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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Does a heated inlet tract stop carbie iceing? My experience tells me that the iceing occurs at the venturi which is upstream of the inlet tract and that heating the tract would have very little affect on the temperature and humidity at the venturi.
  2. Spacet mentioned not too cold, iceing, not too hot, thermals. I have never experienced carbie iceing on a cold day up here in Qld. I did once have an aborted takeoff due to it in Victoria. Those hot humid days of summer are the worst time for carbie ice. Even airframe ice is not a problem at really cold temps.
  3. Not only was there no justification. The mid air near Mangalore happened to two IFR aircraft. How can Airservices expect us to believe they can look after our safety by lowering class E level when that cannot look after what they had before. The fact that class E had nothing to do with that stuff up by Airservices shows that they don't know and they won't learn. No matter what Airservices do, they do not have the final say and I am sure that CASA are keeping a close eye on what is happening. AS it is the overall safety of the Australian fleet would be badly affected.
  4. I don't know, but you should be able to download the operators manual from the Garmin site. My 196 had a menu that you could scroll through and add a waypoint quite easily.
  5. My hangar is on private land and I own the hangar, but the landowner owns the land. We pay the landowner an annual fee, but we have no guarantee of tenure. If the landowner wanted to he could turf us all off with no redress, but of course we could demolish the hangars and take them away. It is a matter of trust, but the landowner is getting on and sometime in the not too far distant future he could die and then his five kids could do whatever they liked.
  6. I have always strived to be the pilot who is not noticed, that seems to be the safest way,
  7. One of the reasons that the circuit is dangerous is that we become fixated on where we are going and don't see what is happening off to the side. In my Corby with good visibility i was on final and suddenly another aircraft came on a base leg from my right. With LH circuits the norm I was not really looking for another aircraft coming from the right. It may have been luck that i saw him before we collided, or it may have been my good lookout. I don't know which, but he had not seen me although he would have been expecting aircraft on final being to his left.
  8. If you are flying IFR, English would be usable as it is all supposedly done in English. Maybe hard to understand in some places.
  9. I think RAAus have heard that a lot, but they have not been succesful in getting it rescinded. Our government has no idea of the usefulness or otherwise of the card and the bureaucrats are not going to let them change anything. I no longer have a card, it was just money wasted and not even doing what it was supposed to do. It will take a massive amount of educating the voters to make enough noise to interest politicians and where are wee going to find the people to lobby the pollies. Don't get a card and don't go into their airports to spend your money on fuel or anything else.
  10. While we are discussing the Sport Pilot, have a look at the next article. The physics of a good landing. There is some good info here in the last paragraph, but as so often happens the use ofa load of technical gobbledegook takes up a lot of soace and does very little except convince ma that the author may know what he is talking about, but he can't explain it. He uses the term velocity along with several other letters in the diagrams, but doesn't put it in a coherent way, at least as far as I can see. Velocity is as far as I know speed and direction, so what I think he means by velocity is speed, but to him velocity sounded much more up market. How you can square speed and directiion I do not know, at least to come up with a usable number for his equation. It all boils down to speed control and descent rate. Get the speed right, get the sight picture as you descend correct, that is your aim point should appear not to move up or down ahead of you, then that last paragraph advice to look at the end of the runway. I thought nosewheel aircraft were supposed to be easy to land. How would the author go in an RV6. Could anyone re write this article in an improved format, using less words? I think so.
  11. I didn't see this as an endorsement of the Asic card, but as an explanatory article. I would like RAAus and AOPA and all the other aviation bodies to try to get this stupid card done away with. It does nothing for security and what I find really laughable is the fact that if you have an ASIC you have to tell the authorities if you are convicted of a crime. I have tried lobbying my local pollie to get it done away with, but Australia is ruled by bureaucrats so no joy there. I find most of the current aviation magazines are less than interesting. The latest Australian Flying has several articles that tell anyone with an interest in aviation, what they already know in a multitude of words. it seems to me that to be a successful. Journalist nowadays you have to be able to convey a little bit of informatiion in a multitude of words. Most articles could be shortened by 50% and still be too wordy.
  12. The manifold as I said above is mounted away from the engine vibration. If you think that a drop in oil pressure is no problem if the engine is running well and oil temps are OK, you could be in for a shock in a coupe of minutes. A leaking hose to the oil cooler will take some time to drain the oil, but it will drain it and the first indication is most likely a drop in oil pressure, unless you get a visible spray of oil.
  13. GA aircraft usually have the oil pressure sender mounted on a manifold away from engine vibration purely because they know the vibration caused sender problems. To do that you have to have a flexible connection between manifold and engine something else to go wrong.
  14. I loved those old trolley buses in London when I was a kid. Very fast acceleration and silent plus the routes took them a long way. Overseas the governments are actively promoting electric and providing subsidies to lower the price. much as our government did when it wanted to promote solar power. Of course our present government only wants to dig up more and more coal, so no subsidy for solar powered electric vehicles of any type. I can see electric as a great way to fly, so long as you don't want to stay aloft too long. It would suit me, but I am not going to invest in it at my age. Let someone younger do that and leave my Grandkids legacy intact.
  15. I wouldn't contemplate owning such a tool. Garmin spend vast amounts on advertising and produce a so so product. If it is anything like the Garmin E Trex 10 it is rubbish. My grandson had a Garmin watch and considered it money wasted.
  16. I just had my oil pressure drop to near zero. It has always been very good, mid way into the green, but the other day I started up and it came up to below the green then gradually sank back to near nothing. It took a few days for me to get another gauge hooked up to check if it was the gauge or a real drop in pressure. The non electric gauge shows good pressure even at low rpm, so it was a faulty gauge or sender. Replacement bought and should be going OK tomorrow. The original gauge was a Vdo and it seems the failure mode is just dropping of indicated pressure, even though the real pressure stays high. My past experience with gauges was that they usually failed high or nil, not varying. You live and learn.
  17. He does say the duration is dependent upon use and circuits will give half the time that normal flight would, so you may be down to 15 minutes of circuits with only 2 batteries. It would probably suit my type of flying, but re charging would have to be solar and that may add even more expense.
  18. I often wonder why trim is used to counteract the force to apply back stick. No matter what happens during the landing you will have to alter the stick position, it will be full back on the ground or forward for a go around. Unless your trim is extremely effective you should be able to control the plane without altering it.
  19. The provocation seems to be by more than one person. Isn’t it time to change the subject.
  20. A roll is not a turn and to maintain the direction required the turn has to be stopped and to prevent altitude loss rudder has to be applied. This means that the airflow over the wing is not the same as it was when flying level or in balance. The airflow is diagonally across the wing, therefore the chord is increased and the depth ratio is reduced, so there will be less wing lift perpendicular to the wings and there will be some vertical lift from the fuselage and tailplane.
  21. Don't all iPads have a built in GPS, mine does and it is not a new one. Avplan worked OK without a sim card, but I don't think it would transmit my location without a card.
  22. Good to hear from you again Bex. You are right about the Australian perception of China. We are fed the pro USA line by our brown nosing politicians while China demonstrates a terrific response to Covid 19, Far better than Australia response which was only to denigrate them. How goes the plane?
  23. I changed some time ago from Odyssey to Fullriver. The batteries are the same size and output but I find that Fullriver lasts linger and is cheaper.
  24. Sure you can register as VH experimental, but there seems to be a reluctance to do so. I have had both VH Exp and RAAus reg planes and can see no real difference in them. The medical standards to go VH may be slightly more arduous, but I reckon if you can't pass them you may have trouble with a drivers licence medical. RAAus is mor expensive due to the annual membership and rego fees. The only thing stopping me putting my Corby on the VH register is that I am getting too old to be bothered with the paperwork.
  25. We will have this sort of problem forever in Australia. We have allowed the bureucrats to dominate government and they only want power. It does not matter about the relevance or sanity of their decisions. As long as they make the decisions they are happy and we have allowed them to get away with it for so long that we are lost.
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