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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. With a tail dragger you have precession acting in two directions. You lift the tail first and then you lower the tail to start your climb, that means you have to use your feet in both directions, but You only use your feet to correct a swing. Using rudder before the swing you have no idea how much to use. When I land and take off I hardly notice what I am doing with my feet, because it is second nature. I sometimes roll out on the landing and analyse what I am doing and it is just one constant jab this way and then that way without really thinking about it.
  2. Surely each individual chart is a World Aeronautical Chart, so they are all WAC Charts and a diagram showing the arrangement of all or a group of charts is not really a chart. But then i am being more pedantic than pedantic.
  3. GREED!
  4. There was a very good looking one at the last SAAA fly in at Narromine, about two years ago. Can't remember the brand name/
  5. Why do you need a master solenoid. I have built two aircraft and deliberately did not use a master solenoid? How do you get a voltage spike from the starter motor? I would have thought that the massive drain would have removed any chance of a high voltage. There is never 12V in the circuit when a 12V starter is engaged.
  6. It is amazing what you can achieve with home made tools designed for a difficult job. I made a tool to install aileron attachment bolts, where the bolt had to be put into a recess, then the aileron went in and the bolt had to slide into the bearing from its hidden location. A couple of bits of shaped aluminium and an elastic band did the trick. One minute of easy work rather than ten minutes of cursing as I lost the bolt time after time.
  7. I have not owned any of them but would consider MGL because I have used their other offerings. Dynon are OK and I have used one once complete with auto pilot. The Garmin appear to do as much as Dynon and have a very good name with GA pilots, but I fear that you will be paying for the multi full page advertisements in all the papers and magazines. Plus if you go the Garmin road, I think you will find it harder to install tourself, rather than use their high priced dealers.
  8. Mhalc. I had to go a long way back to find where your conversation started, but find it I did. I reckon the only prolem apart from jetting that you would have with a Bing is if the feed to the float chamber came adrift, which is a problem i have had a few times. The connection of thin tube to an awkward to get at nipple is not the best, especially as that tube tends to be forgotten and gets hardened with age. A TBI would I suppose not need any pressure equalisation. I am seriously considering changing from the Bing to a TBI as I reckon they are much easier to tune and more reliable,
  9. Hard to find a good paper magazine nowadays. I haven't subscribed for several years. I used to subscribe to kitplanes but they stuffed up my subscription, said it was not honoured by the bank. Now I get a weekly report from them with good reading and it is free. We do not have a newsagent in our local towns so I never see what is available, but over the years it has got less and less. Plenty for fishermen or caravaners, but pilots No.
  10. While I agree that WAC charts are good and I still use them I don't know of anything that you can do with a WAC chart that you cannot do with Avplan or Oz Runways. Once you are proficient with the electronic aids it becomes much easier to change your flight in the air. You also have the problem that WAC Charts do not give you all the info you need. You have to go elsewhwere for radio frequencies and what areas they are used in. My home field is not marked on the WAC chart, but the property it is on is named, and airservices in their wisdom have called the strip something else, which is not mentioned on the WAC. For most flying around the populated areas of Australia the VEC is a better chart to use. It took a lot of lobbying for several years to get the VEC charts for north of Brisbane published. When those charts came out originally they showed them covering right up to Cairns, but North of Brisbane as not published for years.
  11. Those Rotax will run with shot bearings, but not safely. A friend landed with a group of us on an Island beach and when we came to leave he couldn't start his Rotax 447 I think it was. We managed to get him started and he flew home to the next door island. Next time I saw him he showed me what had caused his problem. The caged little end bearing had given way, although we could not hear it. When he tore down the engine the head looked as if someone had taken a pick axe to it. He put in new bearings and a new piston and rings and flew it again. The stopping point is that splitting the crank is not something you do in youre shed.
  12. If you are going to run a wire through a metal opening you have to provide a smooth, non abrasive surface and that has not been provided here.
  13. Plus you can open your drinks with it.
  14. Methusela have you ever done an engine overhaul on a Rotax. { have overhauled many engines but would not do a complete overhaul of a Rotax with a built up crank. Overhauling without splitting and re buildng the crank is only a partial overhaul as there is a centre bearing that you cannot check and failure of that bearing is not something you can live happily with.
  15. The winners are those that build their plane. Build a plane of any weight and you can register it and fly it with a PPL . Do all your own maintenance. Why join RAAus if you have a PPL and reasonable health. I wonder how many of us in RAAus also hold a PPL.
  16. The same from me. I like the photo but can't see the sleigh that it is towing.
  17. That grouping of wires looks poor to me. The greater the number of wires in a bundle, the greater the heating effect and also the greater the possibility of circuits interacting with each other. You would not want to put the P leads in with CHT or EGT and the general setup is just asking for abrasion and damage. At the very least the bundle should have had some protection from mechanical damage, Just a case of very poor assembly. Was it done by the manufacturer> I doubt it.
  18. The Gazelle is ridiculously easy to fly. The first ever landing i ever did in one was a simulated engine out, which involved a turn back to a strip I had just overflown, during a flight review. That was the only time I ever flew one, but they are nice.
  19. I have well over 1000 landings in my Corby and amongst them I have I think 3 deadstick landings. The last one being on my most recent flight, notice I didn't say last flight. I nearly always cut the throttle as I turn onto base leg, or sooner and then attempt to land without having to apply power. On those deadstick landings I could not detect any difference from when I had the motor on minimum rpm. There is a theory that a stopped prop has less drag, but it was not apparent to me.
  20. The fore runner of the Spitfire was the Supermarine Schneider Trophy winner. The Schneider cup was for the fastest plane of the time.
  21. This is about tips and tricks, so how do you get that washer inside the forks of a control arm at the side of a bearing. My tip is to use one of those magnets on an extendable stick. A way to get a nut on a bolt when there is no access from the end. Put the nut into a spanner and hold it there with masking tape. Good for aileron hinges. You could also use RTV paste.
  22. The reason for waiting for the gasket is that the one I made may be fouling the disk inside. I don't know. The gasket is less than 2mm wide in 4 places round the disk. Going without a gasket would I think cause the disk to bind. I could put a full paper gasket over the whole thing and have no starting enrichment at all, but I want to get one problem solved before I start on the next. What surprises me is that at idle on the ground the engine runs fairly well with the throttle pulled all the way out, but with a forward speed of about 40 kts and the nose held high giving a greater angle of attack of the downgoing blade of the prop, that there is so much drag that it stops the motor. The Jab engine setup is poor concerning the controls to the carbie. The throttle cable comes in above and very close to the fuel line and the choke control is the same but beneath. It is extremely hard to get it all out together and I have found the best way is to put the fuel line on first, then the controls and finally the firesleeve. The answer is to remove the original inlet to the carbie and fit an AN tapped fitting in a different direction. Or to run the cables vertically into the carbie as they were done on BMW motorbikes, the fittings are still there.
  23. What top speed will that big engine give the Kitfox. I doubt that it would be anywhere near what you would expect from the increased percentage of HP. Climb will definitely be better, but there is only so much that you need, unless you just want to show off.
  24. I am still waiting for a replacement gasket, but in the meantime i have reduced the idling speed by turning back the adjusting screw 1 turn, On the test flight the engine stopped on approach, nose too high, revs dropped and suddenly stop. No worries i was high enough but started it and continued. I turned adjuster up half a turn and next flight, it stopped again and being the lazy sod that I am, I said stuff the engine and landed without it. It started easily after I stopped, but i did learn something from it. There was about a 4 knot cross wind and as we slowed down it became much harder to to maintain heading, there was a very definite lessening of rudder effectiveness. So much so that I reckon with a real engine out situation I would not want to have to deal with a cross wind. The landing would be OK, but better brakes would be desirable. When I get the gasket, if that does not solve the original problem I have an idling jet replacement. That was sent by Jabiru, when i ordered a needle jet. It seems for carbies I would be better off dealing with Flood than Jabiru.
  25. I know who my elected representatives are and they are all useless. My federal member was touted to be leader of the Country Party, which shows haw little talent the Country party had. It is absolutely useless writing to him about ASIC. What he does is forward it to the relevant minister who replies that it is decreed that it goes on. Of course Avid will not be repealed. It may do no good at all, but it brings in money and even better from the bureaucrats position, it establishes a base of control. Our State government is no better, my representative Country party is based over 100km away and I have a nearer member of the Labor party who replies to my queries far faster and far more effectively.
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