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Adrian Lewer

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Everything posted by Adrian Lewer

  1. Love my iPhone, Jailbroken and loving it, have had mine since the 3G was released here and had a 2G for 2 years before that. cant wait for the 3.0 firmware to come out. can do so much with it, interface is user friendly and work great with my mac. :)
  2. Hi dave, read a couple of posts up and you will see i can no longer attend due to the aircraft I had booked being er..... not allowed to go into avalon with me at the helm ? Yep will be over Shepp soon to have a coffee and a fly with ya.
  3. I will be there on the saturday or sunday ? when Is everyone going to meet at the Raa tent ?
  4. yep my thought exactly find a paddock and go for it BUT I don't want to ever go up to the owner of the airplane and tell him the bad news about his up turned airplane/damaged Etc. I know its Insured Etc but not the point, its not mine so don't damage it. If you remember I borrowed someone's aircraft recently and unfortunately had to park it outside due to WX, I was not specifically told not to but all the same (not mine treat with respect) I will however be slightly more adventurous when I have my own Aircraft and am responsible for the well being of it financially, not that I intend to break it but hey I will own it.
  5. What is the update big pete ?
  6. Thanks Captain, I have just had a look at the thread and he will be flying in on thursday and staying for a few days. I am looking to fly in for the saturday only, also I was looking forward to being the "pilot in command".
  7. Hi guy's who is bushy ?
  8. Well good luck guy's I have just been informed that I can not hire the Jabiru 160 on the 13 14 of march for the airshow although I booked it months ago. After all this planning, saving, ringing Avalon organizers, Raa people, speaking to GA and Raa pilots who have done it for advice and getting my GAAP procedures all sorted out ( and flying over avalon twice to check out the layout and visiting once on the bike) Etc I am..... Well to say the least ... Disappointed. Excuse was The plane has been booked by someone else. but I know the flying school just does not want me to fly it into avalon although I booked it months ago. For me to hire a plane now would be almost impossible, and I would have to do an hour or so with the people who own it to show them I am a competent flyer, or if It was a 230 Etc would have to do a conversion and then a few hours on the friday beforehand to become familiar enough with it blah blah blah...... Upset is an understatement..... absolutely shattered and somewhat angry. At-least I have done some work here of which might have aided someone else to have a go at getting in. I do expect pictures and reports, If I yell at you for flying in please forgive me.
  9. LOL funny this my Wizz wheel died, mangalated itself ? don't know how. I will buy one of the mini metal Wizz wheels as soon as I can
  10. good thread, on the other hand, I had my area freq and TX on and accidentally wandered to close to moorabbin airspace, heard an aircraft call melb radar and report my position (I was described as a jabiru ultralight thing) I switched over to moorabbin TWR, then I replied callsign Etc and where I was and what I was doing Apologized and was directed by Moorabbin TWR. Felt like a dickhead but problem solved for all concerned,
  11. Here they are on the original Post. http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/general-discussion/21694-come-aussies-i-want-show-hands-3.html
  12. Here We go some pics of his KR-2S %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img9.imageshack.us/img9/2438/sany0374zn6.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img15.imageshack.us/img15/2702/sany0373ao4.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img9.imageshack.us/img9/9966/sany0372wz7.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img10.imageshack.us/img10/2123/sany0370gl5.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img14.imageshack.us/img14/3787/sany0365bs3.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img9.imageshack.us/img9/9708/sany0364og8.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img13.imageshack.us/img13/4640/sany0363fl3.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img11.imageshack.us/img11/9327/sany0362mr8.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img10.imageshack.us/img10/5978/sany0360re1.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img] %5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//img24.imageshack.us/img24/5945/sany0360gs2.jpg By adrianlewer, shot with E7 at 2009-02-14[/img]
  13. Hi all, I have done a fair bit of flying in a J170. They float unfortunately but this is great for the beginner. I find most 'Jabs like a Full stall Landing including the LSA and J160. You Approach at full flap at around 60 Kts and when you flair you just keep holding off untill you are at the 30 odd cm from the ground (like the person in the last couple of posts mentioned) and just keep holding more and more elevator in untill the stall warning goes nuts and keep feeding more elevator (without gaining height) and voala you have a great landing and will in most cases get rid of the nasty nose wheel sensitivity people talk about. Just how I do it and it works.
  14. Totally Agree with all, but Geoff saying you will not get caught out is not entirely true but with the intent you intended you are correct. If you fly and LEARN Correctly you will be able to use PROCEDURES of which have been mentioned to get down safely such as Engine failures, WX conditions of which are not as notam'ed ETC YEP I have had my bike L's for 8 months and ride a CBR 125 Every day is an adventure .
  15. Thanks for that. I think due to the cost I will stick to my original plan. 77K for what I want on the Estimator :ah_oh:
  16. yep true. what would a RV-7 kit be worth plus an engine ? Allot of $$$ I imagine
  17. LOL He has stopped. He will get the bug again. will endeavor to get pics tomorrow. Cant wait to start mine. He stopped a while ago due to buying a long eze. now he sold it he has re-kindled his energy towards it. As I said I will build 2 of them. 1 for me and 1 just because the tooling will be there.
  18. WOW just had a look at the build of the RV-7 which looks to be just what I want but hey I think it is a lengthy build. Might keep the KR-2S on the go I think.
  19. Hi all just wondering what a recon 0 hour lycoming 0-320 is worth. Am looking at a RV-7A kit. Was just a passing thought.
  20. Yep not bad but has tubular Fuz which I don't like. think I will keep on going with the KR2S.
  21. I just thought I would post this here just out of interest. I will be making 2 of them together 1 for me fully flying and the other Airframe only and the only reason I am doing this is the biggest battle when building is the tooling and to have the tooling already in front of you means you can build the second one in 1/4 of the time. Not sure if i will sell the second or keep it but still like the idea of building with someone else.. Want a Rotax 100HP constant speed prop ( would like retractable U/C but we will see), Xponder and all the modd cons. Here Is what I posted. Kr2s - Recreational Flying
  22. Hi all I am looking at building a KR2S in the very near future but am deciding on A few things and need some advice. the cable type for the rudder,ailerons and elevator are return cables.. I like the ones jabiru use in there kits my question is can i use them on the KR2S ? if so where can i get them and are they easy to make or do they come in a set length ? I just don't want to make all the bell cranks Can I use the Epoxy resins and poly resins from this place http://www.solidsolutions.com.au/ I think she will go like a zurtec with a rotax 100 HP and CPU I have found a few places to get all my meterials from apart from Certified wood. Where can I get this. There is so manny ways you can build this aircraft i think no 2 built are the same here is a link or 2 to the aircraft in mention. http://www.fly-kr.com/ http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/index.html http://www.krnet.org/krs/hfurle/
  23. nope, got an e-mail on thursday. J430 NVFR KIT is $70K There goes my dream of a family plane...
  24. Why do you wish you lived on the other side of town ?
  25. I Am looking for someone to come with me into Avalon East on the 14th If anyone is Interested ;)
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