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Everything posted by gibby

  1. Little to much air in the fuel tanks by the sound of the report, good outcome in the end. Pilot is going to be busy answering questions from the authorities today
  2. If you can buy a brand new 172 for $350k, I would buy 20 of them and on sell them. Base price US$370k, convert the Ausy dollar makes around $450k, plus freight, plus GST. You are looking at close to $500k A 1981 172p was US$34k
  3. I believe old mate is in a world of strife, hasn't done a flight review in years, no current medical, Police payed him a visit when he landed in Yarrawonga and he abused them. He is apparently a LAME, he also had an incident in the RV6 a couple of years ago when he had a fuel blockage on take off, took out the undercarriage when he dropped it back on the runway. No doubt it will be a very interesting conversation with the authority's
  4. He has some good points, to be so sure of what happened I would be interested to see how many hours he has done in a Beaver, and his qualifications on air crash investigations. He may be very qualified at google!
  5. Statement from the CEO Statement from Aaron Shaw, CEO - Statement from Sydney Seaplanes regarding the aircraft incident at the Hawkesbury River, 31 December 2017 Yesterday there was a... tragic accident involving one of Sydney Seaplanes aircraft in the Hawkesbury River, north of Sydney. As we know all six people on the flight (5 passengers and 1 pilot) have lost their lives. All at Sydney Seaplanes are deeply shocked by this incident and the resulting loss of life. We wish to pass on our heartfelt condolences to the Bowden and Cousins families and the family of our pilot Gareth Morgan who were tragically killed. Gareth had worked for Sydney Seaplanes on two occasions, the first from 2011 to 2014, after which he went to fly seaplanes in the Maldives. He then returned to working for us in May 2017. He was an extremely experienced pilot, with over 10,000 hours total time, of which approximately 9,000 hours was seaplane time. On a personal level he was deeply respected and liked by me and all of the team here as a man and as a pilot. He flew my family and I to Palm Beach just before Christmas. We are devastated by his loss. I have spoken to Gareth’s parents, who live in Canada and offered our deepest sympathies and we will support them in any way we can. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the NSW Police and all that were involved in the recovery yesterday, this would have been a harrowing task and we are extremely grateful to them for their work. Aaron Shaw Managing Director Sydney Seaplanes
  6. Not sure, but has been kept very quiet
  7. Accident Cessna 172S Skyhawk SP VH-VSO, 15 Nov 2017 Pilot ok, aircraft has seen better days VH-VSO
  8. I hope the two involved are getting better and make a speedy recovery. Daimond aircraft have a pretty good safety record. There is fairly major damage by the look of the photo
  9. There is one major problem with the worlds environment and its not two stroke engines. Its population growth, population growth means economic growth so no government seems to mention this. Have a look on flight radar at any time of the day all over the world and you will see the massive amounts of airliners in the sky at one time. Calculate the amount of fuel they are burning and a few old two strokes are not going to make much difference.
  10. Politicians all lie, if you think she is the only one telling tall stories to suit themselves, your sadly mistaken!
  11. Sheldon Jones has done this sort of thing before, give him a try Contact us and learn to fly
  12. One person trapped, another treated for injuries after light plane crash near Port Macquarie - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  13. Investigation: AO-2017-063 - Engine failure and forced landing involving Jabiru J430, VH-OFR, 17 km S of Bundaberg, Queensland, on 18 June 2017 Atsb report
  14. This is not a political forum last time I checked, its a rec flying forum, I am saying she turns up in a aircraft that is what this forum is about and the other turns up in a $5 mill jet. We as tax payers will be paying the bill. Love her or hate her this can only be good for rec flying
  15. I believe there where 2 politicians at the races, one turned up in a twin engine jet, the other turns up in an Australian made aircraft, I am sure we all payed the fuel bill for both so do the sums, this is why she has such support in the country.
  16. It all started to fall apart when Delux Coachlines went belly up, they used the terminal as a transport hub so there was a constant stream of people visiting which in turn had the restaurant busy. This all came to a stop and visitation to the airworld museum dropped and the councillors at the time decided to sell the collection. Not much happened there for quite a few years then Precision Aerospace (the late Murray Griffiths) leased the hanger from the council and did mostly warbird restorations, after Murray died Doug Hamilton purchased the hanger from council and took over Precision Aerospace, he now restores all sorts of old birds but mainly P40 Kittyhawks. Doug has started to do adventure rides in the P40 or Harvard and has plans to set up a small museum to showcase his collection and the process of rebuilding warbirds. There was talk of a certain flying school that trains mostly Asian pilots coming to Wangaratta last year and the council was looking for Government funding for airport improvements to lure there business but that's all gone quiet.
  17. Maybe the pax had a moment and assisted the pilot of the runway, not sure wether duel controls are available for pax in the L39, next time they are at my local I will have a look
  18. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1431495320195356 Denzel on the main stream media, pretty well nails it! Touch off topic but can explain media reactions
  19. Nothing has been reported, it looked like the aircraft taking of took evasive action and banked sharply to the left. I am sure ATSB will have studied the vision and spoke to the other pilot involved
  20. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1380861511955930 Another video of the accident, at the start it looks like it collided with the Cessna float plane which immediately turns back and lands. condolences to the pilot and pax family and friends
  21. There are a couple of these videos on youtube. From another website this is allegedly the company involved, not good for a commercial flight. I am not saying this was the reason for this accident but it dosnt paint a great picture!
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