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Everything posted by philipnz

  1. Thats correct ave8rr. (except the group is RAANZ not MAANZ) I did my training under SAC but have recently joined RAANZ as my local instructors work under that group for my BFR's. I'm keeping my membership with both. My local aero club trains microlight permits in a RV12 that the local school built from a kit under the supervision of some keen members. Mercury Bay Aero Club | Whitianga Airfield, New Zealand
  2. The 2nd stunning aircraft Avspecs have produced had it's first fly today https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10154454726874526
  3. When doing simulated forced landings my instructor always got me to give the engine power halfway through the descent to avoid rapid cooling in the glide effecting the engine on re-acceleration. I wonder if that was a factor in this accident.
  4. I replaced my battery last year. Just googled the numbers on the old one and a match came up at a regular car/bike battery retailer. Marshall Batteries. It's a standard motorcycle battery. Had to give them an hour to charge it as they only put the chemicals in on sale.
  5. Cool :-)
  6. I did it once, in the early days by accident. Thankfully I'd installed an artificial horizon in my plane which raised eyes in my community, but I just fixed my eyes on it, keeping the wings level and climbing slightly knowing I'd pop out which I did. Scared the crap out of me and I went straight home. It was $5000 but worth every penny that day. Never again
  7. I agree. I fly a Remos, in theory one of the most dangerous. But 2 of those accidents were due to the pilots failure to preflight after folding the wings/elevator. One was a stall/spin by a trainee in conditions she shouldn't have been flying in and the other was idiotic flying by an instructor trying, I suspect, to impress his female student. Remos are used a lot for training in the USA and the bulk of the accidents stem from this. So none of those accidents concern or relate to me or my aircraft.
  8. A beautiful flight yesterday. Visited a client then returned via our central volcanos. 675km in 4 hours fly time on the last day of winter. Good times
  9. I'd rather talk about the flight before my first solo. I was ready, I knew from my previous flight that my next one would be my solo. I arrived at the airfield confident and excited, I may have already purchased the balloons and streamers (I can't recall). What I do remember is that I was mud, hopeless and at the end of the hour, my instructor asked me to taxi back to the aero club. I was gutted but totally understanding. The next day I solo'd. The aircraft jumped in the air, I was nervous but elated and it was over before I knew it. A bit like my first sexual experience. And the beer tasted the sweetest
  10. Remos G3/600 512 hours Fly Synthesis Storch 1 hour Passenger - Nothing of any great interest I feel so inadequate :-(
  11. My high wing Remos has doors that can be jettisoned (or flown without). The handbook recommends ditching them before you ditch.
  12. Video here Historic replica airplane, the Bugatti 100p, crashes near Burns Flat, pilot and designer Scotty Wilson dies
  13. They look pretty but don't stack up. From the factory... Empty Weight at least 388kg. Full fuel 114Litres = 80kg Your 2 crew have to be lighter than 132kg combined and thats without any carry on gear let alone the 28kg luggage that the factory says it can carry. Factory grass strip take off roll of 457m to clear 50feet. I'd say you'd be very brave to operate off a 475m strip.
  14. Morgan 3 Wheelers are treated differently in different countries. In the some they are motorcycles, in others cars. In NZ they are cars but for tolls you pay motorcycle rates. I don't know if you can drive in bus-lanes but I must try. We used to have TV licences in NZ but I don't recall vans like that. I know cars would drive around in the evening looking for aerials and flickers on curtains. I can recall ads saying that "Inspectors will be calling at houses not having a license" presumably after having a good listen at the walls.
  15. Been a while since I've posted but here's where my British "car" meets my German plane
  16. philipnz

    Cessna SkyCatcher

    Made in China :rolleyes: http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/CESSNA-162/2010-CESSNA-162/1193709.htm?
  17. Well that didn't last long http://www.piper.com/pages/PipertoTerminatePipersportDistributorBusinessRelationship_01122011.cfm
  18. I have the Zaon XRX and I agree, it is a valuable addition to the things in our arcraft that make flying safer.
  19. Congratulations :thumb_up:
  20. Nice aircraft but the figures don't stack up. The factory website show the empty weight of that aircraft at 358kg. It's probably more. With 2 people or even the 120kg guy , you can't even fill the tanks let alone carry luggage for touring. The factory stated maximum speed in level flight is 118kts so theres no way it's going to cruise at 125 @ 5000 revs.
  21. I've tried loading the new terrain update into my 296 and all i get is errors, emailed garmin but they were worse than useless. given up
  22. philipnz

    Cessna SkyCatcher

    Cessna 150 production ceased in 1977 and the 152 in 1985.
  23. Check out Te Kowhai very on the north western outskirts of Hamilton. It is a base for microlights and home to the bantam. Fly Te Kowhai - Te Kowhai Airfield Hamilton is controlled and a very busy training venue. There are lots of great places to fly to from tekowhai (hamilton) raglan on the coast the coromandel peninsula has many airstrips and sights
  24. so ridiculous you couldn't make it up http://www.caa.govt.nz/Accidents_and_Incidents/Accident_Reports/ZK-ZXL_Fatal.pdf
  25. Unbeleivable. Candidates for the Darwin Award for 2008 surely!. Thank god they didn't kill anyone else.
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