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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. Yet my flight school J170 engine went 1200hrs before going in for the upper section rebuild. The engine was run solely on avgas and ran extremely well throughout its time. My reco 2200 in my 120 is going in for the through bolts and nuts to be replaced on the 9th Jan after 200hrs without a problem albeit slightly down compressions at the previous 100hrly. We will query this with the leak downs at the 200hrly, also being done by Jabiru at the same time. Strange how some have dramas and others run well but ultimately I still think about the through bolt issue when I'm over water or tiger country!
  2. I was looking for your post JG and for 2012 you haven't disappointed! Have a great year mate and I look forward to next years pic.
  3. Relfy

    New Jabiru Engine

    Tomo, you'd have to be careful of crosswinds WALKING to the plane!!
  4. Wow. That is awesome.
  5. Tomo, have you been to Meandarra airstrip? I drove past it the other day on my way back to Roma. It seems quite long.
  6. Bacon, there may be a spare spot in the hanger I rent at Dalby. Theres a few planes in there but some may be going. I'll find out for you. Send me a PM with your number. It's a great hanger in a great spot with everything you need. I'll enquire with the owner.
  7. True about that exhaust, it runs underneath down to near the tail wheel! I heard it from my parents place running hard then nothing, off the gas and straight back for the strip. Didn't sound natural but after seeing the set up, it makes sense.
  8. And to update, I use Ozrunways on my iPad 2. Tether my iPhone to it and then naips for weather. I feel it has made my flying safer by reducing the workload in the cockpit when things get busy. The scratch pad is great when there are a few in the circuit to jot down call signs and positions. I also use Motion x GPS so my wife can track me live when I'm in the air and also I send my position every 2 mins to her email and another two email addresses, just in case. I have to remember though, to turn it off because when I tell her I'm at the hanger cleaning the plane but popping up on my mates deck (yes it is that accurate), I get in trouble.
  9. KML, ah that brings back memories of my circuit training days at the Roy jostling for positions with the camel. I spoke to Darryl and another bloke Tom I think, the following day. They told me about the other tug with the V8 which has a very interesting history. Just gotta watch that tow rope ov the thresh-hold!
  10. To all the adventurers out there, I am in the throws of planning for this years longest day fly/ride which is to take place on the 21st of December 2011. This event has been running for a few years now and started with adventure motorcycle riders leaving the respective locations in Qld, NSW & Victoria at first light according to their listed first light times and riding west to Cameron Corner at the NSW, Qld and SA border. This is an extreme ride for those taking part and taxing on the rider and machine. I rode it once and had a ball as anyone traveling to the corner will tell you, the countryside is amazing and with the recent wet, it should be nothing short of breathtaking. In 2010 I decided to fly it and departed Cunnamulla (I know, not too far from the corner) and arrived in time to set up with a cold drink and watch the riders arriving from all over the place. The managers at the roadhouse put on a great meal and the stories that went around the table are something you can only experience in the real outback. The riders come from all walks of life including doctors, lawyers, tradies and even adventure bike journailsts make the journey. I spoke with Fenn about arranging some other flyers because somehow my prize for longest trip by air, given I was the only aircraft, felt a bit hollow. I still accepted the prize though. Its a long haul and depending on where you are coming from, you will come across some of the most amazing channel country in Australia. The plan is to head off at first light from wherever you are and head west/north/south etc to the corner on the 21st, and return home on the 22nd unless you want to keep going somewhere else. Fenn at the corner was going to make a perpetual trophy out of something laying around the roadhouse and I don't see why the flyers can't challenge the riders and throw some money into the roof in support of the Flying Doctors (see picture below explaining this). I will be posting a few updates on fuel availability, accommodation, strip condition, other flyers joining in (of which there are a number of aircraft already) and hopefully also posting my progress live via a tracker so the earthbound or adventurely challenged amongst us can follow along. It will be hot, could be bumpy, ok it will be bumpy, it's a long way and it's remote. The strip is interesting but nothing beyond most flyers. I'll even ask Fenn to cut down the tree at the threshold... If you're keen to meet some great people, share in the adventures of everyone's journey and perhaps partial to a cold drink of which I heard they have ice cold beer, then head on out. Post here if you're keen to take part and also if you are willing to take someone with you to share the flying, fun times etc.
  11. Has there been a cross wind when you commenced slipping and which way did you slip in relation to it if there was one?
  12. Abc news just reported two children rescued using a crane and the pilot and passenger in the aircraft ok and about to be rescued also.
  13. I can't believe it didn't moove out of the way? It's an udder miracle that the wing wasn't torn off, or it wasnt chopped up by the prop or t-boned head on. Oh dear, I'm off to bed...sorry team.
  14. that video is quite mooving.
  15. Good work Tomo! :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  16. I found this story today and thought I'd share it with everyone. It's great to see improvements in medical devices enabling people to aspire to their dreams and ultimately their quality of life. http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2011/s3312552.htm
  17. Perhaps pacific haven at the back of Howard?
  18. I know Ian, I was doing some shopping the other day and there he was. Google Dalby shopping world... :)
  19. Thanks for the info Chris, what TAS/rpm were you getting on the return trip? 15 lph is god for the 170. The 170 i used to fly was up around 18lph at cruise. They certainly look nice.
  20. Relfy

    Jabiru Web Site

    It's a bit disappointing really. That's their showroom to show and tell the world about their product.
  21. Top stuff Maj, you didn't have any trouble coming back across that highway now did you? :)
  22. Relfy


    I fly over Bollon strip all the time and it is quite a good strip but a fair walk from town. Hungerford is a great experience for anyone wanting a bush pub experience. It is about 3 ks from town but the pub will pick you up if you orbit town a few times. It's called the Royal Mail and is a great authentic outback pub. On another note, the Eulo Airstrip is right at the edge of town and is only a 50m walk from the pub but the shop next to it burnt down a few weeks back so fuel is not available there at the moment.
  23. Text book f16 short field landing...simply not possible. :)
  24. I can help out there turbo. Good to see you finally found an aircraft Tomo and it was good to finally put a face to the name even though you felt the need to rub it in that you were off to Bundy for the airshow whilst I had to get back for work. Had an interesting experience about 15 miles into my flight to St George though. What I thought was a wedge tail eagle screaming across in front of me from right to left turned out to be an F18 Super Hornet dive bombing a dam on a property. Started to get a bit worried because he came back towards me a few times and didn't appear to be talking to anyone on the radio. He was also outside the active airspace that I was going around. Surely he would have picked me up on tcas though. I was going to engage him but I had a bucket of KFC chicken to deliver to some very needy kids in far west qld some 700km from their nearest store.
  25. 15 years in the NSW and QLD police. General duties along with Forensic Crash Investigator for our whole district out here in SW Qld.
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