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Everything posted by philipnz

  1. For all his colourful language, I think Kevin is spot on the money on this one. If you want to do aerobatics have a GA plane and a GA license and most importantly a GA MEDICAL. I don't want 80 year olds tearing up the sky in a scareobat 150 dragging down our association. The production of light aircraft is well settled under existing rules. Extending the rules so that 2 overweight americans can jump in their overweight farmcatcher because largese is what yanks do best isn't necessary
  2. It's a balloon, and it's never going to lift that dog ;)
  3. I did my training there and I love the place. Max is an inspiration. Sadly there was no hangar space there for winter so I had to move ZK-PRH to Ardmore which although it suits me best, I'm still homesick for TeKowhai and call in there often. I'm on for a joyride with Max in the new UL260 Bantam and if you've seen him fly you'd know what a treat that will be.
  4. It's all about priorities. I don't smoke, gamble, drink (much). I've never been to a live football match in my life. Rarely travelled overseas. I don't have sky TV. The biggest tv set in my house is 26inch and i bought it off ebay. I own one pair of shoes and my clothes come from hallensteins or the warehouse. And some of those items are pretty old . My cellphone is something i wont cry about when i lose it, which happens regularly. I'm a label-free zone.
  5. Interesting discussion. I own a lifestyle block, city townhouse, beach apartment, drive a mercedes, bmw or ferrari, race a 60 foot catamaran, front a covers band with a selection of PRS guitars and bought a german Remos LSA with all the toys. None of which matters a damn, I just wanna talk flying
  6. And here we have the amphibian wind powered version, or is it the chinese knock-off version.
  7. Yikes! I don't know about Aussie but that would make it around $300k in NZ. Touching Furio territory (albeit that the furio isn't an LSA)
  8. I always check the mags as i shut down.
  9. Actually Ian there are two "microlight" organisations in NZ RAANZ - http://raanz.org.nz/wiki/pmwiki.php SAC - http://www.sportflying.co.nz/ Both seem to co-exist and i'm not aware of any politics. I chose where i wanted to learn based on it's location and never even considered what organisation it was. In my case it was at TeKowhai with SAC. I'm a member of SAC but have no real interest in it's activites other than being the organisation that issues and monitors my license.
  10. Hi Kevin I'm in NZ flying a Remos g-3 out of ardmore. I've been up to kerikeri and have spoken to the owner of the paihia strip and can go there weather permitting. where do you fly from?
  11. cool - i have some youtube video's here http://nz.youtube.com/user/sundreamernz
  12. That luggage compartment looks like it may retrofit. I've had mine out and there is scope for it to be extended backwards to accomodate longer items. Of course those that chose the bigger fuel tank never had the luggage compartment anyway, I beleive. I get your point about getting the G-3 down. it certainly likes to fly and I've done some impressive dives on the limit of Vfe when I've arrived a bit high but i'd say a retrofit of the new flaps would not be possible. Presumably the whole wing would retrofit but thats a bit extreme.
  13. Don't be too worried. I got told about the new model by a remos test pilot that helped us get mine flying back in march and initially i was a bit like you, worried that my g-3 would be seen as last years model and disappointed i wasn't told earlier but that commercial reality the all carbon wing was done to silence the people that didn't like celonite panels and they have improved the storage capacity (no pictures of that yet). There are some cosmetic changes with the landing light in the wing and changed tail structure. Also no intermediate wing strut. personally i have no regrets. the GX has a smaller, slimmer wing but the specifications show no increase in speed or loadings. All velocity figures are almost identical. The GX is heavier. The new landing gear (not shown yet in most pictures) isn't as pretty. The main difference is that glide performance has been almost halved. Glide ratio for the g-3 is 17:1. For the GX it is 10:1. Climb performance has shrunk from 1300fpm to 1050fpm. Takeoff roll increased from 330ft to 510ft and distance to clear 50ft up from 660ft to 730ft. Those are all items that make the G-3 a BETTER and SAFER aircraft. when i bought my remos the agent told me "i get sick of people asking how fast it is, how about asking how SAFE it is". ALL LSA's go the same speed, thats pretty much physics because they all have the same engine and all carry the same weight. what gave the Remos an edge was its safety performance and that has certainly been compromised for cosmetics. time will tell if, as happens so often, the first models end up being the most desirable
  14. My grin stopped about 10 hours flying time after my first solo. I buckled the front wheel running off the runway.
  15. Couple of times in my training i felt a bit off colour. Mainly in some of the more advanced flight manouvers when things were being demonstrated by the instructor. I'm also deeply into sailing but I have got seasick sometimes. You have to look beyond that, it won't stop you flying
  16. Stunning - I really want to get down there. Broke my back 3 weeks ago so i'm out of action for a little while. Can't wait to get flying again and do some proper touring
  17. The training organisation i used have one. Although i used a remos for all my training - in the middle i had a 2 month gap between the agents not being available and mine arriving. to stop me going mad i used the storch for a one hour map reading lesson. it was really good, a very capable machine. Id reccomend you try one
  18. In NZ it's 35 hours solo before you can apply for a passenger rating. After 10 hours solo I felt I had a good grip on circuits :big_grin:. "IN MY OPINION" 10 hours is way to soon to be taking a loved one flying
  19. I don't think the gear "collapsed". Looks to me like he thought he was off the ground and retracted them, then found out he wasn't. Maybe he retracted flaps at the same time and got a little sink (do they takeoff with flaps?)
  20. Controls free and easy....... my instructor really hammered that one home http://www.caa.govt.nz/Accident_Reports/ZK-SHG_Fatal_02Jul2003.pdf
  21. Hi Ian The three main groups for microlight/recreational flying in NZ are as under. Some have forums but activity is very low http://www.sportflying.co.nz/ http://raanz.org.nz/wiki/pmwiki.php http://www.saa.org.nz/index.php The only forum I know of is here but once again activity is low http://www.avgas.co.nz/mainPage.cfm This is one i kep an eye on but has very little small aircraft content http://rnzaf.proboards43.com/index.cgi?action=recent Might pay to drop a line to the three organisations mentioned up top. Be nice to have a few more Kiwi's here
  22. There one for sale here in New Zealand http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Aircraft/auction-157409093.htm
  23. There's no good side to this story. The weather was atrocious. I was visiting the region for the weekend to play in a band and there were strong winds and torrential rain for days before and after particularly at night. The wedding I was playing at was shifted indoors two days earlier One guy was a family man of 3 the other's wife is due to have their first child in a month or two. One was an instructor, the other the club president. Only serious mind-altered impairment would get any small plane up in those conditions. there's been some needless aviation tragedies in this country lately. i dread to think what the reaction will be
  24. Remos G-3 600
  25. http://rnzaf.proboards43.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=civil&thread=6062&page=1 Yep, jabiru SP owned by an aero club.
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