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Everything posted by skybum

  1. Sirius..for your information Model AT10- ADSB-OUT – DO260A ADSB transmitter Standalone ADSB OUT extended squitter [ES] transmitter with integrated DO229D GPS. Simple installation – no need for interface to separate GPS source or Model AT10R ADSB-OUT – DO260A ADSB transmitter / ADSB IN. Output: - TIS/TAS [ARINC429] - TA [Audio] Standalone ADSB OUT extended squitter [ES] transmitter with integrated DO229D GPS. Integrated ADSB IN with TAS [ARINC429] MFD display interface. Traffic Alerting [TA] Audio output. Simple installation – no need for interface to separate GPS source Go on...give them a ring and ask how much... Certification is due for the end of this year Q4 2010. If you want a certified bit of kit right now then I suggest- Contacting Pacific Avionics in Bankstown and ask them how much to fit a Trig TT31 transponder. Certified and ready to go NOW! EDIT- WRT the subsidy or cross industry funding. Some considered this a deal breaker if it was not included...I concede to those who accurately point out a number of issues with regard to transfer of ownership, warrantee, tax implications...At the time everyone thought the price of a transponder would NEVER get below $30,000 and more than likely be airline only stratospheric prices...how wrong they were. This was all in the atmosphere of a 2012 low level roll-out with associated decomissioning of en-route SSR radar. Where RAA would fit in is around CTAF® and the ability to fly ABV050. Personally, I believe the best addition is a real time depiction of suurounding traffic. Others argue that you should be eyes out of the cockpit all the time. However, a chime and a look and then a GUIDED look out the window to detect an aircraft that is in conflict than having the aircraft appear from above and forward of your highwing or below your low wing. All it will take is a transponder with an output and any handheld device with the right fittings. GPS, PDA, even a mobile phone.
  2. True, but then the aircraft you have harvested would have to be switched off on the ground to ensure no conflict. I could not see anyone ever being able to do this...we have asked Dick Smith incessantly to demonstrate his allegations for over six years now. It has never been done anywhere in the world. The whole thing comes down to range and ability to interrogate and transmit your fake signals and have them believed by TAAATS...good luck:hittinghead:
  3. I had a bit to do with bulldozers pushing seismic lines a while back. Anyone that has driven one can tell you a non-SALT tracked D8 can be rather unpleasant in a very short time without good ear protection. The forman used to spend big dollars on the best earmuffs you could get, Peltors were his favourite..only see them on rifle ranges and shotgun events not on bulldozers..anyway, in the heat and the dust of western Q, you could imagine things do get uncomfortable. Enter the super cheap E-A-R plug. sceptiscism at first then when we tried them...un-bloody-believeable. End of the day just throw them away and break out a new set in the morning and heaps better attenuation than the Peltors. Years later I had the misfortune of doing a charter for a heavy metal band up to Townsville. LOUD! I asked the drummer how the hell he didn't suffer from industrial deafness...he just showed me his ear...the entire band had ear plugs! Haven't tried those earsets Tommo. However, by my experince from going from earmuffs all day to earplugs all day, I think I will have to have a closer look. Mind you my cheapo Altronics stand up pretty well to the noise of these old GA clunkers. Wearing a hat and sunnies can be uncomfortable with 'em on after a while so another bonus for earplug based headsets. Edit to add a link-Clarity Aloft
  4. Sirius, that is patently untrue! The tech is maturing, the market is spreading and the gear is getting cheaper by the month. May I suggest you contact a local firm Enigma Avionics and see what they have got. A couple of local guys teamed up with a low cost GPS manufacturer and are doing it pretty good. The subsidy was dead in the water before it got going...anyone remember the floor price for wool and what it did for quality? Now the manufacturers are meeting the market. Low cost and higher tech equipment than originally specified in the earlier position papers. the biggest scaremongers have something to hide...Every one person I have met that doesn't support ADS-B uses the single issue of big brother as the route cause of their opposition. I haven't personnaly met Middo, but I believe he would fall into the same catagory...cost is not an issue anymore. You could spend as much money on a handheld non-tso GPS from a well known overpriced US manufacturer and would only be able to use it for VFR only advice. Just want to add this link to an Enigma article
  5. Sain, already done...each ADS-B equipped aircraft has an individual 24bit registraion that must be activated within TAAATS before the system sees you...the issue why some hate ADS-B..an accurate record of who you are and where you have been...landing fees , VCAs, taxes and future tolls... aircraft to aircraft is different, no authentication like Ian's box. So would a spoofer go to all that effort and be discovered after one target conflict. ADS-B aircraft to aircraft is good for that 250nm. So you have a fake intercept. The target sees your fake intercept and imperceptably alters course to fly behind you from over 100 miles away...you now have to change course of your fake to regain the intercept...drastic manuevers in speed or direction because the aircraft is passing behind you...this is highly unusual in the aviation world. One call to airservices..they do not see your unathenticated transmission and your busted! Considering that a large aircraft is scooting along at better than 8nm a minute and your window of opportunity is only ten minutes at best before your spoofed signal fades on the target aircraft...is it really worth it. Spoofed signals in the terminal area are a waste because terminal radar hard paints everything out 50nm. outside 50nm and the big stuff is going to fast for your spoofing to keep up. Not to mention authentication if confirmation is asked for. So you are going to have fun with farmer brown in his lighty...gee what jolly fun to upset a puddle jumper...that will make the six oclock news...NOT! And if this ever did happen? It would make aviation news around the world quicker than you could imagine and a hornets nest would be stirred up. Not to mention anyone operating an Rx unit would be extra diligent for "strange" aircraft that always attempt to crash into you. Why would you bother?
  6. Ian...mate. Exactly! The tech has more benefits than what the detractors wish to throw at it.
  7. I say again ...as opposed to a radio and a timetable...where is a RPG efective? On short final when you are within 1000m. Why would a person of questionable intent want to knwo where an aircraft is 250nm away in "Real Time" when his device is only effective over a short range. Get Real, QWERTY! Why blame a peice of tech when a set of binos or a telephoto lense and a radio is all the disguise you need to get close enough for a shot.
  8. QWERTY, as opposed to a timetable and an airband receiver?
  9. davidmason1...there is a point. nobody takes off thinking they are going to keel over. Guy I know bought a licence and ended up instructing. One day he forget to eat his weeties and the ol' sugar levels dropped and he passed out on a dual mission....luckily for his student the student was advanced and just flew back to base and to the end of the guys career...imagine if he forgot his weeties when he was flying a Gonad full of passengers? 0.55% of accidents involve pilot incapacitation. Cirrus believed that some of their sales can be attributed to the BRS alone. Any pilot would rather deadstick a landing than pull the red handle so why would a pilot worry about having a BRS...maybe it IS for passenger piece of mind?
  10. Would a simple comic style emergency sheet be enough to explain basic controls to enable a simple turn, climb and descent without getting into the realms of a spiral dive or stall/spin scenario. Show the two important indicators only. Airspeed and Altimeter and what will happen when you do something like push or pull on the stick or open or close the throttle. Most everyone understands how to turn an aeroplane, make a limit of how to do a gentle turn whilst maintaining altitude. If they can master that, then go to how to choose something flat and open looking and how to set up a descent and how to aim the aircraft by a sight picture. The last bit is just going to be the luck of the draw to survive a prang at highway speed in a lightly constructed vehicle. Haps better than the alternative of wings coming off in a spiral dive. Will have to experiment with my kids. EDIT- Just to add this link to the US AOPA Pinch Hitter online course
  11. Unless it comes off an animal's back or out of a hole in the ground, Aussie Bureaucrats will never understand it. Pres Obama praised Rudd's stimulus package for proping up AMERICAN insulation manufacturers. With just a sceric of that cash, a high tech industry could have remained Aussie owned. Pearls before swine:censored:
  12. Facthunter, you would only say that about ADS-B if you have something to hide. Current medicals has always been the standard. My PPL is not current so not counted at the moment. I have to admit that the cost and the economic climate have belted me out of the game and am not likely to get back in for at least a couple more years now. I am sure I will be able to get back into it soon.... Mind you, a mindset is a hard thing to change....expense as opposed to value for money...Is flying expensive or.....rewarding?
  13. .....because I CAN fly!
  14. Do not be surprised when GAAP go class D that they still maintain the Inbound Reporting Points. It will also be interesting to see how ops progress at places like Coffs that will also revert to the exact same procedures as the GAAP aerodromes. I am very interested to see what is changed for procedures....food for thought, those towered aerodromes that RAA has an exemption to operate in...do not stuff up....you guys may well be the guinea pigs to allow the rest of RAA access to class D in the future.
  15. Top thread! If you have good instructors, it is something that is just hardwired into your training....allways have an "OUT" plan. EFATO, enroute, where ever...I found I am doing it without even thinking about it. It isn't a fear response it just....planning ahead!
  16. Watched an incident at Tyabb when an RV flipped after a runway incident. Both guys were trapped inside the cockpit with the flip forward bubble canopy. Design principle for me would be a means of rollover protection for a seated/strapped in crew(CT4) and then another means of jettisoning the canopy before the incident. Pulling the pins of the front hinge and pushing up whilst the aircraft is still moving and upright. A guy in the US has modified his pax control stick in his RV with a pick welded on the removeable stick base as a means of getting out of his bubble canopy in case of a roll-over.
  17. Daniel....oh, if only! Damn good idea on paper, if you could keep the politics out of it and shut the nimbys up and not step on the toes of existing operators...it would sound like a goer. I sat down once and counted 35 (or was it 26?) ala's on the ML VTC alone. Most were private but that was one huge number. RAA funded flop houses for transiting pilots and passengers? with a little courtesy car?
  18. Bit of both for me...hands on or reading theory...Best lesson learnt? having the guts to stand up and tell the teacher "I do not understand this", regardless of the stigma that brings upon you. Soloed in GA in under 7hrs, soloed in gliders in under 5,finished rppl and ppl in minimum time...this isn't because of just me... I had bloody good instructors who pushed me at just the right time.
  19. Deskpilot....interesting tech in that car...could this be the beginnings of a powerful quick charging battery for that aviation use...very heavy at the moment but as power density increases (think that is the correct term) weights come down...I like the 3 phase charge in about ten minutes...time for a cuppa, walk around , shake hands... and be off again for another three hours. wonder how long before we see hybrids in light weight applications.
  20. See.....I told you you would only laugh!
  21. David F. I bet you were thinking "Why isn't someone yanking these guys down NOW?" If these :censored:s knew they could lose their privelages, they would act very differently.
  22. hihos...my licence says the same thing...methinks the OCTA thing is like the old RPPL full licence is a lifting off the area restriction.
  23. duhhh, I need to get out more often. QWERTY, exactly. Go-round, the silly thing is already flying...
  24. QWERTY, not having go but need input....sequence would have been in threepoint..power on..fwd stick to pick tail up into takeoff attitude..and THEN you lifted off into a version of an uncontrolled zoom climb??? Now this IS interesting, to lose authority after that is a bit perplexing. If the aircraft lifted off from the tail down attitude then it would have been a coupling issue and more easily explained.
  25. OK, my $0.02 worth...the comment that upon going full throttle the aircraft started to lift off. (Did it lift off in three point attitude?) Really low indicated speed and I would bet lower than the normal takeoff speed. Full flap in a taildragger. Propwash is producing enough lift to takeoff, that same propwash should have given enough authority to the tail for effectiveness. In this situation, is it a design issue? Should the tail surface actually be bigger to counteract? Normal situation is as soon as power comes on in a tailie(Supercub) you go full forward stick to get nose attitude correct for takeoff. Full flap deflecting propwash. Full flap is far larger than tailplane in width...so...if there is any effect where the downwash from fully deflected flaps, it is either pushing the airflow at an unfavourable angle for the elevator to be effective. Or, it is simply blanking the tailplane and putting it in dead or slow moving relative air. Solo so CG will be more forward than two up. Forward CG equals less effective elevator authority. So at lower speeds elevator has even less of a chance of having enough grunt. Good design has increased power providing a nose up couple with increasing lift. So my bet is- slow speed less effective elevator full flap has some sort of blanking effect designed coupling at this speed gives too much nose up with limited authority from elevator to balance this force(hope not...poor design) forward CG makes elevator less effective. I do not think the elevator/tailplane is stalled because the aircraft is already at a low speed..methinks not generating enough lift from airflow conditions. EDIT- draw yourself a diagram of an aeroplane showing angle of attack with chordline of full flapped aircraft and angle of a ttack of tailplane..angle of attack of tailplane will be degrees lower than mainplane Remedy- Bigger elevator or just remember to include checking flaps in go-round or inter-circuit checks.
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