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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. VH experimental has no problems with modifications, unless they are major. You could change from an O320 to an O360 without problems, unless the C of G was changed too much.
  2. Reminds me of when I let off a foam extinguisher inside a cromwell tank. It looked just lovely foaming out of the turret.
  3. I have about 7 of those already mentioned. Failing to give radio broadcasts, due stress of weather. It saved me a landing fee. When a student we had a rip roaring send off for a couple of instructors going to Ansett and TAA. I flew next morning, practicing stalls and kept thinking I would have to land, then recovering. About 10 hours bottle to throttle.
  4. There is a Jab 4 seater, but I suppose it must be owner built. It cannot be RAAus rego, because they have a max of 2 seats. I would have to be GA rego and experimental. We have the same plane at our strip, with 2 seats and RAAus rego.
  5. If you get the manufacturer to refurbish the battery it will cost nearly as much as a new better quality PLB. I still have the old one and maybe i should look at replacing the battery myself, but it is no longer registered with AMSA.
  6. My thoughts on instrumentation are that extra to the usual tacho and oil pressure and temp., it is nice to have CHT and EGT because these not only tell you what is happening now, but they are extremely good diagnostic tools. manifold pressure or inlet vacuum are necessary with constant speed props, but with fixed pitch, they can tell you a lot. The other tool is a fuel flow gauge. You have to know how to interpret what you see from these gauges. If you have anything more than magneto ignition or fuel injection some of them become essential.
  7. I think you need to decide what you need to have info on. Then work out how to obtain that info. You don't want too much info when flying, so have it recorded for examination later. Definitely make a list of what you want first and also why you want it. most of your needs will be fairly easily met, except for such as vibration recording.
  8. The figure given for fuel height in a Bing carbie is not 1/2" down from the top of the bowl. I forget the actual figure, but when the bowl is removed, the float is no longer in the fuel and therefore its level drops. Using the correct figure will make the level be about right at the top of the bowl, when it is replaced.
  9. It sems that a lot of those heavy stuff manuals don't get the attention they need. Professional pilots seem to be getting less professional lately.
  10. What will you think if someone dies because of CO2 poisoning in this aircraft. If you cannot bring yourself to report it, you should at least tell the owner to report it and make sure he does.
  11. So what is the difference between "possible" and "practicable"? I read them as both being the same, but then I have only been using English for 80 years.
  12. If you are in SE Qld, I am not sure where Starke Field is. You could go to Redcliffe to Avisyst. I used them for the transponder in my RV4. Reasonable pricing and very good service.
  13. It is still quadrantal, just that two of the quadrants are now IFR only.
  14. The system we have works and I have used it. I don't want my stupid mistakes to be copied by another person. Let others know where you have failed so that they can avoid failure. The other point is, that if you speak up, you will not be prosecuted unless it was an obvious illegal move.
  15. I am not because I cannot be bothered. Just pay up and fly, don't make waves and don't spend precious time on what someone else can do. Just like every other RAAus member.
  16. The RV4 has a roll bar directly behind the pilot and in a roll over the canopy would probably be broken as there is about 75mm between the closed canopy and the top of the bar. It is a frightening thought as to what could happen. I had brakes lock up on landing and all was well until down to walking speed, when the downforce on the horiz. stab. was too little to hold the tail down. I ended up going to just about vertical and luckily dropped back onto the tailwheel. Not a happy moment, but it lasted too short a time for me to think of opening the canopy.
  17. Turbs. Your list only gives deaths. The numbers for cases is slightly different and with the number of cases increasing rapidly, we are going to see a rapid increase in deaths. It has only taken less than a week for the Aussie death rate to double.
  18. A roll over support to stop it all collapsing on you and a hammer or tomohawk, to bash your way out if needed. Why does the nosewheel collapse? It can happen with a tailwheel.
  19. Having a radio is no guarantee that you will be safe. At my home strip we have aircraft flying on area frequency, because they do not even know that the strip is there. When you fly cross country are you looking for all those strips near your route and changing frequency to listen to all of them, or do you listen to area frequency to stay safe and informed?
  20. On 13 Aug, those aerstrips which are registered will be called certified and will require radio. Until then they are registered and do not require radio, but if you have radio you must use it. Those such as YIVG, my home strip are not registered or certified at this time and i am assuming that it will stay that way, but as we all have and use radio it doesn't matter. What does matter is all the airstrips, such as YMIM Miriam vale which are on the charts and haven't existed for years. As it stands at the moment we should listen and advise our progress on 126.7 when we are near places like that and in the meantime cannot necessarily be listening on area frequency. This means two or more aircraft could be close together on different frequencies.
  21. Welcome all newcomers. Adshedsyd. You didn't say what type of aircraft you want to paint. Most aircraft do not have gel coat so be careful that it is not more serious crazing of the finish plus matrix.
  22. If birds in a truck fly, their weight will not be added to the trucks weight if there was a free flow of air from inside to outside of the truck. You don't feel the weight of a ;elican if it flies directly over you, although you will feel the wind disturbance. Nor do you feel the weight of a plane if you are under it on the threshold. Just imagine being under a 747.
  23. The two spaceships are travelling at twice the speed of light relative to each otherI want to travel at greater than the speed of light so that I can turn round and see myself coming' The reason that the Concorde was not used as a military plane was that it travelled faster than a bullet, so that if it shot a gun it would shoot itself down.
  24. Danny Leach. Now that is a name I haven't heard in years. Bright lad, he used to come to Rodds Bay with his father. G'day Danny from Ian Borg
  25. I hear today that Flu deaths are down from about 370 last year to 30 plus this year for the same time period. That is the good news. As far as the police go, they are doing a difficult job and no doubt can get pissed off by the way they are treated. In Qld they are way better now than they were in the eighties.
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