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Everything posted by Bernie

  1. Look at my avatar , I'm at zero alcohol when driving . But happy hour means I'm parked for the nite . Cant just toss the keys away till morning . Bernie .
  2. boral green? Maybe Bunnings flogged it. Bernie .
  3. Was part of my training , plus one with both CDI's off midway down wind at Hervey Bay . Bernie ..
  4. The Vampire next to the shed was mine 25-122 . Bernie .
  5. My motor home has almost 800,000 Ks on the odometer , I use straight 30 grade oil If I use multi grade it uses oil ? Have never put additives in the engine . I get 4.5Ks to the litre towing our car behind or not . Bernie .
  6. Kyle the trick is to find out Floods source and buy from them. I just bought a engine brake air compressor for a third of the price in AUS and they no doubt buy from who I bought from . The air compressor is for the motorhome .. Bernie .
  7. Not impressed with braking RF up into two sections Ian . Just my thoughts. Bernie .
  8. I was a passenger in it many years back . Bernie .
  9. Israel .
  10. Beat you by thirty years Ian 50th coming up next month . . Sorry for contributing to thread drift . Bernie .
  11. Must be popular Ian I come here every day exception being if I'm camped up with no internet . I don't read every post only those of interest to me . I don't post myself very often . Bernie .
  12. Media kept calling it a "ultralight" Bernie .
  13. Ian there is no remember me button I have to log on each time . Bernie .
  14. I only see/look at unread posts . Bernie .
  15. Andrea (spelling) down Gympie if you can get in touch with him h seems to know a lot about the flying flea . Bernie .
  16. Has mid wing crossed your mind Bex ? SV Vampire ? Bernie .
  17. My mistake about being a Rapide twas the Dragon , did go in the DC2 cost a quid for that flight over Sydney Harbour Bridge . I lived under the circuit area so seen most planes back then but was to young for identifying any . Bernie .
  18. I used to collect beer bottles 10 shillings a hundred then take a joy fly't at Bankstown airport in a Rapide .(early 50's) Plus mucked around with models , still have two of my old engines one diesel one glow plug . (made our own diesel fuel in those days .) Bernie .
  19. Not overly keen on being locked out of certain sites here Ian . As my avatar suggests I don't fly as PIC any more , but If I cant see what's going on with the RAA there's no way of making a decision to re-join . Just my thoughts . Bernie .
  20. Was good to put some face's to a few I hadn't met before . Bernie .
  21. RIP . Bernie .
  22. Yes Ian its faster then before even out of High speed internet , but now governed by Bigponds crappy speed . All to try and get me to buy more data which I wont just to annoy them . Bernie .
  23. The problem for me Ian is when I loose my high speed connection usually around the last week of the month how will it be then . This and one other forum I belong to are the hardest to connect when my speed goes . I don't have unlimited internet . Bernie .
  24. I met Chris a few times sorry to hear of his passing . RIP. Bernie .
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