While we are discussing the Sport Pilot, have a look at the next article. The physics of a good landing.
There is some good info here in the last paragraph, but as so often happens the use ofa load of technical gobbledegook takes up a lot of soace and does very little except convince ma that the author may know what he is talking about, but he can't explain it.
He uses the term velocity along with several other letters in the diagrams, but doesn't put it in a coherent way, at least as far as I can see.
Velocity is as far as I know speed and direction, so what I think he means by velocity is speed, but to him velocity sounded much more up market.
How you can square speed and directiion I do not know, at least to come up with a usable number for his equation.
It all boils down to speed control and descent rate. Get the speed right, get the sight picture as you descend correct, that is your aim point should appear not to move up or down ahead of you, then that last paragraph advice to look at the end of the runway.
I thought nosewheel aircraft were supposed to be easy to land. How would the author go in an RV6.
Could anyone re write this article in an improved format, using less words? I think so.