I dont own a Jabiru Aircraft or engine but have spent a lot of time looking at them and talking to people who currently do and perhaps my next aircraft will be jabiru powered.
Peoples view on Jabiru are polarized into two opposing camps. To understand this you need to understand what Jabiru have done. They designed, developed and marketed one of the best small aircraft airframes ever to fly. They however put in it an engine that is only OK. It isn't bad(there are many "aircraft" engines that are much much worse) but it isn't great. When the aircraft was originally designed they were going to use someone else s engine. That engine faced delay's in being ready and they were forced to develop their own engine. The engine has some good points, low weight, good power, simple oil system but is sensitive to overheating. Engines that have been overheated tend to have onset detonation issues and dimensional issues with the heads in the longer term.
The overheating comes down to a few points. Some people run their engines that little bit hotter, some live in hotter locations and there is some variability in the setup of the baffles in individual setups. The acceptable temperature limits published by Jabiru are probably too high to be acceptable. What this means is that some people never have an engine issue and swear balck and blue that the Jabiru is the best aircraft ever. Other people are overhauling engines every few hundred hours and, on their third engine cant wait to get rid of the thing.
This isn't helped by Jabiru's approach to customer service. To the people who have problems they point out that there are many others who are getting good service out of their engines so the customer must have done something wrong, bad maintenance, incorrect operating, poor fuel. The customer says "but I operated it within the limits you had in the manual." Both statements are true. This also hasnt been helped by Jabiru's approach to development. Over time many little changes have been made to the engines. When people have an issue with an engines Jabiru's response has been to offer a overhauled engine with all the upgrades for eg $10k. Now some people think, "Greet, A new engine for half price". Others think, "I paid $20K to buy an engine and this one failed halfway through its life and now you want me to give you more money"
Jabiru engines are in this halfway house between a fully old school certified engine like a lycoming and the wild west of full experimental. This allows their factory built aircraft to be used from training and hire. Jabiru engines have been demonstrated by the manufacturer to meet the ASTM standards by testing in a test cell and that was the case in the early days. Following the design improvements this testing hasnt been repeated. CASA got wind of a number of failures and had a chat with Jabiru. Their response was along the lines of "don't worry, we have fixed these issues". CASA's response was "while that may be so you haven't demonstrated that is true in a test cell and how come you have made changes without updating the paperwork."
Overall a Jabiru aircraft is a reasonably good aircraft. Anyone who says what your original thread title said is an idiot.
Their weakness is engine cooling.
Anyone who flys them without temp monitoring/recording on all cylinders and doesn't keep well within the CHT limits is also an idiot.