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Everything posted by sparksdusty

  1. I’m so very sorry if that is the case.
  2. Afternoon Folks Not sure posting in correct section. My neighbor is selling her property an established vineyard with airstrip access. Close to Sydney easy commuting. 2877 Wombeyan Caves Road Mittagong NSW 2575 - Acreage/Semi-Rural for Sale #126507230 - realestate.com.au Regards
  3. No idea. I'm waiting to be hit by the public liability issue with the neighbour aswell. Sounds like a fantastic weekend. Is the cost outrageous? There must be a way to do it. Im not sure how many members this forum has but if the cost of insurance is expensive maybe we could all contribute a nominated amount to help our fellow flying enthusiasts. I know I would.
  4. Wow. You have sime much knowledge of the area. Honour to talk to you. Yes as a student RAA pilot having flown on my airstrip a few times its not until your in the air do you realise that it's true tiger country. Beautiful but dangerous. Reason why I'm determined to fight it's existing use. Nowhere safe to land around here. I didn't know wombeyan caves had marble, fascinating I thought it was all granait
  5. Wow. Yes I've had some near misses in that rd. Im sure things have changed since you travelled caves rd. The old bloke if it's the same one is still often seen trying to get a ride into town. Neil do you fly? Once all this is sorted more than welcome to come for a visit Regards Jazie
  6. Yes thats right. Yes its got incredible views especially from up above
  7. At Bullio. I have good relationship with all my neighbours and they have no problem with the strip or the use of ut. The only people with the dispute are the ones that have the strip on there land
  8. Yes its part of my title
  9. The strip is on a 2 neighbours its an easement and our title states we have rights to easement. Just as the acess rd to neighbours is an easement that goes through my property. I've never restricted access of the rd as I know it's a legal right they have to it.
  10. You betcha. I can completely understand why he doesn't want it but he brought the property knowing that it had the strip. I heard via the grape vine that he always had the intention to have it removed. Cheap block thinks now he can profit from it. I'm not prepared to give it up. Anyone want to come to my place to fly!!!
  11. Thank you for all responses At least I have somewhere to start. It's been a long battle. I love the strip it' is amazing. Take off right over a gorge.
  12. Hi Neil The estate which is 11 blocks of 100 acres. Only 3 blocks now have legal access to the airstrip easement I'm one if those blocks. I've lived here for 25 yeard and serviced and maintained the strip by myself. He bought the block maybe 3 years ago and built his home. He has from day 1 tried to stop me using the strip. From memory the estate has 4 easements 1 being the acess rd that goes through my property to other neighbours. 2. Airstrip 3 cattle yards Just trying to find someone with knowledge of private strip or council or even legal knowledge to point me in the right direction Regards Jazie
  13. Afternoon Folks I'm a student recreational pilot. I live in a small regional estate that was subdivided into 11 lots. The development included a private airstrip with easement rights for the building of a hanger. This estate has a number of easements including cattle yards and access rd. I am wondering if anyone has experience dealing with a neighbor trying to have a easement removed or is a pilot with legal knowledge Regards
  14. Thanks wish i could fly with you guys. I have a great instructor but i think i need to learn more about the theory of how a plane stays in flight
  15. Thanks. Makes sense. Im going to make an effort to get more lessons and aim for weather that will test me a little more. Thanks for your suggestions
  16. I feel that's what I need to do. Just get used to it. I love flying so much just get horrible thoughts when i feel like I've lost control.
  17. Id come up with you. Would also help my fears. Im in Sydney though
  18. Im exactly the same. Ive done 7 hrs solo had a bad experience with bumps and themos haven't been up since over 1 yr. Want to badly
  19. Thanks for the reply. I was learning to fly from goulburn. Bullio is in the southern highlands of nsw. Since the post I have booked another lesson which I am really excited and scared about. I guess it's letting go of a dream of flying with a flying partner. I have a extreme fear of heights and have done well to get this far. It took me longer than most. I guess I need to find out if I still have the same desire to fly without a partner. 8 am sat I'll find out if I can do it
  20. Hi I am new to this forum and love flying. In 2012 I achieved 5 hours solo flying a gazelle and absolutely loved it. But I had to give it away due to personal reasons. I want to get back flying again but finding it daunting doing it alone. Does anyone have suggestions for this it was a something we did together now that isn't possible. How do I find the courage to fly alone. I live on 100 acres in Bullio. My next door neighbour's is selling his 100 acres which has the airstrip. The estate has right of use. If interested it is in bullio and around 250'000 I would love it if a flying family/person bought it so I'm not flying alone. Would love any advice. Regards
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