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About mark_k

  • Birthday 24/02/1992


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  1. Hello, I need to purchase some book for my private pilots class. I was wondering if there is an online store that would sell text book type flying books. It looks likes all the book I need are by Jeppesen. I'm looking to avoid the campus book store if at all possible. Thank you.
  2. Where I'm at it is. I'm near St. Louis.
  3. Just the ground classes would be free. I'm figuring that I'm looking at about $8500 max for flight time just rough estimate from the prices the coordinator told me. I figured that's not to bad.
  4. Thank you for all the input. I believe the college doesn't own an airplane. I spoke the the coordinator and I asked about the estimated cost per hour for flight time and he said it would be between 140 and 150 an hour. According to the coordinator, they use the simulators to cut the minimum in plane flight time to 40 hours. One of the big reason that I looked at the community college is due to having a 529 plan. Basically, the only cost that I will have to pay for is books, equipment and fees. I know the college has been teaching for at least 30 years and they are partnered with a local university's flight program from commercial pilots. The certifiicate consist of flight theory, part 1 private flight training, simulator private, part 2 private flight, and flight meteorology. Thank you. I was wondering if anyone has used the Airclassics HS-1 headset? I saw Wicks has them listed for about 115 with a lifetime warranty. Thank you.
  5. Located in Illinois about an hour from St. Louis Mo. Looking to get my private license.
  6. Hello, I will be starting classes in August for my private license. Have a couple of questions and not sure if jumping the gun or if these are valid questions. The community college uses simulators to help cut down on the amount of in plane time you will need. For the in plane portion, how does a person go about contacting a instructor? Would that be something the classroom instructor would go over, or is that an individual thing. Also, would there be any equipment that I would need for in the plane, or once again that something the instructor would tell me about? I am meeting with the head of the program next Saturday. Are there any question that you guys know that a beginner should ask? Thank you for all the help.
  7. Hello, I am from Illinois and looking to get my private license. I just enrolled at the local community college in their private pilots program. My father use to have a license back in the mid 80's to early 90's but then had to give it up due to health reason so kind of doing this for him. I hope to learn alot about the process all the requirements that will be involved form you all. Thank you.
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