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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Absolutely Agree, Crankshaft runout was checked, Engine leak down was performed as well as the gear box, clutch assy, and the rear stator (not sure why but bob who done it says it was necessary to check) Apparently (have not got the engine log book back as yet) all figures are perfect and the leak-down was above average.
  2. Fuselage is now home in the shed, busted another drill bit last night, Damn I hate that, thats 4 now. Have to buy a million clecos now. Well yes it was, not sure if I should mention how much but not a lot at all. now the engine is back with a clean bill of health I have had an offer for the engine alone which would double my money back, and another offer of what I payed for the A/C, for the engine alone and the supply of a 1250 hour old cert rotax 912 80HP in return which would mean I have a plane for free ? but I want to keep this motor. This is also why I intend to strip it and inspect it all, and I will still have a cheap A/C
  3. Hi John. Been wondering how you have been going. Must get up and see you. Yes please let me know the name of the product. I might use the parts I am replacing as a test bed for different tequniques and products after I have formed new parts from the old ( will make new parts as per plans but cross ref with the old ones) come to think of it. Does anyone here have the skills to help me make a few parts off the plans such as a firewall ? Willing to help (actualy I want to) to learn a new skill but don't understand the whole plot method used for the firewall and ribbs. I have a full set of plans here and might even consider building another complete airframe when this one is flying. To build off plans is dirt cheap and YOU get to handle the quality.
  4. Thanks Ultralights they where my thoughts. Engine was ok'ed today by a rotax authorized repairer. come back with nothing wrong and apparently leak down was above average for a engine that had been sitting, this makes me more happier and wealthier ? or does it ? Engine log book will be filled out when I catch up with him to pick it up :0 Received A complete set of plans in the mail today. thanks to the Zenair distributer in bendigo (allan) as the set that come with the A/C where only partial ? Now I can start and make a list of T6 sheet needed to complete my Airframe Repair. This Is The Turtle Deck With Ripples As you can see even the canopy is botched up. I can fit my hand in the gap ? This Is The Port Stub Wing It is not even riveted to the ribbs ? Port Lower Longeron With A Kink ?
  5. Thanks Tomo. I am looking forward to the rebuild. The A/C was built by a TAFE as a project under 2 instructors (not sure what type ) the A/C was then rego'd under GA. The plane was sold to someone who then sold it to the person who had the accedent. I then purchased it from the insurance company. The A/C was involved in an accedent some time ago which was not reported to RAA or CASA as I have been told by numerouse people who know the A/C history. I will post the pictures tonight of the damage which occoured on the first non reported accedent. Hope I am not stepping on anyones toes by reporting and doccumenting this here but hey, it's now my A/C I have limited Experience and need the advice and feedback to make this A/C safe for me, my family and those on the ground.
  6. I also did not like this..... here is the wiring wrapped around the fuel tap bar ? This is my reason for a complete strip and re build to my standards. I will most likely be popping every rivet on this A/C just to check all is ok. This will also make the paint strip and re spray alot easier.
  7. 11/04/2010 I wanted to remove the complete wiring system, Engine, Instruments Etc for a straight forward Repair. Engine Out I removed the wiring by literally chopping it off at the firewall. I was not happy at the install of any of the wiring and also wanted the chance to tidy it up and with wiring, I just wanted to start fresh. Removing The Seats And Centre Console For Wiring Access Removed the seats for easier access to the flooring. Also had to remove the centre console to access the wiring up to the headset jacks...(not looking forward to re wiring this thing back up) This Is What I Would Like To Fix I don't like the way the aluminum can chafe the fuel lines and electrical connections. Turtle Deck And Old Fuel Tank Removed Now removing the instrument panel The top turtle deck front will be replaced with new T6 sheet as the old one had a couple of creases in it. Engine Mount Removal Engine mount was bent. also had a repair from previous damage so it has to go. only 4 bolts. Horizontal Stab Removal Only 4 Bolts hold the Horizontal Stab on. I removed the control cables from the top and bottom... was surprised that the control cables have split pins but the 4 bolts holding the tail on don't ? This Is The Damage From The Inside I have not fully looked at this area as yet. to busy with stripping the Fuzz. My 3 Yo son Julien loves flying and had his first flight in a J230 a couple of weeks ago. Everyone Needs An Inspector Taking The Photos
  8. Hi Guy's I am going to get a thread going on my CH 601 HD rebuild so I can have some sort of Log of what I have done and also so others can see what can be done and also give me advice along the way. This is me in my new baby The cause of the nose gear collapse and the result
  9. LOL... Fuzz is just slang. Not sure if there is a aero paint shop around. was going to go to the local panel shop and get paint from them. 2K... So you suggest a bit of espionage ?
  10. Where do you go to find things like "Aviation Approved" paint stripper ? Is there a shop ETC like skylines at moorabbin airport where you can buy maintenance stuff ? To be honest I might remove most skins on the entire A/C and inspect it all anyway as I am not happy with the way the A/C has been maintained. I will strip most Fuzz sheets (most need replacing due to dents ETC) most wing sheets as well as the Horizontal Stab. the rudder will be a new kit so I will strip the paint with the sheeting off the A/C to avoid any contamination of hidden orifices. Why go to all that trouble you ask ? well most of the fuzz sheeting will need to be replaced, the ailerons need to be re sheeted, Rudder is new kit anyway, and the rest I would like to inspect as I said the build/maintenance quality is not to flash
  11. Health warning !!!! Flying in the state of california may cause cancer
  12. So its like prepsol ? used to clean the surface ?
  13. Thanks for that OZZIE. A big job ahead of me Me thinks...... What happens if water finds its way into the airframe ? this is my biggest concern. What is MEK ? When I have done the above and sprayed with etch primer (the green stuff) what do I do ? Just give a light scuff and paint the 2K ?
  14. Thanks Frank, but wont the water affect the Aluminum ?
  15. Jeezz what a great help you lot are ;) What sort of paint stripper can I use ? any old MOTOSPRAY crap from autobarn ? Is it simple, just like a car ? apply let it sit and scotchbright it off and wash with water ?
  16. Hi guys I have decided to replace some paneling on the CH601 and would like to know the best way to remove the old paint from the remaining surfaces in preperation for a colour change.
  17. Hi CloudSuck. Yep checked my Aircraft AD book and they have been done. it has the new canopy latches. Will be starting a blog online discussing my build.
  18. Thanks Guy's. Am now back from my holiday and will be making a few trips to the field to have a play with her.
  19. Well I am wet around the pants and would like to hear your advice on a few things. My intentions are for a full strip of the fuzz and replace most of the bits as the aircraft was un officially involved in another incident (kink behind the port wing in the longeron) not a part of this incident and the engine mount was also repaired (badly) so I will have to drill out all rivets and inspect, clean, paint strip and re prime (maybe even replace most parts) I will do the same for a the wings and most other components. Will also remove all instruments and fuel components and re assemble with new parts where needed (all fuel lines will be replaced) When it is finished re paint White. Why you ask, well you need to see for your selves. the A/C is in a fairly poor state and was not really looked after (built) well.. so for my own piece of mind this is what I want to do. it wont cost anything to do (except my time) and a few sheets of aluminum and some stock. So now I need to learn how to do all of this properly and safely, so who is out there who is willing to give me a helping hand to diss assemble (or come over and give me pointers) assemble, and do the general help the man with no idea thing ;) Also I am hoping to gain my level 2 accreditation from this ? can this be done ? With the engine I will need someone who can inspect it and sign off that it is airworthy again after a prop strike (to keep certification) but would also like to do it myself to get my level 2 accreditation so I can do it in the future. So as you can see I need lots of advice on where to get A/C grade aluminum, What paint stripper to use and how to do it, and special requirements in doing so, how to cut aluminum without getting microscopic cracks yada yada yada... sorry for rambling, am trying to type fast as I am about to leave for my first holiday in 12 years in about 30 minutes. Thank god for the iphone now I will be able to post on the move ;)
  20. Thanks Guy's, It still has not sunk in... ( I have my own plane ) Here Is me sitting in it. Will have to get Busy with the build when I get back from holidays. By adrianlewer, shot with KODAK C340 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA at 2010-04-01
  21. Hi all I am excited to announce I have my own plane... Nothing flash, But a Zenith CH 601 HD. Aircraft has been damaged in a landing mishap where the nose-wheel collapsed but the aircraft is very repairable. Has 303 hours TTIS same as for the 80 HP Rotax Certified engine, some instruments are new and some old but as for the general outlook, all will be well with alot of TLC. Pictures to come.
  22. Great and I might have just bought a 601 ? marvelous ?
  23. Which schools in Vic have a J160 GA Rego'd ?
  24. Hi Foto, that is the way I interpreted it as well. any one else care to let me know...
  25. Hi dude how have you been. Have been getting ready to move. No flying lately, It has been about nine months since I have sinned. Will be doing some flying definitely in May, Will come and visit you.
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