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Everything posted by Bernie

  1. Yep some time back in the late fifties at school in Kinsgrove NSW.
  2. A strange thing happened to me as a low time trainee. I was doing circuits at Hervey Bay when the instucter told me to fly over to Maryborough and do some touch and go's. The runway had just been resurfaced and no Keys or center line. I found it hard to do a normal landing without visual signs. I think my instructer was on the ball that day and he took me outside my comfort zone. Bernie.
  3. My first solo in a Gazelle was at Hervey Bay in 2000, I had a Shorts 360 ( the RPT then) wait at the gate while I landed. He congratulated me on my landing....I was stoked . A good landing and a pro telling me so. Bernie.
  4. That bloke is a serial complainer has done so in the local paper for years. There is also one opposite Maryborough airport always complaine about engine noise, the best one he done was complain to the aircraft maintanance shop about the load noise eminating from there. It was a F111 that done a dummy touch and go, I was there. Bernie.
  5. As Pud said GOLD hope I'm that young at your Dads age. I'm already there with the hair cut. Bernie.
  6. Stay on the ground. Bernie.
  7. Good post Mick
  8. Do you have photos of 24 3382. Bernie.
  9. I seem to remember you were one of those who didnt see the Ape Ian. Bernie.
  10. Hi Mick I'm trying to be there, not in the bus in the Avata my new one. Depends on the school Hols I'm away for two weeks this Thursday. Hey to "H". Bernie.
  11. What about the smile on your own face Tomo, bet that takes a while to go. Well done. Bernie.
  12. A bit harsh Turbo. I thought he asked a fair question. I cant help Riley. Bernie.
  13. Mick I would have paid big money to see H ride that bull. Bernie.
  14. Your not alone out there rgmwa, this is the only site I have any problems with. Bernie.
  15. Just another thought, I removed thr PPT from the stick on my Gazelle to the panel next to the throtle. Gazelle owners will know what I meen lifting ones leg over the stick ment some times knocking that little red button off. Once removed all good as ones hand is most times on or near the throtle. Bernie
  16. Mine went off yesterday morning some time after 5am
  17. I owned the blue one for quite a few years winsor68. Bernie.
  18. was the site down early this morning Ian I couldnt get in, also slow to load as you know I'm on wireless, also away from home in hospital nothing major. BERNIE
  19. Ian I have people excluded from my email address so I dont see what they send me. If any "rep" was to have Rec flying as junk mail they wont see your emails, hence not respond and then be put in bad light for not responding. Ian I'm not junking your endevers, just saying what I think this being a sort of democrocy. Bernie. Inserted quote formatting - Mod
  20. Ian as I said just my thoughs. Is not a closed forum dictating? That would exclude all RAA members who are not members of Rec flying and there are some who visit this site as guests. Also there are members here who are not RAA members and they would be privvy to our "dirty" washing. Putting a question to a "Rep" doesn't mean he will answer or even see the question. Putting the "Rep" in bad light if no answer. Bernie.
  21. I dont agree with this plan Ian. Smacks of Dictatorship. Just my thoughts. Bernie.
  22. Hey Turbo, I have one of those but you see it, has numbers on it and thats my problem, numbers. I can use it to a degree(pun) time and distance, but have to be shown each time before flight or its just another jumble of numbers. Bernie.
  23. Hi Joe, how bout a pic of your Nav-Aid Rule. Bernie.
  24. I dont concider 1 mile left or right of track to be off track. For those of you who dont know I'm dislexic I can not do numbers in my head, I fly by site alone. So the 1 in 60 rule dont work for me. Bernie.
  25. I still cant work it out. Bernie
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