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About rickshaw8

  • Birthday 12/10/1947


  • Location
    Emu Park and Roma
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  1. Had a friend flew a Moonie onto rough bush strips for years with no problems. Howard Hobbs old member for Warrego also operated a Moonie onto bush strips
  2. C172 or C182 are both sturdy bush aircraft. RAA cat are too lightly built and Can not carry a decent load. I would stick to GA for bush work.
  3. My C172 went Eucla at western end of bight to Ceduna Ok. Had alternative as Nullabor on flight plan if it did not work out.
  4. I have used A200 and Michel for years in my Cessnas and both work well
  5. gbshaw8 (insert the usual email @ sign) bigpond.com will get me. Have C172M and PA 28 Cherokee available for hire from Dalby and Roma Qld. April to October are very good for flying in Au. Once you have Au PPL and ASIC card you will be OK. Subscribe to Ausrunways which has all the charts you need and ERSA airfield details you need. Roma has daily RPT flights with Qantas Link. We have commercial pilot on staff who could meet you at Archerfield. Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance.
  6. C172 with Lyc 0320 is an excellent sturdy bush aircraft. Mine is a 172M with 90 litres each wing and runs well on both Avgas and Premium ULP. I have now upgraded to 0360 which burn slightly more / hour but has similar range. The 172 is a robust air frame which has performed well on bush strips for me during the past 20 years. Also performs well in the turbulence often experienced in western areas.
  7. Around 15yrs ago Departed YDAY in C172 for YDAY with wife in RH seat. After dep YROM push to talk jammed when giving call. Mrs comments for 30 min transmitted over 1/2 Qld until son SMSd to alert me to problem
  8. A friend of my late father cancelled a booking on the flight to come fishing with us. Fish were light on but he still considers it his Best ever fishing trip.
  9. Looks more like an Arrow which has done a wheels up?
  10. Rickshaw8 Emu Park YEMP on the beautiful Capricorn Coast. C182Q owner operator who also operates regularly from YROM.
  11. Also member of Australia Piper Sociaty
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  12. Also member of Australia Piper Sociaty
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  13. Hi. Greg Shaw ( Dalby Air Maintenance) who hire out aircraft including C182's C172's and Piper Colt . Aircraft are well maintained and priced. When hiring aircraft availability is important but not source. Private hirers use the hire to keep the aircraft in the air as much as possible as standing around is more damaging than being used.
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  14. Hi. Greg Shaw ( Dalby Air Maintenance) who hire out aircraft including C182's C172's and Piper Colt . Aircraft are well maintained and priced. When hiring aircraft availability is important but not source. Private hirers use the hire to keep the aircraft in the air as much as possible as standing around is more damaging than being used.
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