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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Once committed to this action the best way to stay safe would have been to reduce power on the running engine. That would have resulted in a descent, but not had the yaw brought on by full power.
  2. Would you really want CASA to be actively running our flying. They have spent years doing nothing, except growing fatter and taking more taxpayers money. They are still in the process of changing the rules and what do we have. Just about the same as 50 years ago except it is now impossible to know exactly what we have to comply with.
  3. who would trust an instructor after that. Why did he try an engine failure when both he and the pilot had so little experience. Over the years I have seen many instructors and many of them are forgotten as they were poor. Anyone who doesn't know the dangers of twin flying should not be trying to fly one and this pair certainly demonstrate that. Maybe the pilot trusted the instructor. I certainly don't trust instructors and when I find a good one I try to put it around so others may know.
  4. If a CS prop is too complex for you and you find it hard to keep up with, should you really be flying?
  5. It is not only CASA that is not performing, the whole of Australia has been dragged down by bureaucrocy, as has been demonstrated by what happens during the covid crisis.
  6. In the operating handbooks I have written I put in worked examples of several weight and balance conditions. For the RV 4 I had Max weight with max luggage at rear posn, Max wt with max fuel and also min fuel, plus others. The most dangerous loading was max weight with min fuel, which would put you out of safe C of G quite easily. I am surprised at the apparent lack of knowledge of a lot of RAAus pilots and how they seem surprised to find that they can easily load the plane into a dangerous situation.
  7. What trimming does is get the plane flying in balance. If your C of G moves aft for instance as you burn fuel, you will need to trim nose down to correct it. If you don't you will start to climb and slow down, so you will need to trim to regain speed. If C of G moves the other way so does the need to trim to prevent speeding up and descending. I remember a Mooney pilot telling me that he had to move his charts and paperwork from the passengers seat to the top of the Panel to trim for fuel burn.
  8. All the bad things that people are afraid of with slipping, but the really big plus is that when things go wrong all you need to do is relax the control inputs. The nose will straighten up, the low wing will lift and you will have enough speed to be in control. Definitely necessary if you don't have flaps. If I remember right there was a Yanky Kitplane a few years ago that didn't have flaps and the designers recommended that slipping was not a good idea. Not the sort of plane I would like to fly.
  9. The weight of an ADF is not enough to need a re weigh an Archer. From memory a re weigh is required if the weight change is a certain percentage of max weight. From memory it is 5%, but I could be wrong, will have to refer to my notes.
  10. Who does a mag test in climb? It is a regular part of my flying and tells me more about mag workings than a check before take off.
  11. Somebody mentioned Brietback news. I look at it quite often and find it interesting. It is blatantly pro Trump and reading the comments from readers, who are all madly pro Trump is like reading a poison pen letter. It just shows what the mentality of trump suppoerters is like. It is really frightening to think that they can vote.
  12. My tiny tach is faulty. This was the seond time that it had re set itself from 2 pulses per rev to 1 pulse. Resetting on the ground is easy and I am back to correct rpm. The tach works on only one mag so if OMEs' problem arose I would have had a small rev drop or zero rpm. I still think that given the facts from OME that with light and variable winds during a high pressure time and in a coastal area, that 30 minutes coule result in several miles out in distance travelled.
  13. My flights are spent with one hand on the throttle all the time. The cockpit is too small for it to be anywhere else. On Saturday I was stooging along and all of a sudden saw that my Tiny tach was indicating over 5000rpm. That is the only tach I use and it was new only a few hours ago. The Jab engine will not run to 5000rpm. I know what happened, do you? I will fix it before next flight.
  14. Onetrack. Is it legal to fly a kitbuilt or any other type of aircraft without a POH or some other type if instruction manual. I would consider it extremely foolish to fly without reading the POH. I have done it, but after a great deal of questioning of the owner about systems and flying characteristics. I have written 2 POHs' for the planes I have built. Even flying a similar plane it would be sensible to read the POH, as I discovered with a C172 demo plane. I flew it with the agents pilot and on final I did what I normally did in a C172, pushed down on the flap lever for 10 deg of flap and found that I had to push the nose down to maintain speed. The new planes flap lever had to be pushed down and then up when the required flap had been set.
  15. When setting this sort of conundrum I would expect to be able to rely on the information given. It is easy to change the info and not tell us, but there is no way for us to work out what is happening. From the info given I assumed that rpm was correct as it was stated. I still reckon that given the original info and accepting it all as correct, one thing that could cause a drop of GS would be a land breeze coming of the ocean. Remember the destinatiion was a beachside and land breezes are common in the PM. Try another one OME, this has certainly got us all thinking.
  16. I have always reckoned that to be thought a good pilot by those that know, you need to never come to their attention. Never show off, never push the boundaries. I can't say that I have always been successful at this, but I have tried with a couple of ommissions. One of which was watched by a CASA rep, who said nothing until I asked his opinion as someone else had admonished me.
  17. I think the answer lies in the fact that you are flying to a beahside destination and left after mid day in light and variable conditions. I leave you to work out what my thinking is and no doubt OME will correct me if I am incorrect with my thoughts.
  18. I couldn't be bothered to listen to all the AOPA video. I see that they have a new chief, but watching the beginning he didn't get into putting his case very early. Hence I turned it off. I have attended AOPA seminars and usually came away feeling that they take half an hour to deliver 5 minutes worth of info. They just go on and on. Maybe they have something to say this time, but I would like someone else to tell me what it is. I was an AOPA member 50 yeras ago and lapsed because I thought they were whingers, rather than doers. I rejoined about ten years ago and put up with it for a year. It is a pity that SAAA haven't put their case to the general public, or even their members.
  19. There was BMW motorcycle engine used in a US homebuilt years ago. It used the original gearbox with 2nd gear selected and fixed in that configuration. From memory it was a Nieuport and had a large diameter prop.
  20. No doubt about it tailwheel flying gives you a better chance of landing properly. I fly tailwheel with the only nosewheel flying being when I do a flight review. I jump into a plane I heve never flown before and land easily, no problems. All you need to do is keep the speed under control and keep the nose up. Don't pin the wheels on on a taildragger, just stick to 3 pointing.
  21. The statement that the pool of candidates only includes politicians is incorrect. Trump was not a politician and was elected to office, probably because the electorate is sick of politicians. You could call it an experiment, I would call it a failed experiment. The Liberal party here in 2007 had a similar problem. They chose to stick with John Howard, who had well and truly passed his used by date. He was unseated by a non politician woman, who only served one term on parliament. Good on you Maxine. The problem for the USA is how to bring back sense and stability to the government. I cannot see either candidate doing any good. If Trump wins it will be a disaster and his VP is no better than he is. If Biden wins, then the only hope is that he is succeede quickly by his VP.
  22. I had a GME and it may or may not have been that model. The cost of replacing the battery was about 80 of a new better model of PLB, so I went with the new one.
  23. I only looked at the video about gulleting pipe fittings. Made me wonder why use carbon and then gleu carbon tubes together. There must be stronger jointing methods than that.
  24. Leadership as defined by a proven leader. If I was a Yank I would do as he suggests, but unfortunately I don't have to.
  25. Most of the GA planes I have flown have a separate switch for the alternator. The reason being that it is not unknown for alternators to fail in the highvolts / amps load and quickly ruin a battery and also your day.
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