Bigglesworth, remember the PPPPPP bit and you should never come to grief. As for your flight, good read! I do hope you learnt from your experience and plan accordingly next time. WX, routing, maps, a plan AND the most important of all to ensure your girl is there at the end of the trip:laugh::thumb_up: not to mention that some one knows where you are going and when you expect to get there.
You have actually drawn a very serious issue regarding the equipage of RAA aircraft that have any capability of cross country for any serious distance and that is the fitment of ANY compass as mandatory. You know the bit from your PPL...minimum instruments? ASI, Altimeter, Compass and Clock? Should be the minimum for all powered aircraft.
Going by your photo, I think you have planned Shep to Heyfield area. You are a long way east of Baw Baw not west of it. Also you are getting close to the ESL airspace restrictions so one hopes you took that into your consideration as well. Going around that way you would have struck more tiger country going back up through the East Gippsland state forest area which is far more vast than what you flew over around Baw Baw.
Good story though:thumb_up: Interesting trip as well:thumb_up:
If you have access to Google Earth you can use the flight sim function to fly over your intended route. That will show up pretty quickly how much tiger country is under your wings. If you have a copy of MicroSoft FlightSim you can also fly the route and check out what landmarks will be visible for your trip. The terrain mesh is pretty good. As for just blasting off? Just remember what happened to a certain millionaire pilot out for a short jaunt in a Decathelon few years ago.
EDIT- just to add, you would have also flown very close to the other "Frogs Hollow" near Mt Skene. Which would have put you close to farms down through Licola and out to Heyfield. This is LJR country if ESL is active so do take care to ensure that particular R zone doesn't appear in the NOTAMS