Thanks for that, I will sit down tonight with the plans and study it to 100% understand it.
Now for the next question.
I am going to be replacing most paneling due to dings, creases, ETC but how do I get the same rivet hole patern from the sheet ? For instance, my leading edge needs to be replaced so I drill out, remove, push flat onto new material, trace it, carefully markholes then drill ? Is that it or will the aluminium loose it's shape if I bend it back ?
The radius of the bend is not to big as it is the leading edge and is quiet a big chord.
As for the rest of the pannels, the majorority of them are flat so this would (hopefully) be simple,and most of the front is new so no holes to match up, just plumb bob, square up and drill out.
Only thing stopping me now is money. Need to do somthing about that don't I eh.
Whilst on the subject of money props spring into mind. What choices do I have, keeping in mind I have a 3 bladed warp drive hub which is servicable.
Would like to substitute a little speed for faster acceleration and shorter T/O roll
any sugestions on props and how much are they ? ( I know not slot of change from $1000)