A recent flight. In Feb I took my RV4 down to Maryborough and the chap intending to buy it drove up from NSW. The sale was dependent on a demo flight.
Looking at him I reckoned I had better check W & b, he reckoned he was 100kg, which would put me slightly over max weight with the fuel I had on board, also I m sure the balance would have been out, so no flight for him.
We had a big storm overnight and it was still lingering, low cloud and skuddy rain. A Cessna Caravan came in, dropped off its passengers and departed. Weather still poor, but improving. Later the cloud seemed to have lifted, I reckoned there was 1000' all round close to the strip, but denser cloud to the SE.
I decided to do a circuit, just to demonstrate that the plane would fly and away I went. All looked good still good visibility beneath the cloud ahead, but next thing I am in that whispy stuff below the cloud, I have plenty of visibility just slightly downwards, but ahead no horizon. The only thing to do is descend and at this time I am going over houses, the altimeter reads 500' Round I go and I can see the airstrip, Over the river and back to a low base leg, no time to do anything except land the plane, taxi in.
The buyer said I disappeared from his view before I turned and he didn't see me again untll I landed.
I was well and truly fooled by the sight picture of the clouds, the ceiling looked higher than it was because I couldn't see that there was a great depth of those whispy tendrils hanging below the visible cloud. I hate skud running, because the temptation is to be as high as possible, which puts you in just the situation I found myself in. Luckily Maryborough is fairly flat and doesn't have any high obstacles.