We took possession of our new VH Registered Brumby 912iS R610 Highwing on 12th Feb 2016
I flew it home with Phil Goad a few days later after some training & a flight check. 3-1/2hrs Cowra - Central Vic
We cruised around 4500' @ 15 - 16 LPH 100K ground speed
Aircraft Includes: All integrated Dynon Avionics: SkyView D1000 & WiFi adapter to quickly upload AvPlan flight plans direct from our iPad mini. Dynon Video input module & all has a back up battery. Dynon Transponder with ADSB out. 2 x Axis Auto pilot with an additional seperate Dynon knob module controller re: On & Off / Level flight / Altitude set. It also has Up & Down arrows re climbing /decending at (100' per min to 1000' per min or more)
It has another seperate lower mounted Dynon 3 knob module controller for Auto pilot re: Altimeter / Heading / GPS - NAV.
(I feel the control knob buttons Dynon offer as an extra are much easier to use in turbulence than interrogating the SkyView unit)
Dynon Dual watch radio.
Dynon Intercom module, music in jack.
Autopilot has an Off & On button on yoke.
Monroe traffic watch alert.
2 Light speed PFX Zulu hard wired head sets. (Lemo sockets) & Head set hanger hooks
Quality Aviation clock.
3 Back up large round gauges ASI. Altimeter. Elec AH.
Has an in dash mounted iPad mini holder bracket
Console mounted iPad mini holder
2 USB charge sockets in console Dash iPad mini & iPhone
1 USB charge socket in dash for iPad mini in bracket
Some gauges are backlit
Whirlwind 3 Blade prop.
Quality 600mm x 6 Alloy Grove Wheels & Brakes.
Each wheel has a metal mud deflector for our paddock landing strips
LED Landing light
Anderson Battery chargeing plug fitted up underneath to keep battery levels up.
The Aircraft also comes with Dual Yokes & controls. Oleo nose wheel. All metal construction. Great strong toe brakes. 4 Point safety harness. 2 Fresh air vents. Combination LED strobe & beacon. Hand brake. Heater.
A nice wide interior with an upholstered fit out. Comfortable fully adjustable seats. Map pockets. Plastic lined door trims & door locks. Large sun visors. Cabin Is large & spacious
130L long range tanks.
Nice paint job to your specs or leave it up to Brumby. I'm 1.8M tall & I can just walk under the wings
It has now done about 70 in Flight Hrs & excels at altitude, takes off quickly in our paddocks with 2 POB
It is a very strong feeling engine, keep all fuel filters really clean especially the first 12 Months of a new build, use a Mr Funnel, keep to the Aircrafts maintenance schedules & I feel you will have very few problems. Take the time to practice the restart sequence on the ground because the iS does take a bit of practice
Beware if you accidently turn off / bump off the main fuel pump rocker switch it will stop dead.
Don't place this rocker switch to close to the SkyView buttons as an accidental bump off with your finger knuckle could occur. Always use the Aux pump for takeoff / until safe altitude.
Considering our complex build & inclusions & the new type ROTAX injected engine, we have had few problems, all issues were handled promptly by Brumby or they organised for your LAME to carry out any warranty issues.
I will post a few pics in a day or so
Happy flying