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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Hi all just thinking again and would like to know if the Zodiac CH601 XL would Qualify in Aus as a 19 Reg.. Cheers.
  2. I want one !!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. yeah would be nice if the WX gods gave us a chance... (and my boss) LOL
  4. Nah its igle piggle from "in the night garden" Man get with the times LOL. you have kids and look what happens.
  5. Thanks for re kindaling my fading dreams you mongrels LOL. Yeah the little man is just over two and a half now and has been the best experience of my life. This was us last week flying his first R/C Airplane... He can hover My helis as well....
  6. Rule of thumb "8 Hours bottle to throttle"
  7. Ok, What is involved in obtaining your Instructor Rating ?
  8. New Jabiru ? It is the one on the top of the list at the moment but am unsure if I have what it takes to build one ? If we build or buy one Kirsty will be the owner and I will be the one who it is registered to Like Brent said. I like the Insurance Option though great thought.
  9. Hi All I have a question for you all. If I buy a second hand A/C how can I tell If someone has finance on it and wether or not it has been used as security for the loan ?
  10. In my opinion there English was not bad (readable). Try flying out of YBLT a few times DECCA (and others who fly there regularly) will agree here, You might as well turn the radio off. bloody disgraceful. I can understand the radio calls of which people who make mistakes with proper radio procedures of which some of these are (as long as the point gets across) but when they are just un readable... Not good enough. one solution I think Is for (people who do) to stop trying to be a big shot and pronouncing quickly. slow it down and I think alot of people will be surprised at how readable these calls are. When I make calls I sound like an absolute Idiot speaking so slowly but not once have I been asked to "say again" Just my 2 cents.
  11. I agree with most here. I am at the middle end of the scale, trying to get my first A/C flying. for some people they can only afford a drifter or thruster and are happy as pigs in mud to be able to be one of us special people who can enjoy aviation, and those who can afford it are still happy to fly these in this manner as it is only them and the A/C and it is a form of freedom. A thruster without a radio and Xponder is just as safe as a jabiru with Xponder and radio. It is us as pilots who make the flying safe, correct visual checks and safe correct flying at the correct altitudes Etc will make it all safe. But I will say when aircraft like this are being flown common sense should be used and not flown in areas where fokkers (I got the joke slarti) or other "larger" A/C are being flown. Lets not loose sight of what the Raa stands for. If you want the mod conns go GA Just my thoughts.
  12. none of ya business shmuck ;), not much just siting at home doing nothing. are you hanging for a fly ;)
  13. Reminds me of a time I was caught out flying a certain Gazelle ? (see my trip post) the cloud and rain just appeared in about 2 seconds flat. All I could do was call for a forced landing ( follow my training, Prolong aircraft and Aircrew life ) due to WX and done so at an airfield (thats how fast it came in) lucky I was close to an airfield. wether it is due to weather or darkness some things just don't go to plan. Although the reports said I had time mother nature just thought otherwise. you are right It does take a man to admit his mistakes and we should not get upset when these things happen, as long as we have lived, thats what the training is all about.
  14. Can we all go for a fly now ? Can someone buy me a plane to fly in J120 would be nice
  15. Love it !!!!!
  16. Now we have kissed and made up, takes a man to admit a mistake and or apologize good on ya.
  17. I will say 1 thing for the GAY zell though, they land better than a J120,160,160 anyday, just love landing them, They just seem to land nicely for some reason ?
  18. $200 hour for a GAY zelle ? Dual ? Merv is right its robbery. I was paying $170 Dual for a new J170 ?
  19. LOL I will come up and visit don't worry.
  20. Hi all, does anyone have a supa pup 2 seater flying ? if so can I have some info on spec's and your thoughts ?
  21. oh yeah and I did find something wrong with mine so far, no room for baggage weight, I will add this ASAP.
  22. Yeah you bet it is a coincidence, kinda funny. mine looks better. ;)
  23. what an absolute pisXer LOL. just had a look at the one you guy's recommended and mine looks like a copy. I have never seen one of them before and I created this one off the top of my head.... great minds think alike... ;) going to add a little more to mine. I wanted something simple to follow. the front page of the GA one looks scary.
  24. Hi all, just thought I would share with you what I have done to help my navigation. it prints out in A5 size so fits into the knee board quite nicely. as you all know my nav's have been a bit ordinary with organization and while I still arrive at my destinations I needed a little help. I have not refined it as yet but all please leave some feed back as to what you would do to improve it. %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img210.imageshack.us/img210/6054/cjt167.jpg[/img]
  25. :thumb_up: thanks brent. would love to see a Jab being built if anyone is building one ;)
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