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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Most of this now has nothing to do with airservices . I suggest it could be moved to Off Topic and we could get stuck in to it, but I am not following it up here.
  2. I used an iPad in my RV4, which is rather like a goldfish bowl. Overheating is a known problem and as others have said the screen causes a lot of heat. Unfortunately we need a bright screen, or otherwise the sun makes it impossible to see. I had a ventilator ducted to blow directly on the back of the iPad, which was in an aluminium holder. No problems in up to 38 deg C. Except for the difficulty in seeing the screen in bright sun.
  3. There seems to be some difference of opinion here about what the quoted figures represent. They were posted as "60psi to 64psi over 80". That is just a bit of an odd way of quoting leak down pressures. Normally the "psi" is not used. They are numbers which are low but not catastrophically so. If I had the engine and it was runnable I would try again to see if the numbers improved, but if they are the best numbers that the seller could get, then there is a problem. It would need to be a good buy to make it worthwhile and Lycoming don't have a good reputation with camshaft corrosion in little used engines, also the age of the engine means that really the seals and other things that don't wear, but just deteriorate will need attention. I would guess that once you touched this engine it would attach itself to your back pocket.
  4. There have been many write ups in magazines over the years and the general concensus was that they are good.
  5. We could do away with the states, but from how all governments have handled the covid pandemic where would we be. The feds and the states have stuffed up twice, first the Ruby Princess, which maybe we could accept as a mistake, but secondly the livestock carrier. From those happenings I prefer to stick with my state. Having said that I think it is getting very close to time to allow NSW and SA residents to come North, but am not so sure about Victorians. Hard to say that as my daughter and her family are in Victoria.
  6. I don't know anything about their bullying, but from my dealings with the airservices staff other than those in the towers and centre they don't have much between the ears and that goes right to the top. They are typical bureaucrats and once having made a decision they cannot change it, no matter how stupid it is. It is impossible to get an airstrip that has not existed for over ten years taken off the charts.
  7. The reason for tefzel wire is to reduce the risk of fire and dangerous fumes if the wire does overheat. Use PVC if you like but be aware that it gives off noxious fumes if it burns.
  8. That info ought to be on the RAAus website. It would provide something of value instead of the rubbish that they did post.
  9. That health worker is supposed to have visited Blackwater, which would have been breaking the regulations. She supposedly went to photograph the sunset. Oh yes I believe that. Any sane person would drive over 150km illegally, because the sunset is such an unbelievable sight. That nurse doesn't have much credibility so asking if she ever met the bloke who died is not going to tell us anything. It looks like a big coincidence to me and I don't believe in coincidences.
  10. As said above someone has read the POH but not taken much notice of part of it. I like to always be fully conversant with whatever I fly. My reasoning is that it is what you don't know that can kill you. I don't intend this as criticism but ask that you consider my point of view, because I think it could save a life.
  11. I wondered why they ever had a clutch in the starter system.ts of much bigger motors start with a Bendix screw drive and no clutch. It just seems to me to be an unnecessary failure point
  12. The government has done well in Australia, but seems to have gone for total eradication, rather than the original containment policy. It may be possible to eradicate the virus, but not if government doesn't get itself sorted out. We had the fiasco with the Ruby Princess, which I believe was being investigated and we have heard nothing. No doubt because some government workers will be embarrassed. Now we have a livestock carrier docking in WA and exactly the same thing has happened. We have different government departments denying all responsibility. I find it hard for governments to expect us to conform, when they cannot do so themselves. For the same mistake to be made twice is criminal in my opinion and I would like to see the high up heads roll, that is ministers and other highly paid civil servants.
  13. We have no requirement for any battery at all. We cannot fly IFR and don't need all the electrical gauges. We can legally hand prop an engine, but it seems so few people have done it that it is frowned upon. Most RAAus aircraft do not need a battery for anything except starting. I have several times over the years jump started my aircraft. If you jump start before the battery is run down too far, it will recover quickly. If you an Odyssey PC680, which is a very common battery, it will runout of puff on a cold day. Remove the metal jacket container it sits in and it will work much better.
  14. Another build is allways good. I shall have to get out the maps and see where all those states are/ Mu USA geography is a bit hazy It looks like a big round trip, missing Texas. Is the Hackman as good as they say and is it still going?
  15. When you have got over that conspiracy theory have a look at the current one. China engineered the covid virus and let it go to bring down the USA. I don't know if there is such a theory as I don't watch them, but I guess there is. Anyway Donald believes it
  16. In my sailing days I once had one stubby of beer and decided I was going to change my anchorage position. Made a complete stuff up of it and went back to where I was before. I just didn't realise how much I could be affected without realising it.
  17. If you build a Jabiru or any other aircraft and register it as experimental GA, you, the builder get to state what the max weight is. Of course if you build a plane which the factory says is 750kg and try to get it registered with 900kg, it may not be accepted by the Authorised Person who represents CASA.
  18. It's all Greek to me. Welcome aleDF good to see another builder here.
  19. I just renewed my rego for the Corby and while I was on the RAAus site I thought I would look at the accident statistics reported. 8 reported this month with absolutely no details. An interesting one this month made me wonder. An Evector Sportstar had a partial engine failure. Managed to land safely off field and checked engine. Nothing found, so pilot overnighted and continued on way next morning. What I wonder is what caused the partial engine failure? Has RAAus looked into it? Was it a good decision to continue, with an engine which had partially failed without a known reason? Did the pilot have an idea of what the reason was and if so why wasn't it in the report. I have an idea of what the reason could be, but was it correctly handled and reported?
  20. I use plugs so that the panel can be removed for servicing. No problems there, I did have a problem with the earth being undersized, but luckily I spotted that it had overheated, before it gave way.
  21. The first flight after maintenance is in my opinion a test flight. I have not had problems after my own maintenance, but back in the day when I used to hire, I found many discrepancies after a plane had been in maintenance. One I flew and was sent for maintenance had an engine failure on take off, after that maintenance was supposedly done. It was a failed exhaust valve in a C172.
  22. The pilot in command is one of the things I have seen in the new VFG handbook. It is now spelled out by CASA. Must be agreed before take off.
  23. I flew a B23 Musketeer for my last BFR. Did about 45 mins of instrument flight and thoroughly enjoyed Nice and stable, especially compared to the RV4 and Corby I had at the time. You are not too old yet Marshall. I was a teenager when you were born.
  24. It possibly doesn't cost as much as you think to get back into flying. I did it about the time you were getting out of flying. There are a lot of reasonably priced planes for sale and there are a lot of highly priced , high spec'd plastic fantastic also. The big difference between affordable flying and what you have done is the fact that the modern light planes are very light and do not fly in as stable a fashion as the Debonair, Which I have never flown or the Cessnas and Pipers. Whatever you fly, just the joy of leaving the ground makes it worthwhile.
  25. Snoopy. I think you may have a few knowledgable people who disagree with you. Could you explain why they have no relationship?
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