an i forgot one of the Major things of all, a huge thank you to Manny for guiding me through the last 7 hours of training with him. Manny is a true champion with a great attitude and realy makes you feel safe but not to confident, which in my book make for a great instructor, once again thank you Manny.
  6. WOW this forum is great, great blokes (and Gal's) and great info........ and hopefully a great BBQ ;)
  7. i suppose i can not argue derek, my next plane will be a rag and tube..... the tube being ALUMINUM ;) . Yep Kaz is cute (and she fly's) lucky bloke Matt.
  8. looking good... I was at ballarat yesterday and had the pleasure of watching it all happen from afar, (i was to busy getting psyched up for (first solo)... . the CT-4 looks like she has been flown all over the place 100 times which is what gives it its great charecter. not a bad little airplane for aluminium :big_grin: . yep derek you are looking well and agree the ballarat air is doing you good :) . matt do you have a complete log of the aircraft ? if so i would love to have a look sometime. would be great to see where an aircraft like to CT-4 has been.
  9. Well it is official i have done my first solo today. after a total of 6 odd hours with Manny at ballarat flying a combination of Jabiru 160/170's. went to the field today and done.6 hours with Manny and upon landing manny approached the C.F.I Roger and said he is ready for you to fly with you to see if he is ready.i get into the aircraft with roger for the first time and treat him like a Passenger rather than an instructor, making sure his hatch and harness are secure, talking all the way through what i was doing and why. we called and taxied to the run up bay, done the necessary checks and set up for take off configuration, and called taxi, call entering and backtracking 23 for 18, we held on the intersection and checked for traffic and call entering and backtracking 18. turn on the piano keys and line up check oil temps and pressures, gave the rolling call and away we were. on climb out at approx 500ft AGL Roger pulled the throttle to dead idle and straight away i nosed down and said "nose down maintain 70knts and land straight ahead on disused runway."his response was "perfect you now have your engine back" then i gradually re applied power leveled off and continued climb out to 2100ft (700ft AGL) and made a right climbing turn onto crosswind and leveled out at 2400ft (circuit height) made the nesacary checks and called the downwind and made my down wind checks and even threw in a little bit of brownie point scoring by saying "hatches and harness secure and passengers hatches and harness secure" (i thought it might make them aware am thinking of passengers) now the fun begun... i was about watching the RWY disapearing over my passengers shoulder and hear a call "traffic ballart (cant remember callsign) 10Nm north inbound 2500ft straight in aproach....." i thought bloody hell if i turn now i will cut him off and if i dont turn now this will be a bloody long down wind,base and final, so i said to my C.F.I "i have never had this situation before i feel if i go base now i will cut him off i have no choice to go long circuit" Roger just shut his mouth. i turned base an kept a close eye out for the incoming traffic, i decided i should find out the aircrafts position so called "traffic ballarat aircraft on final what is your current position ballarat" they replied with their position which was 5Nm straight in. i just caught a glimpse of them and called i had them sighted on my nose. i informed my C.F.I (just incase he thought i was an idiot) i was maintaining circuit height for the turn onto final to counteract the longer final. i followed on final which by now was about a 5Nm final leg of which i have never done before(should have had a cup of coffee whilst waiting to land) made the call and advised the landing aircraft ahead of me i had them sighted and also called myself #2. upon touchdown (which was almost a stall landing NICE) Roger grabed the controls from my hand and jumped on the brakes and spun the aircraft around... i thought to myself (freakin hell it was not that bad). he taxied to the intersection and said i have seen enough... by this time i thought ****... he's hard... and with that he said goodbye and got out looked at me and said "keep it safe if it goes bad go around good luck" and with that and a bloody huge smile i re-entred and backtracked the RWY and begun my t/o roll. usualy the J160 has been getting light on the nose at 60-65kts but the thing tried to get off the ground at 55kts so released the presure on the stick to keep her on the terra firma for a tad longer. then rotated. "WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW..... holy snapin duck**** yeah" i think where the words i said just before "**** no one is here"... i had no time to think ect ect just procedure,procedure,procedure..... everything felt different, roll,pitch and speed,on base i was trying to slow her down but it was a bit harder than usual but i got her to 70Kts with 2nd stage flap. every thing was looking great untill the holdoff.. i held her but with only me on board (63KGS) i flared a bit to much and had a balloon and could have recovered (i have a saying, "if in doubt bail out") so this is what i did. graduated the power and commenced the go-round procedure.... the next landing was perfect... mains first just as the stall indicator started to moan and groan, then finaly the nose. cleaned the aircraft up for a fast taxi to the taxiway, gave the all clear call and taxid to the hangar, shut down and secured the aircraft, pushed into the corner and let out an enormous "**** yeah........." re gained my composure, had a cup of coffee and went home :) cant wait untill next week
  10. actually i bet you to it... i done this today and had a read through it whilst playing fighter pilot sitting in the jab 230 in the hangar :)
  11. well.. get it finished i am thirsty Ian :)
  12. yes i will have the link please, i did see the magazine in a shop and saw your makeshift hangar... i have even had a spin in the machine... flys great.
  13. True, i did not think of that. however it gave me a good idea of what sort of changes to expect... what is POH ? is it the aircraft handbook ?
  14. WOW... thats unbelievable. is this due to engine performance,airframe performance or a combination of both.... i will say both but could be wrong... the first column is clean run and the second column is with 50FT obstical is this correct... i might print this usefull piece of information off and keep with my pile of "usefull info" i have.. i intend to make a little A5 sized book about the same size as the ERSA with a heap of info to use whilst i am flying. either on local or Xcountry. will come in handy oneday i guess when i visit an airstrip i am unfamiliar with. some of the stuff i have in my book is a quick reference quick step guide as to how to use a whizz wheel ect, things you will need to know in flight but might forget or just need a quick reffrence to... does anyone else do this....... after i have it somewhat completed (will never be completed as i always learn somthing new) i might post here for every one to look at.
  15. oh yeah i would like to see a day with 35DEG no wind.... would be nice even if i could fly at the time option "C" would look great :)
  16. i would say "B" is correct although "C" sounds good. but having said that if i buy the aircraft i want (x-air hanuman) which is 281KG plus 80 litres fuel @.70KG per litre which is 56KG we are at 337KG + me @ 65KG 402KG and pax @ 80KG which is 482KG.... MTOW in the X-Air is 544KG... in this case take off run is 70 metres for the X-Air Hanuman at MTOW at sea level 15DEG yada yada yada..... so would i be correct in saying my take off run would go to about 80-90 metres ? just a well educated guess.... or would it stay the same considering the actual takeoff weight is well below the MTOW ?... i can not remember where i read it but i remembered the saying... Low pressures and high temperatures will cause a decrease in airframe and engine performance....(i got no idea what this pressure stuff is but will learn one day) think it might have been said in the BAK..... i remembered this as my Model aircraft engines when tuned on a standard day will preform better on a cold day (better air density easy to breath) than on a hot day (worse air harder to breath)... will these things like density altitude really effect an aircraft of this nature..... to an extent of actualy worrying about.....(not trying to ignore the situation but trying to get to grips of what i will actualy use in practice) i like this emoticon just had to say it...
  17. i have contacted michael with a few questions and dont want to hound him to death... i will contact him to ask him and will see if he responds.
  18. hi all thanks for the replies. i do fully understand i will need a compass and will be installing one and learning to use it properly, i just forgot to list it in my list of things to buy........(after all i will need it if my DG goes dead) WOW has clear prop got these on the website... if not get them on there IAN.... (i know you are busy but i almost overlooked clear prop and would love to buy from the store to support the site) i have just learnt something else, is XCOM the better radio ? i have heard some shocking radio calls lately and love the radio in the jab... i will endevour to find out which one it is and will probably stick to it. aircraft1 i will be buying just the kit from them at this stage but will have to have a look at the site again but i think the prices are a bit old... but before doing anything and when the time comes i will send michael an email with what i want and get a confirmed price. so the list sounds good ?
  19. Well i am putting together a little list of bits and pieces i might need if the X-Air Hanuman goes ahead. i am working out what i will need, what i will want :) , what it will all cost :( . what is everyones idea on instrumentation ? this is what i had in mind... and please excuse me if i am wrong with some of my ideas this is what i am here for... for you all to proof read my so called set up... ASI,VSI,ALT,ELECTRONIC TURN CO-ORDINATOR AND DIRECTIONAL GYRO. (correct me if i am wrong ASI,VSI and ALT are static instruments and require no power whilst the electronic turn co-ordinator and directional gyro only require DC power) i decided an attitude indicator whilst nice would be a waste of time as i will always be under VFR, and before you say it i want a DG as i feel they are easier to read than a standard compass. engine instrumentation would be (for rotax 582) Engine rpm With built in hour meter,water temp,EGT. and lastly battery voltage and was thinking of a charging ammeter? and xcom 760 radio? last but mot least WHERE CAN I GET ALL THESE BITS FROM IM AUSTRALIA ? Regards Adrian Lewer
  20. Hey everyone, need some input here. i have decided the X-Air hanuman might be the way to go in regards to building and flying my own aircraft. but i have hit a little hurdle. i need to know how do i figure out which prop and gear box combo (on arotax 582) will be best for me. i am wanting quick acceleration from short strips and will be willing to loose a couple of knots cruise. the hanuman will cruise at about 65kts and will be willing to let that slide to 60kts in the search for better acceleration and climbout STOL. should i go 2 or 3 blade ? not sure here... with the gear boxes i dare say the "E" box is the standard ? all i need to do now is buy the bloody kit........ oh please mr bank man say approved..... oh and where is the best place to buy instruments ?
  21. hi, nope i have no idea of why i would need to calculate it on a day like that... my guess would be airframe/engine performance ? is this correct ?
  22. Ah excelent. thank you. please let me know when they are in an i will fix you up.
  23. i got my new ERSA last week on friday from the ballarat aero club :( sorry i to did not know clear prop would have them :( . on a good note though... does clear prop have WAC (3556)(3469)(3470)(3546)(3547)(3356)(3357)(3340)
  24. Ah new they where somewhere, thank you kindly.
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