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Everything posted by Rastus

  1. VH GOV Glider with OTHER landing gear Manufacturer: SCHEMPP-HIRTH FLUGZEUGBAU GMBH Model: NIMBUS 2 Serial number: 70 Aircraft first registered in Australia: 26 November 1974 Year of manufacture: 1974
  2. The voltage rating is the maximum volts the thing can handle. There can be transient voltage spikes well above the nominal 12V system voltage. A 40V rating gives you a bit more ruggedness. Happy to help. If the regulator turns out to be cactus, there was a guy in Ipswich who makes a replacement that was designed by Klaus Grimm a while ago. It may be a suitable replacement. I haven't used one 'though so I don't really know. Perhaps someone on this forum has used one and may be able to advise if it is any good. http://www.powermate.com.au/ Good luck
  3. Certainly do not join the wires together! The capacitor is connected across the positive and negative connections to the regulator. If connected together, you will have dead short in the system. As Mark say, make sure the replacement has a voltage rating of at least 25V. Preferably higher. Element 14 in Sydney have 22000uf 40V. http://au.element14.com/kemet/als30a223de040/cap-alu-elec-22000uf-40v-screw/dp/1572897 Not cheap, but what is when it involves aeroplanes? Robert
  4. LADY's don't fart. They pass wind. So my Grandma used to say.
  5. From the CASA register. Surely it's the same aeroplane? How many T-18's were built in 1972? VH CMC Power Driven Aeroplane with TAILWHEEL-FIXED landing gear Single Piston engine Manufacturer: AMATEUR BUILT AIRCRAFT Model: T-18 Serial number: V14 Aircraft first registered in Australia: 20 April 1972 Year of manufacture: 1972 Full Registration
  6. It's listed in the CASA register
  7. Just back from a week at Darling Downs Soaring Club hosting some Kiwis. Plenty of puss taking from both sides, and 6 days of glorious weather. Bit of gliding, bit of towing, bit of carousing. All good fun. Robert
  8. Sensitive usually has 2/3 pointers with the longest indicating 1000ft per revolution. Non-sensitive usually has only 1 pointer and may indicate as much as 10000ft per revolution. Then there are the ones that have 2 pointers and the long one indicates 3000ft per revolution. Found mostly in Eastern European gliders. Robert
  9. Tennis balls with an appropriate size hole cut in them
  10. Has any body install one? Yes if so what one? Airmaster Constant speed http://www.airmasterpropellers.com/ Did it perform as expected? Very well Issues with it? None Did you get any performance increase over your original prop? Never flown the aeroplane with any other prop Other inflight adjustable props you have tried? None Europa Classic Trigear with 912ULS Climb at gross wt 1000fpm plus Cruise 125KIAS @ 25"map 5300rpm
  11. I was taught by a WW2 vintage instructor and his idea was that co-ordinated use of all three controls was what caused an aeroplane to turn. To this day, I use one of his bits of patter when instructing in gliders: ARE we making a correct turn? Ailerons to maintain the desired angle of bank. Rudder to remove slip or skid. Elevator to maintain the desired pitch attitude/airspeed. Simple really. Robert
  12. Geez, I'm glad he wasn't my instructor! It wasn't released first of April was it? Robert
  13. Splendid!
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