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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Thanks guy's. should be in use by christmas or just after. I would put it in something but the bloody 100" R/C cub is to small ?
  2. Hi all I have been a bod bad boy and need a spanking... I have my Rotax 80 HP engine just sitting on the floor of the garage (covered) and was thinking last night... "this aint good for the thing..... what about rust" Well What can I do to provent crap from forming in the cylenders ? I was thinking of pulling the plugs out and putting 20mls of oil on each CLY and turning over by hand a few times and then just turning it over a couple of times a week by hand just to keep the oil moving ? What's your thoughts ?
  3. thanks mate. Wish tax time would come so I can get some green to finish this thing. Hopefully Will be having 6 months off soon and will be able to finish her off..
  4. I flew with Derek on a fair few occasions both locally and on a few NAVX's and I can tell you he was one of a kind. Great bloke and a friend. I logged on to Rec Forums at 8:00PM and was confronted by the grim reality of what had happened, A call to Sue made it even more of a reality, A dear mate is gone. I tell you I have never felt that hurt before and hope I don't again.derek had a re lapse over 6 months ago but he fought it to the end, I am glad in a way he went quick and was in good spirits and glad he got to go to his first fly in. Rest in peace my good friend now you have wings of your own and I am sorry for breaking my promise to you... but I only cried a bit, and when I fly I will be thinking of you, (here I go again)
  5. :hittinghead:
  6. Hi everyone, I have spoken to "bush pilot" but it was not him ;). Felt like a complete dickhead writing an essay Tobin and getting " no John here " I had a chucckle to myself. Thanks for putting it out there Though bubbleboy much appreciated. Well thanks for jumping in the thread John much appreciated but I have a couple of questions. Do I need a wiring loom for one or will a motor straight from the car work with a home made loom for the dizzy, starter motor ETC if I need the one from the car which part of it or all of it ? This is what I am thinking of doing based on what I have read and heard. please but in if you have any comments. Buy a running motor even if it is in need of attention. Remove from car and mount on test stand Buy a redrive reduction unit, EA82 inlet manifold,Wade 240 cam 1.75" SU carb,EA71 crank pully, buy new rings, bearings have the cylnders honed, have the heads decked by 1mm, acid wash parts and re assemble myself. My only concearn is the distributer. What type ? What modifications ? After it is built test the engine on the stand with prop. What timing should be used ? Cheers.
  7. Have spoken to Peter and we will hopfully continue our coversation tonight. I will also shoot of a pm to John ( bush pilot ) as I would like to still play with the cheap one for hands on experience. Thanks guys and if anyone has anymore info please feel free to post here.
  8. Can anybody let me know if the have a builders manual for the HD or HDS ? I have a full set of plans but no builders manual. Also does someone have a HDS plan set or atleast the wing plan set from a HDS ?
  9. Ok guys got the rivet thing under control now, my only drama is understanding what's ment by "pitch 40" or "pitch 300"
  10. That's a nice job on the U/C 87. I am now just waiting for a few things to happen at the moment. Minister for war and finance has forbid anymore spending. My computer died 2 weeks ago and the new one cost me my repair on the CH 601. The new baby will be here in 3 weeks so I will have to wait 4-6 weeks before doing anything but this is good as it has given me time to reflect on certain aspects of the rebuild and understand it much better. Does anybody know where I can buy new wiring for my instrument panel.
  11. Hi all, I am looking at buying a used Subaru EA 81 motor. The motor has no log books but is said to be in good condition with good compression. The owner does not know how many hours are on it as he bought it on an "as is" basis. The question is. What do I have to do to bring it to a 0 hour STD or even just to give it a freshen up ? Where would I get the parts from ? Subaru ? What would be involved in an overhaul "parts and dollars " ? Cheers.
  12. I am thinking maybe a cheap thruster ? I can not believe how much these microlites are ?
  13. Like a Jedi "I was never here" Dont know what your all talking about.... Yes PPL is next up for me as well.... straight after the 601 Rebuild...
  14. I was having a leisurely fly a couple of months ago and was keen to ring avalon to see if I could go for a squirt through the guts if it was not active.. I rang the tower and introduced myself and said I was a RAA low hour pilot not PPL GA but was flying a Xponder equipped A/C and was it possible if I could have my first flight through avalon if it was not active to get from melton to barwon heads. He replied that Avalon was active but had low traffic and continued to say "are you comfortable to fly on the outskirts from the proving ground direct to barwon heads which will give you a bit of a buzz" I replied "hell yeah" so he said report to me over the proving ground in 45 mins. so with that I quickly planed a bail out plan (just in case of diversion) and I was off. Got to the proving ground and reported "avalon tower jabiru ****) he then proceeded to call back and I reported avalon tower jabiru **** reporting proving grounds request track direct to barwon aerodrome, (mean while I could hear this bloke talking to airbus comming in over the you yangs beside me :big_grin: he then came back jabiru **** decend 150 sqwak **** and with that replied jabiru **** decending 150 sqwak **** At this time I was just in awe of this big thing only a stones throw away I felt like a real pilot. upon getting over Geelong I hear Jabiru **** I replied Jabiru **** he came back asking me to return xponder to 1200 and have a good day, done the reply Jabiru **** xponder 1200 thanks , With that he came back and said Jabiru **** glad to help out. and with that I completed my first ever (LEGAL) aispace penetration Wether or not I was allowed to do so or not I am not sure but hey I had permission and made myself known beforehand even rang the tower to sus it all out.... The way it sould be planed especialy for people like me who don't have much experience.
  15. Another view of the welds. Here is the engine in the F15, I would like to oneday build a CRI CRI and install 2 of these up front..
  16. Hi there, I have been thinking about it for some time now. I was just about to start but a bargain came along and I went with that. but might build one some time in the future... Where are you with the build now ?
  17. Hi all is it possible to build your own trike ? is there any reputable kits or plans ? want something cheap to paddock bash with...
  18. LOL now thats an idea, one I did not think of. will ring allen tomorrow. The scattered rivets are not scattered. I have actually found the reason for the supposed scatteredness (if thats a word) (nope spell check found nothing) Not sure if you can see, but the little flap sticking up on the port side under the rudder pedal is actually not suppose to be there ? it is a makeshift repair from the (non) reported accident, I have had a look under there and law and behold.... old damage........... Glad I am re skinning the thing and stripping it..... whoever done these mods should be ashamed of themselves, especially to have sold it on to the bloke of whom I got it off... (well his insurance company anyway) Here is the engine mount I promised the other day. This one you can clearly see the mount is bent and the plate was hacked into place to supposedly stop it from bending more ? This is my F15. Half the size of the CH 601 have had a couple of PM's due to others being in the model side of things and even was able to get a set of plans to another member for a model he had seen in the background of one of my pic's (the orange and white thing on the bench) Does anyone need a Garmin Ariel and a garmin mount ? if so drop me a line with what your willing to pay,swap and its yours.
  19. Thanks Ozzie, just as I suspected. I will have to lay the old skins and do it that way. Good idea about undersized holes first, I would not have thought of that (this is why I ask the question) all the rivets are scattered no formality anywhere. Just going into bunnings as we speak to look around and see the different sort of rivets you can buy. Maybe even make sence of the sizing thing.
  20. Thanks for that, I will sit down tonight with the plans and study it to 100% understand it. Now for the next question. I am going to be replacing most paneling due to dings, creases, ETC but how do I get the same rivet hole patern from the sheet ? For instance, my leading edge needs to be replaced so I drill out, remove, push flat onto new material, trace it, carefully markholes then drill ? Is that it or will the aluminium loose it's shape if I bend it back ? The radius of the bend is not to big as it is the leading edge and is quiet a big chord. As for the rest of the pannels, the majorority of them are flat so this would (hopefully) be simple,and most of the front is new so no holes to match up, just plumb bob, square up and drill out. Only thing stopping me now is money. Need to do somthing about that don't I eh. Whilst on the subject of money props spring into mind. What choices do I have, keeping in mind I have a 3 bladed warp drive hub which is servicable. Would like to substitute a little speed for faster acceleration and shorter T/O roll any sugestions on props and how much are they ? ( I know not slot of change from $1000)
  21. Yep definitely going to look into the XL nose leg. Just having a beer in the shed and was having a close look at the bottom of the plane, the entire wing centre section needs re sheeting as the bottom has been crumbled, I could save it but as I have said I am building this as if I was keeping it for myself so it must be perfect (although I know I will sell it for a J430 Kit eventually) Alot of work ahead, The metal bill is around the $2500 thus far, which includes all new skins, rear longerons, firewall ETC. 1/2 my $5000 budget. Lets see how we go, Paint will be another killer, pop rivets, tools ETC plus me wanting another canopy (as the one on it is poorly attached) On the subject of rivets, my plans call for arguments sake ( A4 Pitch 20 OR 3 X A4 OR A4 Pitch 40) rivets ? What does this mean ? and can I use bunnings rivets (as I have been told) or do I get aviation ones ?they are "Blind Rivets" Forgot to take the picture of the engine mount, ah well sitting in bed on the laptop... you can wait. Cheers All.....
  22. Your right about the welds, I have not welded since I was 17 and actual tacked the nose back on for transport, done a better job than whoever did it. Wait untill you see the engine mount you will laugh somthing chronic. The zenith CH 601 XL was the model grounded in the U.S as they had suspected weak points in the wing. Mine is the CH 601 HD and as far as I know there have not been any failures of any kind that where design faults EXCEPT the nose gear does have a habbit of breaking off so I will be modifing it with the XL nose gear which rectified this problem.
  23. Thanks Encouragement goes along way....
  24. 20/04/2010 Firewall Removal Today I removed the Firewall from the fuselage (FUZZ ) Removed all mantles and then drilled out rivets, as you can see when you get into it, it really does not look to bad. Just waiting on the E-Mail from performance metals for the Quote on metals.
  25. 17/04/2010 Aircraft fuselage arrives home for the strip down and assessment. As you can see not alot of room hence why I will be doing the rebuild in installments. And you can see my other hobby R/C helis and jets. And The Engine
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