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Everything posted by Bernie

  1. I think your right Mick, no one seems to be wearing them around the field even Tony P who slept with his on.(hehe) I never had mine on at any time and have never been chalenged. Bernie.
  2. Good one Motz, except it dont work for me I'm dislexic I caint count I have to fly by sight alone. It was a real eye opener for my instructor to find away for me to learn to fly. But I sort of understand what you mean. I was taught the ten mile marker. Also I can not use a wiz wheel, but I do have a small one with only two calcs on it time and distance. Which I can use to varing degrees of getting it right some times. Good thread but mate. Bernie.
  3. Hey Graeme just a thought Bob M from the aero club has a unfinished Jab in his shed and probably wont be finished by him might be worth a look. Bernie. Ring me.
  4. miss by that much Hi Tomo didnt know it was you till winsor told me, I was in the Cessna beside your Jab. Next time "A". Bernie
  5. Decca Once met never forgoten SeeYa Mate. Bernie.
  6. I had a lift up "A" frame on hinge at rear of trailer to mount at rear of Gazelle if you look you will see a hole where to mount it. Bernie
  7. Cooloola Cove The 182 belongs to Rod Robertson callsign EVC Bernie.
  8. Hey Ross great to catch up again since Camden Haven.
  9. I'll see you there Mick. Bernie
  10. I still have a 20lt drum.
  11. Human Factors How would this rate in a human factor test, yesterday I was going on a flight with a fellow club member as the pilot, there were two other aircraft on said flight we were the last to leave. At the reqired level when the take off flaps were retracted they failed to do so, two up full fuel is was straining to get to hight and speed at 1,000ft pilot reduced speed to try and retract flaps,after several attempts we returned to the airfield and landed. At which point I elected to abandon my seat and remain on the ground, the pilot then left without me and done a flapless take off.(they worked on the ground) Did I make the right decision? Bernie.
  12. Good onya Kaz & Matt.
  13. Hey Pete. I have a scanner on 24/7 and I've heard many a heavy inbound to Hervey bay doing radio calls but still on Brisbane atc. Also many years ago a Kingair flown by you know who, done a straight in aproach to Ymyb while I was on down wind for 17, lucky for me I did see him he was still on Ybud so even the Pro's get it wrong some times. Ymyb is a ctaf R. A radio wont always stop accidents.
  14. Hey skyfox99. No I dont own one of those gps's you must have seen it on someone else's site. Bernie
  15. Hey Chris. You could try Tony Kerr at Gympie. BERNIE
  16. Hey Rob. My Vampire is still for sale and open to any offer Bernie
  17. I put the stop watch on start up this morning 14 seconds to load I'm on Telstra. Bernie
  18. Its sow at my place to Ian Im on broadband. Bernie
  19. Hi Carl. I'm also interested in your Vampire Pic's. Bernie
  20. Oliver "Madeline Park Stud" Castra
  21. As the others have said great report brings back memerories, my Wife and I were down Tassie Feb/Mar as it is now last year for one month went with caravan. You flew over my nephews farm new Ulverstone. We went to all those places you mentioned and even by road they are great. We did go flying at Oatlands in a 172 witch used to belong to our travelling companions Don & Lieth. My wife and I are flying back on the first of Feb this year to attend my nephews wedding (Virgin) the plane not my nephew. See you at Echuca.
  22. Also to you Decca
  23. Did they get a discount on the shirts Ian. To all the Forum members I've met and all those I've yet to meet.Merry Xmas and all the best for your flying new year.
  24. Well done Ross. Great photos Jack
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