After getting my PPL, I've done my first few flights with passengers around the airport, I'm now ready to park the plane a little further afield. Just for a day-trip.
I'm planning Cessnock and Bathurst as my first two day-trip destinations, because they are familiar routes, that I've already done solo, but I've never left the plane at a remote destination before.
So, what's the best advice with parking at regional, uncontrolled airports? If there are tie downs around are they always for public use? Do you ever need to seek permission in advance for a public airport?
At Bathurst, as long as I avoid the asphalt area where the Rex plane parks, will I be okay? Just use common sense and find another light aircraft and park next to it?
Since Bathurst is a security AD, will I need a code to get back into the airport after leaving? Will that be apparent, or do I need to contact any one in advance.
Any other tips to get me through these first couple of cross-county trips?