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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. I like photographing aeroplanes. Getting a great photo is very rewarding when it all works out. I haven't ever had any real training in photography but have learnt by looking at photos others have taken. I'd like to start a thread for people to post their aviation photos. I d like to ask that they only post images that they took and not ones by others. That way they can share how they took it and what their setup was. To kick things off I would like to share the photo below. It was taken at the Red bull Air race in 2008 using a Canon 30D and an EF400/5.6.
  2. one more...
  3. and one of the Paul Bennett crosses.
  4. one from yesterday....
  5. and in flight.....
  6. It was a lot of fun today. I didnt take a lot of photos but did get a few of the Constellation taking off. Fire pouting out the 8 exhausts, mist rings forming on the props and the sound......
  7. The wind did come up in the afternoon and the roullets did cut their display but it was still an awesome day.
  8. The wind was up a little earlier but would have to be less than 5 knots now. Lots and lots of people.
  9. A lot of commercial joyflight operators have gone through the approval process at great expense. For them it makes business sense.
  10. There was plenty of space today.
  11. Sad news about the FW190. Lots of people here at the moment. They have just started the connie with a big cloud of smoke. Not many small aircraft have flown in. Perhaps it was the low cloud earlier but the weather here now is great.
  12. There was some discussion back here: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/do-you-need-approval-by-anyone-in-australia.140018/#post-519951 CASA class it as a modification needing approval in accordance with their normal approval process. It isnt user friendly. It is described for all modifications here: https://www.casa.gov.au/file/151936/download?token=MSIynbVt They have this draft AC but it is still a draft. https://www.casa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net351/f/_assets/main/lib100227/draftac23-1-0.pdf Edit: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around.... You asked for the rules, What CASA doesn't know about cant hurt anybody...
  13. So WOI is on this weekend. Anyone else going? https://www.wingsoverillawarra.com.au/ Should be lots of fun
  14. Sorry I compared the Spruce price for the garmin in AUD with the microair price on their website and figured that is was not that different. $1485 (Garmin) vs $1350(Microair) both without GST. The spruce price for the microair is pretty good in comparison. The sound quality of the Garmin is great.
  15. If you are buying a new one at some point in the future think of replacing it with one of these: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/garmin_gtr200.php At $1159 US it is not much more than the microair one and the sound clarity is great....
  16. This was originally posted on the CASA facebook page and there is a good description of the circumstances in the writeup on the Australian flight safety website. http://www.flightsafetyaustralia.com/2014/03/properly-clear-of-the-prop/ In this instance the mags were left live by the pilot. It wasn't a mechanical failure that lead to a hot mag.
  17. You can be pedantic but I would prefer it if you were accurate. There is plenty of class G airspace above 10,000 feet.
  18. The difficulty is that the outcome you want, ( a higher MTOW) may not be possible to achieve. If the aircraft hasn't been properly tested, documented, permitted in the country it was built then CASA and RAAus can't accept it. The fact that they made a mistake by letting it fly at a higher weight doesn't mean that once the have realized this they can continue to let it fly at the higher weight. The only outcome you are likely to get might be some money that represents the difference in value between a high and low MTOW. I.e. The difference between what you paid and what you could sell it for now because that really is the only real loss you can demonstrate. Getting the lawyers involved might speed things up if what you are asking for is possible and simple. If you are asking the impossible then their only option is to fight back with lawyers.
  19. it can also be slight differences in the placement of the EGT probes. This can be distance form the exhaust port but also the position around the pipe. This is because the exhaust gases come out in a very swirled manner. Don't fret too much about temperature difference between cylinders. What you need to determine is that they are all operating relatively as rich or lean as each other. The way to do that in a traditional lycoming is to progressively lean the mixture and watch the rise and then fall of the EGT. As long at they all reach a peak EGT at close to the same mixture setting they are balanced even if the numbers are different.
  20. meanwhile in Australia: http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/car1988263/s256a.html
  21. I think that what you have is a mecaplex vent. They are pretty standard on most glider canopies. They are expensive. The companies website is here: http://www.mecaplex.ch/default.asp?l=en But this US website lists parts... http://wingsandwheels.com/aircraft-parts/canopies.html
  22. I have found this reference good for understanding aircraft wiring systems. Page 14-11 is the start of the section on thermocouples. http://www.aeroelectric.com/Book/AEC_R12A.pdf
  23. The rules are here: https://www.casa.gov.au/aircraft/standard-page/part-101-amendments-cutting-red-tape-remotely-piloted-aircraft As I understand it they have categorized them by MTOW. Anything less than 2kg is now "very small" and can be flown commercially under certain conditions* without an AOC or pilot certificate. A small UAV is 2kg to 25kg and can be flown commercial like activities over land owned or controlled by the owner of the UAV with the same as the other limitations. *The conditions are:
  24. But I don't need to be a member of a football club to kick the ball around the park with a few mates.... While there is some argument that a casual user is less likely to be proficient and current with the convergence of RAAus aircraft and small GA that is much less of an issue...
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