I have one of Ian's head sets bought back when the Echuca flyin was , Ian will remember date its escapeds me ,but the head set has been a good investment .
Bernie .
I was a passenger in a tail drag Cessna landed at Archer Field I was looking at the aircraft on final behind us next I was looking down the runway .
Pilot had used to much right brake .
Bernie .
I'm 68 this month I have never understood the metric system I'm numbers dyslexic .
I only have imperial tape measures at least I some what understand the old system as it was bashed into me .
It was also a challenge for my CFI's but as the instruments where in imperial I could cope .
To this day I cant use a wiz wheel . But I can fly a plane and read a map .
Bernie .
Your going to have to tell me where all these things you want me to check are Ian...I don't know.
Was working before you fixed things that weren't broke?
And if that's the problem do I then have trouble with other forums I belong too.
No mobile phone Ian just my laptop on w8.1. Dont own a smart phone.
Across the top I have the three stripes in the corner then the email thingy then the red flag a pic of the world and a up arrow?
plus my avatar
Still cant see any mark forum read either long or short.
I only go to the forum page I don't use anything else.
So where is this button its not where it was and on my computer cant be seen.
My very first ever flight was in the aircraft at Bankstown, from fading memory 10 shillings was the cost some time in the mid fifties.
Thanks for the photo Gandalph. There was also a DC2 on line went in that as well.
All of my instructors [there were several GA-AUF] pulled the throttle on me at some stage of the day.
The worst was first take off one was thinking more of getting the little bugga in the air.
But every day it was done even if I had done 6 touch & goes it would happen
I think they all watched me for the right [in their minds] time to do it.
Was good training for what may [but never] happen.
Frightened one CFI in Maryborough Qld when I done one myself [pay back] hehe.
Videos are no good to me Ian they take too much of my limited down load time.
It took almost 5 min just to get into your site, yes its crappy W8 worst program on the planet.
Also don't use facebook and don't even know what twitter is.
Gongrats from me as well Tomo and your wife, now I will give you a challenge/competition Carol and I have been married for 47 years last month.
Here's the challenge beat that and I will buy you a beer , Who said I wasn't a big spender.
There has been a lot of really large 'willy willies' lately in the Biggenden area, I witnessed a wheelie bin thrown into the air about 20/30 feet and landed about 100 yards away
Just missing a car on the Isis Hwy. So if the aircraft wasn't tied down that could have happened to it?
Just a tad off topic, but I have those elbows and joiners in my motor home, not the one in the avata a differant one they hold pressure without any leaks.
But I don't use them for fuel, so can't comment on such.