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Everything posted by Nobody

  1. And yet here is a thread that was started by Neil who is offended....
  2. Punctuation isn't important when the message is understood. The problem comes when the lack of punctuation means that messages are misinterpreted. There is a reason that propper radio procedures are followed in the air, to prevent missunderstandings. The same applies to written communication. Neil's original posts (since edited by the mods) were pretty poor form. He implied that a pilot was "brain dead" for not having a PLB, in a thread about a missing aircraft ( and pilot). At the time not even the the most basic details of the situation had been confirmed. It's good that Neil is passionate about safety. It would be good if he could be a little bit less obnoxious about where and what he says.
  3. Neil, I gave your post a caution. It is far too early to speculate on if the pilot carried an ELT/PLB when all that is known at this stage is that an aircraft is reported overdue. It may be safely on the ground somewhere out of phone range having diverted or it may be much worse. At this sage noone knows. (edited..mod) At least wait until the media have done some wild speculation before doing it yourself, or wait for accurate reports and investigations. Nobody
  4. Nahhh, Far better to just whinge and complain and grumble.....
  5. Some chopping boards can be quite slippery. We used to cut them up to make cheap bearing surfaces when I used to sail skiffs.
  6. In the video they address the crank shafts. They claim to have a procedure to weld up the pressed together crankshaft. Interesting idea if it works....
  7. A friend emailed me this link about the EAA Young eagles happening at Rylstone. Australia-first program in Rylstone I know a few folk on the forum fly from there. How did the day go? Are there plans for more? Other locations?
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  8. ROTAX 914 UL TURBO | 115 HP ENGINE from California Power Systems $26995 (US, Plus Shipping and GST) The 912 on the other hand is only $16995. (US, Plus Shipping and GST) ROTAX 912 ULS | 100 HP ENGINE from California Power Systems
  9. And yet the NTSB did an analysis that found that "the nose gear strut had sufficient strength to perform its intended function."
  10. A couple of point that are possibly relevant to the discussion. 1. The original post mentions that the plan was to seek LSA status. That would mean that the aircraft could be factory built. This would open up the designer to much more liability than if the aircraft were just available in a kit/experimental form. 2. One way to deal with the liability is for the engineer to be "employed" by Raytol's company rather than contracting to it via the engineers company. Raytols company would need insurance to cover the design and manufacture of aircraft instead of just the manufacture component.
  11. The procedure is fairly straightforward and done though SAAA. They have Technical Counselors who can provide advice and guidance during the build and Authorised Persons who can issue the CofA. You need a CASA issued licence to fly it(ie RPL or PPL) and will have to complete the Maintenance Procedures Course(MPC) to maintain it.
  12. Looks awesome!!!!
  13. For the newer Vans kits (RV-12 and RV-14)the holes are punched to the final size.
  14. Make the user do the fabrication on the easiest bit to ship. I screwed up an alieron spar. $20 part, shipping...... 10 times that had I not had another box coming later....
  15. I haven't used this but have used stewart systems paint and it worked well. Doesn't seem too expensive.... Stewart Systems. EkoStrip - Gallon
  16. The cessna inspections are recommended but not mandatory elsewhere in the world. In the USA there is no AD requiring them and it is left to owners and A&P(LAME in FAA world) to decide to what extent you need to follow them. If you have a pristine single owner aircraft that lives in a hangar 500ks from the ocean you can ignore them if you chose to. CASA decided that there was no wiggle room and that therefore they would be a mandatory requirement at great expense to some owners.
  17. On thing to think about is more people using flight following. In the USA I used it a lot and have used it over here. Usually ATC are very happy to help and will give it to you. It actually makes their life easier as they know your intentions. Why don't people here in Australia seem as keen to use it?
  18. it is interesting that the EGT temp went down with the ceramic coating. I would have thought it went the other way.... It is not some affect on the Probe/gauge rather than a real temprature change is it?
  19. I didn't do it.....
  20. There is a good discussion of the fouling problems associated with lead here: Lead Fouling
  21. This is what I liked about the system in the USA, they teach you how to fly in class D and then they are all the same. Once you have 1 sorted you can go anywhere. Over there class C works the same everywhere too. Fly into Fayetteville with your instructor and work it out, then Savannah, Huntsville or Norfolk are all the same.
  22. I hope that those of you who don't think that an ASIC is the answer have email your elected representatives as wall as posting on here: Senators and Members – Parliament of Australia If we dont complain they will take the silence as contentment with the changes.
  23. Generally the preference is to squeeze any rivet you can get a squeezer on. It's more consistent, reliable and lower skill level than bucking. Rivers in skins often can't be reached with a squeezer and so must be done with a gun and bar.
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