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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Thanks Dick, yes Ian was lapping it up, if he keeps it simple like that he will be a great instructor. I think his neck was hurting by the end of the session as you had to keep pulling on the chain to make him slow down :) .
  2. Hi there everyone. I have been down to see Dick today and have nothing but good words for him and the crew down there. They helped me to no end and went through what was required from me. I will be sending off my paperwork on monday and as soon as it is all back I am packing the sleeping bag and heading down there and spending the week. I came away today with a better understanding of Load system Charlie and also take off performance charts for the PA-28, never before has anyone sat down with me and explained it properly, THEY DID. no question was to stupid nor did they treat me like a "bloody rec pilot" I feel sorry for them as they will now have me hanging off them looking for info the whole week I will be there..... I will admit on the way home and after spending all the day down there I have forgotten one thing of which I hope someone here can help me with. It is do do with the take off performance chart. the fourth section relates to "ambient wind component - KT" is this the headwind you have or the crosswind component ? I am sure it is the headwind you have but just need to check as I am a little unsure... to figure out headwind from a wind of 340 at 10 KTS rolling from RWY 36 I should fill in this area as a head wind of "9 KTS" and keep in mind I have a crosswind component of 3 KTS which the A/C is capable of IS THIS CORRECT ? if so I have the hang of this for this particular A/C. Cant wait to spend a week down there. I would like to thank Dick and the team.
  3. Hi Dick hope to get out there to see you tomorrow. you are right and this is what I am trying to get round is the people trying to ripp me off, 40 hrs minimum and my hours don't count... for me this is like buying a house, I am after the best deal but don't want to buy a **** heap hence my poking and prodding...
  4. Don't Know what to say... I really do't... I am sorry, I felt pain when Decca went, I am so sorry mate. Keep you chin up and just remember you will always remember her.
  5. Hi there,not after noise just want to know the facts. I agree that GA instructors just want to make a wage but after todays talking it is obviouse they (ok I should not put them all in the same pot) are only after money and I don't think that most GA's don,t know how to convert RAA to GA. My major point here is how some schools are just out to make money. 30 hours. I would like to see someone justify this...... only 10 hours off the minimum of PPL ? I have spoken to Dick and will be hopefully seeing him tomorrow. he is one of 2 schools I mentioned earlier that have dibs on my training at the moment. Would like to actually see CASA and the RAA work together to come up with a training solution for us to work to.
  6. Hi all, tomo that is the problem, I don't understand the load system nor the performance charts. other than that I think I am quiet competent. hence the reason for wanting to do the BAK course. I thought 10 HRS would have been the go. See what tomorrow brings...
  7. yep I will give them some thought but I think I am on to 2 half decent school ATM... just waiting to go and see them. 1 of the schools I went to was actually not far from them. the Vic aero club and they wanted me to do the whole syllabus I am actually trying to find the wording but I have found out that my instrument flying which was 1 hour will count towards my PPL instrument flying.
  8. I agree they said "oh we will look into it and get back to you" but I would rather give my money to someone who does there best to get it (so to speak) and has my best interests at heart not there own (financial) interests. I have found a few schools who do RAA/GA but they are not local some over 5 hours away. I did however find 1 school who was in there words (unsure) of the process and grabbed my name and number. they got back to me with between 10-20 hours but also I liked it when the 10 YO instructor said to me " I think the best thing to do is get you into the 172 and see where your at" I thought this is the attitude but this place is 3.5 hours away. I am thinking of actually just going there for a suck it and see meeting. but 3.5 HRS ? It gets up my goat that I have 3 airports with in 15 mins of my place and none of them want to know me... Now having said all this I am interested in a full time course in BAK as I am rusty and have trouble understanding some aspects of the syllabus.
  9. While I am on the subject I must make mention of this. I am not the worlds best pilot, nor will I ever be I am not after someone to "GIVE ME" my PPL but at the same time I don't want a cash grab either. If an instructor points out I am great in one part and not another well then we need to work on that but as for showing me stuff I know over and over at $225 per hour forget it.
  10. Hi all I have been doing some research today and am absolutely horrified at GA Instructors at the moment. they just want cash... (nothing we do not already know) I want to convert from RAA to GA and as far as I am aware all I need to do is a conversion in the 152 (or whatever it may be) 2 or so hours do 2 hours IFR 2 hours show the instructor I can do nav's 2 hours, controlled airspace 5 hours ( and as far as I know I do not have to do this solo as I am already solo ?) so there is 9 hours lets call it 10 and be done with it then I need to do the BAK and PPL exams then I am done ? is this correct. 1 school told me I need to do 40 hrs min and RAA hours don't count. I told them they do, we had an argument, the young instructor got the ****s and threw his paperwork around and stormed off, I asked a friend of mine who instructs at a college his thoughts and he gave me this ammunition (below) . I went back an showed them (him and his CFI) and they said OK maybe in 30 or so hours with a CTA ? 30 hours ? WTF how can they justify this ? Private pilot (aeroplane) licence: aeronautical experience required (1) For the purposes of paragraph 5.77 (1) (f), a person’s aeronautical experience must consist of at least 40 hours of flight time as a pilot, being flight time that includes: (a) at least 5 hours of general flight time as pilot in command; and (b) at least 5 hours of cross‑country flight time as pilot in command; and © at least 2 hours of instrument flight time. (2) The 40 hours must be recognised flight time that was flown in a registered aeroplane, recognised aeroplane, helicopter, gyroplane, glider, power‑assisted sailplane or group A ultralight. Another told me they do count and I would be expected to do it in 20-30 hours ? I have asked why so long and they tell me I need to go out in an aircraft and do nav'x's and show I am competent, show I can fly the A/C, they I need to go and do PFL's in the A/C (as far as I am concerned I don't) and when I ask why 20-30 hours for this 1 instructor's ansewr was (so you can get use to faster A/C) despite me telling him my previous hours and A/C flown ? I am lost am I barking up the wrong tree here ? I did find this but as the instructor pointed out it is wrong as the BAK and PPL Exam are on the wrong side of the line. He also says 20 odd hours ? http://www.rvac.com.au/files/flighttrainningstepsv3.pdf
  11. yes I do, funny I ordered some from somebody but they did not deliver the second lot... LOL
  12. Hi all, Just a quick note to say hi & to let you know that John & Rod were working on replacing the fuel lines in the Gazelle yesterday from the fuel tanks to the catch can. John noticed that the brass valve was leaking. Rod came over & was replacing the hoses & on taking the brass valve apart found the rubber one-way valve had disintegrated. This allows the fuel to flow both ways. Maybe a good idea to check them out, Michael can you tell Neil about this also please. I will enclose some pics to show you what I am on about. Steve Bell told John on phone this morning could be caused through ethanol in fuel. Regards Sue & John Wiggett How She Looks Now
  13. Hi Guy's thanks for the kind words. No australia post for delivery. they are useless.... (but I don't tell my mother that) Parts ordered today and some materials bought as well... looks like I am making a move along...
  14. And.................... Where are the Pics Mate.......
  15. Thanks Guy's if he is anything like his brother he will want to do the lot... drilling and Riveting. Talk about slave labour.
  16. Hi all have some good news, Have a new addition to the family I would like you to all meet Mason Derek Lewer, Middle name after a friend who passed away not long ago ;) Born on the 24-06-2010 at 0427 with a MTOW of 6 Pound 12 Oz (Which is what i weighed) Bubs had a slightly bad start but is now home doing great with mumvand will not need any further treatment. Will need to get a baby seat into the Zenith ASAP. Here is the progress on the Zenith And just some time for fighter jet training and a Coffee This is where she is at now, Not so strong, just waiting on some sheet and will use the removed bits as templates, If I remove anymore now the project will become unstable and might crease behind the T/E This is How she looks now This is part of the paneling I will be replacing see how it is all rippled and creased BTW How do I get this flat as to keep the hole alignment ? And this is the Fuselage king in the port side just behind the T/E at the root I intend to straighten this and use a doubler longeron along it for aproxx 1 foot either side Slowly she is coming along.
  17. Cheers guy's Will check it out now.
  18. sounds good... let hear some more...... need a truck load...
  19. Hi all as it suggests I would like to borrow a heap (few hundred) cleco's 1/8 for my rebuild on the CH 601...
  20. Hi Guy's, Does any one have a few hundred cleco's I can borrow ?not sure of the size 1/8 and er... will have to have a look and get back to you all but you get the picture... am getting close and to keep costs down need to borrow or steal them..... I have the wing stub skins off and the port side forward fuse skin... will work on the wing stub T/E and turtle deck tonight. Found the left and right top longerons are both bent to a right direction so will need to massage them back straight again they are not bent but more so just teased, so they will be ok. have found alot of bolts and nuts that are different sizes but used in the same spot ? alot of work to do and will bring you more pictures tonight as they are uploaded. PLEASE LEND ME YOUR CLECO'S
  21. Hi XAIRVTW, The problem is you can't sand aluminium ? it is a big NO NO... The Paint on this A/C is laid on heavily hence the reason i would like to get rid of it all and start again. I think it is also Acrylic so my 2K job on the top will not like it, I have decided on going 2K for a number of reasons. 1. I have used it before 2. I am not going to operate outside VMC 3. I will not be flying in heavy rain constantly 4. Much cheaper than Aircraft Polyurethane's After much Advice from My friend and others from here this is my plan of attack. Use Applied Chemicals 8770 Paint stripper/de carboniser the surface to be treated. with a scraper top to bottom scrape all paint from the part from top to bottom use scotchbrite pads and scrub the part top to bottom with running water once dried via air use Henkel Alumiprep 33 then use high pressure hot water to remove and once again air dry with compressed air.then treat with Henkel Alodine 1201 and once again hit with high pressure hot water and compress air dry. I will then use Automotive 2K primer on the surface and repeat with all other surfaces to be completed. Once all airframe parts are at a Primed stage I will start my Painting process and paint parts individually such as tail, elevator, ailerons, wing's, rudder fuselage and other various parts. I will most likely paint in PPG auto.
  22. Hi all, Went to see a friend today who is a Aircraft engineer and has every ticket under the sun, He has rebuilt aero commanders, pipers,cessna's, and lots more. This was his advice and he also showed me a Piper (or actually 3) he is rebuilding from the ground up at the moment. Firstly use an aviation approved paint stripper as they do not create corrosion but are not as effective as automotive stuff. He has a complete Di Assembled tail of one of the pipers in this state. He said to go over it twice, completely rinsing the stripper off with a HOT water Gernie at high pressure. At this stage you can leave them " AS IS " for a later date or continue on. If you decide to leave them you will need to paint strip one more time before moving on so he said just start when you are going to paint the lot. after you have let the Panels totally dry you need to apply acidic detergent gel, (can't remember what this is for but he said it was important). this needs to be removed by hot water and the pressure washer. After this you need to apply Alodine 1201 Which he said he buys crystals instead of a liquid based stuff. this is applied to the parts to be painted (just after they have air dried) via a spray bottle, gently rubbed in then allowed to sit for 10 or so minutes, then pour water over the surface and see if it beads or you get a film of water over the surface. you are looking for a film of water not a bead. once this is done pressure wash in hot water again and allow to air dry again. then you need to use a urethane compatible primer (he uses PPG Paints) at this stage you can store the parts without hassle just keep clean but he said just to paint them straight away. Then onto a top coat which is a PPG Aircraft paint. aprox $1200 for 8 litres " OUCH " he said you can use automotive paints for out up to 100 KTS aircraft as we don't see the harsh conditions and we are in VMC but if you fly in rain it will eventually kill leading edges. I am hoping to help him to prep and paint the pipers and also help him re build another aero commander to gain some valuable experience. Will keep you all posted on how I go.
  23. Ok Guy's I have downloaded the "How to Paint your own Aircraft" Book and It basically describes tequniques. Does not give descriptions on products used ETC. From what I have gathered it is ok if I get water ANYWHERE within the airframe inside wings ETC but not to get paint stripper anywhere inside ? What if I was to for arguments sake paint strip an aileron all over with out covering any holes up, then when it has done its job remove paint with scottchbrite and then hit it with the small gernie I have to remove the paint stripper from the cracks and from inside the aileron (if it found its way in) make sure I rinse it well so there is only water inside and outside of the aileron then let it dry up. use the stuff to etch the aluminium and then paint ? How does this sound ? will the water that has dried up inside the aileron or other parts effect it as long as I have removed all the paint stripper ? My head is in a spin...
  24. Ok so if I take each of the 4 rocker covers off and get 100ML of oil in each of the Cylinders then put the covers back then turn a couple of times that will be fine ? What about putting oil in the plug hole ? goes in the same place ?
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