Another option
Hi Cralis,
I support and agree with all of the above comments, but have a little extra to offer.
I started flying gliders back in the '70s. Developed to full on passion owning my own open class glider and having an assistant instructor rating. I did all the PPL theory purely out of my interest in aviation, no intention of flying 'stink wings'. Then 12 months later when my PPL theory was about to expire currency, I did the practical and received about 30 hours dispensation for all my gliding experience.
Then through changed circumstances, time and money deserted me(at the same time) and I ceased all flying. 28 years later, the passion still burns and now I've resumed. Similar issues to yourself. Do I go GA @ $240-$300/hr? Do I get into this new(now 25 years old) RAA thing @ $120-$180/hr? Am I still interested in gliding - cheaper again?
Reading through your comments above, I perceive some Gung-ho raw enthusiasm gradually being tempered by the realities of family life, supporting a family and a budget. Now I'm not wanting to quash your enthusiasm because anything is possible and you can make it happen. I have a 60+ year old friend who has just taken up a CPL flying position. There is a demand for professional aviators at many levels, but a lot of them are not real family friendly. Regardless of where you finish up, flying experience is accumulative with all your basic and early experiences adding to and improving your ultimate airmanship as an aviator. As others above have also alluded, the broader the experience the better if you genuinely harbour ambitions of instructing. Where you start is entirely up to you and your budget, but if you start at GA and burn yourself out through funding restrictions, you might lose a wonderful opportunity for a lifetime of pleasure in aviation.
I actually resumed gliding with a club operating only a single motorglider. Probably one of the most economical independent forms of recreational aviation. I've also completed my RAA flying certificate and am now working on my GA biannual flight review which is all that is needed to renew the PPL qualification. When all done, I'll have all three bases covered. Go gliding for purely recreational pleasure, RAA for modest 2 person trips and GA for 4 or more.
The options are there Cralis, you don't have to make a decision on the final results and costs right now, they would stop you from ever flying if you let them. You will not become expert and experienced overnight, or at the end of a course, or after your money has expired. You will only achieve respect as an aviator after you've done a lot of it and done it safely and well. $15K will buy you a hell of a lot more flying experience, fun and qualification as a safe aviator at the RAA and GFA(gliding) level than a GA PPL could ever get you. Even after $5K-$10K of spend at the lower levels you would have more experience than simple completion of a PPL. Then if you want a PPL as well, it sure isn't going to cost you $15K. Time factor is the other thing. It all takes time. So the only question really left is when are you going to start? A Trial Instruction Flight (TIF) at Redcliffe this weekend or Caboolture or Calloundra or anywhere else is probably good.
Good luck and safe flying -- Enjoy!!!
Rob from SA.