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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. RAAus don't necessarily edit the reports, but they have garbled one I put in, making it totally incorrect and stating that I was at fault, even though my report clearly showed I was not at fault. It makes you wonder if it is worth putting in a report to try to help others avoid an incident.
  2. More airspeed may be needed for ranging when flying into a head wind, but that headwind is needed to reduce landing speed at the end. If you turn downwind you will travel further at a greater Ground Speed and need to turn into wind for the safest landing. Best bet is to always have an eye open for forced landing fields as you cover the ground, turn back if nothing into wind is suitable, otherwise try to keep your GS low.
  3. A friend of mine had his Aerprrakt 22 Lc for sale a while ago and i don't think it has sold. He was asking $95000 I think. Contact him at [email protected]. I haven't seen him for some time, but don't know the state of play at the moment.
  4. Do you need to hold a drivers licence to be able to have a pilots certificate? I thought you had to be able to pass the drivers licence medical. Are older drivers more of a risk than others? I thought the high risk age group was the late teen . early adulthood age.
  5. There are a lot of nosewheel incidents but I don't put this down to nosewheels being bad. It is more a case of the pilot letting things get out of control. A taildragger pilot is very conscious of getting the speed correct for the landing. Once we start flying with a nosewheel it is easy to put the plane down with excess speed and I thin it happens because we get lazy.
  6. We used to have it the second weekend in June and it is a lot colder then. No bare feet even by the fire, which in any case was many times larger than he one you enjoyed. Stoked with a big front end loader.
  7. All the theories point to a convex upper surface causing a lower pressure and the lower surface has a higher pressure, So lift is caused by the wing being pushed from high to low pressure. I never subscribed to the theory of the low pressure above the wing providing the major part of lift. The lower part of the wing deflects air downwards and there is an equal and opposite reaction from the wing, plus a little bit of lift from the lower pressure above. I just wonder why when I am cruising along and look at the top of my wing, the dacron part behind the main spar seems to be sucked down into the wing.
  8. That was George Creeds way of waking us all up. It happened right in the middle of his funeral service. A long standing tradition.
  9. You need to look at the certificate of registration, to see what restrictions are place on that aircraft. It could be that it cannot be used fro what you want to do with it.
  10. I flew in and out on Saturday. Staying overnight is not for me. The noise go on too long and as I wasn't involved this year I just enjoyed a couple of hours there. Didn't see Jackc and his thruster, couldn't have looked hard enough. I didn't see any of the old rag and tube types. There was a Tecknam high wing with a diesel motor, got about twenty hours on the clock. Lots of Rvs also.
  11. It could also be that when the throttle is closed, the pilot puts the nose down which increases the speed and also the rpm.
  12. There are already some planes heading for Old Station. I notice that several have flown over here, obviously heading in that direction.
  13. Are there many diesels running with inline pumps nowadays. I have been out of the mechanics business for so long that I don't know what is current. My preference for direct injection is because it is easier to start. No glow plugs required, even in sub zero weather. So less battery drain.
  14. The only reason to increase speed in a turn in any direction is to counter the effect of increased stall speed, caused by bank angle. The biggest problem with flying close to the ground is that the pilot tends to think his observed ground speed is related to his air speed.
  15. There seems to be confusion about the definition of diesel and petrol engines. Diesel is not a fuel as it is used in engines. It is an operating system, properly known as compression ignition, whereas petrol is spark ignition. Diesels engines, compression ignition engines can run on Diesel fuel or distilate as it may me called and also on Jet A1, or kerosine. Petrol engines, spark ignition used in aircraft will run on distillate, but they will self destruct in very short time. As proved by several RV10s that were misfuelled with jet A1. What is the difference between direct and indirect injection diesel engines. I have used both and worked on both and in my opinion direct injection is superior, except maybe for noise at idle. Another thing about diesel is that you can't advance the throttle, because there isn't one. Power control in diesel is by fuel amount per stroke, there is full air flow. Power control in petrol is by controlling air flow with the throttle as well as some kind of fuel quantity control.
  16. The only thing that could make you reduce speed with wind shear is the fact that your ground speed is looking higher than you are used to. look outside and its going so fast that you pull back on the stick. Then stall.
  17. I just renewed my plane rego and in doing so I looked at the incidents report. A pilot was oserved having trouble landing several times, so an instructor talked him down. Had to remind him to fully close the throttle when landing. Where did that pilot learn and who was his instructor? One, or both of them look incompetent to me.
  18. I had a very good Yaesu for years, but it eventually stopped transmitting, so I bought an Icom A16. I ordered a 15, but they had been superceeded so I neded up with the 16. It works OK, but there is one serious fault with it. It cannot be connected to the aircrafts 12V power, which means it only runs on the battery installed. Can't be recharged or boosted while in use. Probably OK for OME, but I don't like it. I got the Yaesu repaired, but it only ran for about a year and broke down again.
  19. I thought that via flight planned route was not used nowadays. Many years ago two aircraft flew Brisbane to Gladstone and later someone was heard talking in a pub about being in a plane and seeing another plane about a mile away , same height, same route. The person overhearing the conversation reported it and what had happened is that one airline routed via Bundy and the other routed inland, but then amended their plan. In the air that plane was told to go as routed, but it was the wrong route. Nobody would have known anything about it, except for that overheard conversation.
  20. Was this post about Chinese made copies of Rotax engines. If so surely that would be illegal as Rotax did the design and no doubt has the rights to that design.
  21. I use KTI and have had GME in the past. This is not an Epirb, it is a PLB. PLBs are legal for recreational flying and also GA. It used to be that the plane had to have an EPIRB, which is an automatic beacon mounted in the plane. A PLB can be carried anywhere, for sailing or bushwalking or even use for a road accident in one of those many place where phone is not available.
  22. The statistics may make water look like a good option, but it is scary. With fixed gear as most of us here have I am pretty sure that the deceleration forces of the gear, when it hits the water will result in the nose going in the water. That is going to cause a rapid total deceleration, throwing you into your harness and probably your head into the panel. Immediately followed by sinking. Figures may make it look good but it sure is scary.
  23. I have the old green licence and the current pile of paper that doesn't fit in the green case. All kept in a plastic bag, but the plastic card type has long gone. CASA do have records going way back, but some of them are garbled. When I got the new licence I was approved for retractable Undercarriage, but not for constant speed prop which was the opposite of what I really had. it was easy to fix though.
  24. We have had 126mm rain in 24 hours, but it is still plenty of time to become bone dry by the 29th. I may get up there at the weekend.
  25. I am less than 30 nm from Old Station and we have had less than 20mm of rain in the forecast flood. I doubt that Raglan Creek which is at the end of their airstrip has even run any more than its usual flow.
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