Tell you something QWERTY, take away all the punters at a show and who have you got left? If you are part of the show, you see people in the crowd ...the people who matter...your mates...your representatives in the association. If you see a newb doing something stupid or someone who should know better you either fronted them. Or, if they were a loser and wouldn't listen to helpful advice, you go and see that someone you know and do something about it.
I used to dragrace motorcycles within ANDRA. No matter where I raced around Aus, I knew someone in the crowd and down at the pad and in the pits and knew people within the association. Only raced group 3 but I had mates right at the top of the game in group one. The common link was we all loved our sport. Nobody took shortcuts and we all looked out for each other. It was a privelage to be a part of that group.
What it comes down to was you never did anything stupid and let your mates down. These guys either do not have any mates or have d***heads for mates to allow such a thing.