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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. Neil, You are being a goose. Act in a mature manner and you may get mature responses. As for the manual. go here and get the new manual. Page 8 of Section 73-00-00 The current one is Edition 2 Rev 1 http://www.rotax-owner.com/en/support-topmenu/engine-manuals
  2. What is not clear from the article is if the aircraft were inside or outside and if outside how they were tied down. The article says "The storm hit the area the hardest just after 5pm, which lifted concrete blocks weighing more than 100 kilograms from the ground." I hope that these wernt the tie downs for the aircraft or that the news got it wrong(likely). 100kg is not a lot of weight, FAA AC 20-35C suggests 3000 lbs as the capacity of a fixed tie down at an airport which is about 1400kg.
  3. It is interesting how there is a general trend for aircraft to become bigger and bigger over time. With a bigger aircraft comes a bigger engine to maintain the same performance and so operating costs increase over time. Many of the kit makers seem to be doing it. VANS RV6 >>RV7>>RV14, Jabiru and now Sonex. It also seems to happen with cars. Look at how much bigger a current commodore is compared with an early one (VB eara) or the Honda civic which too has grown over time. The market feedback always seems to be I like this but want a little bit more space and so manufacturers respond.
  4. A few options to consider but there are plenty of others. This is a private owner willing to rent out his aircraft and take it traveling arround OZ to people who have a few hours. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~mooney202/ A Sydney based syndicate that has 2 aircraft. They are generally happy for people to take them away for a few weeks at a time. http://www.alphaaviation.com.au/
  5. Just as a reference I paid about $1200 AUD to have a RV-12 firewall forward (including engine and prop) and avionics kit shipped to Sydney from the USA by Airfreight about 8 months ago. This price included the customs brokerage fee(but not the GST). It was a lot more than volume and weigh than a canopy. Vans organised the quotes for the shipping and these were a lot less than I was able to get myself direct from a freight company. For things of this size avoid the courier companies like fedex.
  6. Where abouts are you? If you can find someone who is importing a Vans kit near you the extra cost of the shipping might not be too much.
  7. Wouldn't you want a merlin?
  8. CS-22, the design standard regularly applied to the design of gliders, says that you have to use the material at the highest normal operating temperature if the strength is affected by temperature. It also nominates 54 degrees as the "normal operating conditions" See clauses CS 22.613 and AMC 22.613© I am not sure what the ASTM requires and dont have it to hand at the moment.
  9. That's not quite true. You have to show that the major portion of the aircraft was constructed by a person for their education and recreation and not as a commercial venture. Many times kits are sold part way through and registered by the final owner.
  10. essnden. You can see the freeway and the shops on the south side.
  11. Gear failure leading to wet feet http://khon2.com/2016/02/02/pilot-okay-after-small-plane-lands-in-ocean-off-honolulu/
  12. I would potentially be interested.
  13. Robbo, While these links are interesting they don't really paint a complete picture on their own. One interesting observation in is the change in the dew point spread at around midday at Avalon and 2pm at King Island. Compare the Avalon data at 10:30 with the midday results shows that there was a change in wind direction as well as a significant increase in the humidity during this time frame. This possibly indicates a change in conditions happening from the west and moving through to the east with a deterioration in conditions as the change occurred. The dew point spread can give an indication of the likely coudbase. At midday at King island the Dew Point Spread (17-12=5) would indicate a couldbase of about 2000 feet. The values for Avalon show a similar dew point spread and hence could base prior to the change and so a similar coudbase would be expected.
  14. Yep Dutch roll really. You are relying from a quote in the media, a media who a few hours ago didn't know the difference between a Cherokee and a Cheiftan. There is no context as to what else the witness saw or the time that they saw it. It is very likely that weather played a part but we don't know the full story yet.
  15. This thread stared with a lot of jumping to conclusions and it seems it has continued that way. We don't know anything for certain at this stage other than an aircraft has crashed and people have perished. While the weather is likely a contributor we don't know for certain that it wasn't an IFR flight. We dont really know for sure what the actual weather was at the time and that location. There are many possible reasons and few certain answers at the moment. I have heard people on this site wanting more ATSB investigations. They will be investigation this one and publishing their report with some good safety messages. When that's available we will be able to disect the decisions of the pilot. It's not really a constructive discussion until that information is available..
  16. I am building too but in Australia so this may not be directly relevan. For large amounts I use ozforex. For small transactions I use a visa debit card from Citibank. The rate they charge is about 0.5% off the money market rate. Commonwealth and NAB are both about 3%. Citibank also do not charge a foreign ate fee so good for travel. Another option is to open a multi currency account with a bank like HSBC and use a forex broker to put USD intp that account.
  17. The earth x is 1.8kg saving about 5kg over the lead acid pc680.
  18. Hitchy, The link in the ATSB report posted by Ratus above indicated that the aircraft is not a Cheiftan. The aircraft that Robbo thought it was, is a Cheiftan but it is not that aircraft.
  19. If you are transferring serious money OS dont use a bank. Use a specialist currency exchange business. The rates are much better. I used ozfore for my engine but there are others: https://www.ofx.com/en-au/
  20. Flight aware often shows unknown at the end of a GA flight. It seems that unless it is able to track you all the way to the ground it doesn't think you have landed. Click on "track log and graph". This shows the return flight part of the flight getting back to morabbin at approx 3:40
  21. Robbo, give it a rest. Few details are known at this stage and your speculation above about which aircraft it is likely wrong. How do you know that what is being picked out of the water is actually part of the aircraft?
  22. looking at the hellicopter track not far off the coast and the track of the PA-31 being many miles off shore I am pretty certain that it isn't VH-TOT robbo.
  23. if the warrior was at 3000 feet then the radar range would be much greater....
  24. You don't think it just went out or radar range? It was cruising along at only about 1000 feet which would only give a radar range of about 30 nautical miles or so.
  25. I bought it from VANS as I couldn't find it locally for a good price and I had another kit shipment I needed to make. If you search for the standard (AMS-S-8802) that it complies with you can get a few links and PPG have an australian distributor who may be able to help: http://aeroparts.com.au/ocart/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=85 http://www.asapspares.com.au/pdf/sealants.pdf http://gaps.net.au/ac-tech-ac240b-1-2-quick-cure-fuel-tank-fuselage-sealant-1-pint-kit.html https://www.skyshop.com.au/pdf/2009-2010_catalog%20171.pdf Just make sure you order the correct cure time. There are is a version that are quite fast curing wich is too fast to mix and rivet. For an RV-12 fuel tank you don't need a lot (about half a tin is plenty if you are frugal) and another option would be to find a builder of one of the other RVs (who typically need a lot of the stuff) and see if they have some left over. It is a messy process but quite rewarding at the end.
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