I received this Email today
Very disturbing if true!
"I am writing to express my deep concern with the decision to refuse/defer Ian Baker’s (“IB”) RA-Aus membership application. This decision, which appears to have been initiated by Steve Runciman (“SR”) and Steve Tizzard (“ST”) acting in concert, is both repugnant and immature and appears to be a clumsy attempt to punish free speech. Further, it is poor and unusual behaviour which itself brings RA-Aus into disrepute and the supporters and perpetrators of this behaviour should offer their resignations.
Given that RA-Aus is the only body through which IB can fly recreational aircraft of the type he prefers, it is misguided to think that the delegated authority from CASA allows the RA-Aus Board and CEO to prevent someone from flying because they directed criticism at the organisation and/or its administration. I know I can write letters of complaint about CASA and its administration without fear of my GA licence being revoked.
I urge you to act immediately and encourage your fellow Board members to overturn this decision by circular resolution and grant IB membership. Should IB’s membership not be granted by COB 30 August 2012, I will lodge a formal complaint with CASA which will not only describe this clearly unconscionable conduct but will urge their intervention to conduct a formal review of RA-Aus administration, Board structure, Constitution and By-laws to ensure RA-Aus acts within the spirit of its delegated authority.
Note that I am not representing or acting for IB but am taking steps to ensure that this sort of grave injustice never happens again. Also note that there are other avenues to pursue to correct this injustice which will be done in parallel with the CASA complaint and, as you are aware, my background equips me with the skills needed to ensure a just outcome.