Oh, if only. I am currently a non-member. This is entirly due to business climate and nothing to do with aviation. My flying is a very expensive hobby and got curtailed before I realised I needed to get my five hours done BEFORE my medical lapsed. Such is life.
I can see the same thing happening in GA, every one has the dooms and glooms about the industry. However, I just go down to my local aerodrome and just watch the planes abuzzing around and realise that in my little part of the pond, flying is still OK.
Be a glass half full person FIRST AND FORMOST and then look to see where you can be of help if there is a need for a change. You may find that things are going along swimmingly. There will always be a problem with the how things were brigade..I mean, when I started flying Solo was $18.00/hr and dual was $25.00/hr in a C150!!!!!!
Just be careful of this little gem...In my AOPA mag, one Dick Smith thinks about why he cannot register a brand new C182 on the RAA register...JUST SO HE CAN DO HIS OWN MAINTENANCE!!!:Flush: Food for thought.
If I had the bucks, I would buy two Eurofox's get a mate to do the instructing and get the costs down to something pretty affordable. Aeroplanes live for a very long time, maybe, we shouldn't be trying to recoup the costs so quickly. Servicing costs and wages for something that is recreational and NOT a job makes it difficult to get up a business plan. Aeroclubs yes and not for profit yes..but dedicated flying schools for delivering on a product???? and make a profit for the owner????Is this recreational????
Just spitballing here but sometimes I do wonder if things are really that bad.