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Everything posted by BillLipson

  1. Thanks to all those who replied to my question. Always appreciated.
  2. Hi Everyone Where in SE Qld can I get that paste to put on your spark plug thread that Rotax recommend? If possible in a small amount and not super expensive?
  3. Thanks everyone!
  4. Can anyone advise where I can get my Transponder tested/calibrated in line with the biennial testing requirement. I am based at Gympie.
  5. Thanks to all for your responses. Very much appreciated.
  6. Looking for recommendations for for where I can obtain a reasonably priced leak down tester in Australia. Must have the recommended 1mm orifice.
  7. To all those who took the time to respond. My thanks to you all. Appreciate all your points. On reflection, I will probably stay with the threaded plug, given the infrequency of oil changes.
  8. Thinking of retrofitting a curtis drain valve to replace the drain plug in my 912 ULS's oil tank. Should make oil changes simpler and less messy. Has anyone done this and where best to obtain an aviation grade valve in Australia? Thanks everyone.
  9. Thanks Nev and Skippy Always appreciated.
  10. Thanks so much for all the replies. Have got the plugs to fill the central valve holes and will use a step drill to created the offset holes. Practised on an old rim and it woks perfectly.
  11. Thanks to all who replied. Always appreciated.
  12. Thanks Dan Very useful info and hope to incorporate into my aircraft
  13. I need to obtain the small spring inside the flap lever of my VG. Any ideas where I might get one in SE Qld?
  14. Does anyone know where oil tank drain plug washers can be sourced on the Sunshine Coast?
  15. My Savannah VG came with centrally located tyre rim valve holes. The available tubes all have right angle valves which are offset and when forced to fit the central rim holes, are placed under a lot of sideways pressure. I am going to drill new offset holes, with a step drill, in each rim. Would appreciate any advice re potential problems that I may encounter?
  16. Hi Andy and 409tonner Thanks so much for your replies. The group you recommended 409 (Convoluted) were great and I have ordered the fire sheathing at almost a third the cost quoted to me by a Brisbane based aviation part supplier. After a lot of searching was also able to find a group in WA who were very service orientated and able to supply all the Oetiker clamps + clamping tool I needed (autopartswholesalers.com.au)I am using the single ear stainless clamps as recommended in the excellent two part article in the Rotax Owner forum (Rotax 5 year rubber replacent; My Savannah uses all rubber fuel and oil hoses.
  17. I am currently completing the 5 year rubber replacement on my 912 ULS / VG Savannah. Rotax and other aviation sites seem to recommend using the Oetiker brand stainless clamps for fuel and oil lines but they seem to be very hard to obtain locally (Qld). Does anyone know of a good supplier? Alternatively what other types of clamps are owners using? My engine does not have any fire sheathing on oil/fuel lines and will add this as hoses are replaced. Can anyone recommend a good supplier? Thanks for your thoughts.
  18. Thanks Mark Appreciate the advise
  19. Thanks Mark. Is replacing the seals a difficult job and do you know if there is a detailed exploded view of the brake system available
  20. Recently had a seal in my left side calliper cylinder fail and dump the mineral oil. Can any member advise of any issues that may make repair of Savannah disc brakes difficult? As all the pads are pretty low, will be replacing all the pads and seals for both callipers and master cylinders. Thanks in anticipation.
  21. I live on the Sunshine Coast and wondered if any Member might know of a VG within 100km I could have a look at. I am 6' 1" and concerned I might struggle a little for headroom? Any opinions also appreciated.
  22. Thanks Jason Will try them tomorrow. I have managed to find one tyre from All Mower Spares in Camden, so two to go! Bill
  23. Thanks for your advise Skippy. Makes plenty of sense! Appreciate all the other responses too. Bill
  24. Hi All, does anyone know where I can get new tyres/tubes for my Xair locally? I have checked the web and it seems most of sites are online tyre suppliers getting their stock out of the USA. The original tyres are 4.80 / 4.00-8 (4 ply) D602 Barrow Deestones. Would prefer to get a slightly wider/aggressive tread than the stock Xair tyres to make them more effective in softer coditions. Any hel appreciated. Bill
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