Hi all I have been doing some research today and am absolutely horrified at GA Instructors at the moment. they just want cash... (nothing we do not already know)
I want to convert from RAA to GA and as far as I am aware all I need to do is a conversion in the 152 (or whatever it may be) 2 or so hours
do 2 hours IFR 2 hours
show the instructor I can do nav's 2 hours,
controlled airspace 5 hours ( and as far as I know I do not have to do this solo as I am already solo ?)
so there is 9 hours lets call it 10 and be done with it then I need to do the BAK and PPL exams then I am done ?
is this correct.
1 school told me I need to do 40 hrs min and RAA hours don't count. I told them they do, we had an argument, the young instructor got the ****s and threw his paperwork around and stormed off, I asked a friend of mine who instructs at a college his thoughts and he gave me this ammunition (below) . I went back an showed them (him and his CFI) and they said OK maybe in 30 or so hours with a CTA ?
30 hours ? WTF how can they justify this ?
Private pilot (aeroplane) licence: aeronautical experience required
(1) For the purposes of paragraph 5.77 (1) (f), a person’s aeronautical experience must consist of at least 40 hours of flight time as a pilot, being flight time that includes:
(a) at least 5 hours of general flight time as pilot in command; and
(b) at least 5 hours of cross‑country flight time as pilot in command; and
© at least 2 hours of instrument flight time.
(2) The 40 hours must be recognised flight time that was flown in a registered aeroplane, recognised aeroplane, helicopter, gyroplane, glider, power‑assisted sailplane or group A ultralight.
Another told me they do count and I would be expected to do it in 20-30 hours ?
I have asked why so long and they tell me I need to go out in an aircraft and do nav'x's and show I am competent, show I can fly the A/C, they I need to go and do PFL's in the A/C (as far as I am concerned I don't) and when I ask why 20-30 hours for this 1 instructor's ansewr was (so you can get use to faster A/C) despite me telling him my previous hours and A/C flown ?
I am lost am I barking up the wrong tree here ?
I did find this but as the instructor pointed out it is wrong as the BAK and PPL Exam are on the wrong side of the line. He also says 20 odd hours ?