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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. I flew into Cunnamulla from Brisbane today and the area around St George is amazing. A third of the countryside is water. The rivers spilling out everywhere also look pretty amazing also. The countryside is so green and it will be amazing flying out this way and especially out towards the Cooper Creek area once the low has passed through. If only they could hurry up with my Jab at the factory and I could check it out myself!
  2. Perhaps if we have some of the more html (web page code) savvy members among us that may be able to offer some advice and/or some expertise in ths area to RAA, we may be able to look at a vable and cost effective way of implementing this? I'm of the belief that if any members have any concerns about a/c flying unregistered, then just give RAA a quick call and let them know of your concerns and the a/c involved and from my experience with the staff at RAA it will be handled quickly, professionally and discretely. Thanks Ian for your input in regards to not only this matter but also a number of other matters. It is hard to run an organisation the size of the RAA and to keep everything simple. Information and communication are the key and you have really helped out everyone in that regard and I really like beiong informed of what is going on. Top work and I've never given this out before...but 5 thumbs up!! :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up:
  3. and does anyone care to hazard a guess at what the NZ aircraft is? I think I know.... ;)
  4. All paid for. Thanks for your efforts with this Slarti and Darky. :thumb_up:
  5. What a fantastic idea and good luck to those turning spanners! For the Natfly-challenged amongst us who can't make it for whatever reason, Ian or delegate may be able to run a thread on the progress over the weekend so we can follow the action and see the kit morph into a complete aircraft? Hint hint. With Steve Bell there along the way overseeng things, the whole exercise should be a fantastic, positive, safe demonstration on the aspects and process of building an aircraft. :thumb_up::thumb_up:
  6. The money spent on this should be put into other areas. If we don't self regulate to a certain extent, we will be regulated. Plain and simple. The fine issued to the person last year for doing the wrong thing was a great deterrent. A culture of safety comes from within the membership and will always be more effective than a big stick mentality. It's not just a case of a simple 50 cent sticker as has been mentioned. There is a lot of time and admin time required to do this, for basically no benefit except that someone who is standing at your wingtip can see it compared to someone who is standing next to the window looking at the registration card. Jetjr mentioned that police are provided with very expensive equipment to check on regos etc. This is not the case. 95% of the time it's a radio or phone call to confirm rego details via a very basic database. RAA could check regos very easily with minimal expense or equipment required. In my opinion, put the money towards awareness (advertising, web bulletins etc) so that members can regulate this area. Make a website form on the RAA page where if you see an A/C you can leave anon details of time and place is was seen flying so that RAA can check and confirm details.
  7. We don't need this and it won't fix the problem. The states are getting away from this for motor vehicles because it is just a waste of money and doesn't achieve the purpose it is set out to do. There is already legislation there to address this issue and people can be heavily fined if they operate an unregistered aircraft. If anyone knows of an operator using an unregistered aircraft, report them to RAA and they will take action. So far, the self governing system works, let's keep it that way and weed out the shonks.
  8. Well now that 5229 is up there with you, I have to get 'certed on a J160 next weekend when I go to Kingaroy. You will have a ball learning and keep us posted on your progress! :thumb_up:
  9. Can I get four please with the following- 2 x 'Flying gets you high' 2 x 'Pilots stay up longer' Regards, Relfy
  10. what Motza said, but a J170. Ideal for him, plenty of room there and no worries with weight limitations. :thumb_up:
  11. Top work Ken, looking forward to hearing about it. :thumb_up:
  12. Excellent. As someone who has a jab on the order board, I'm following this thead with keen interest. :thumb_up:
  13. Andy, awesome work. You are one step further towards doing something amazing. Keep at it mate, you will love it. Learning on the jab is also an excellent move as it will set you up for all types. Keep us posted on your progress and keep at it. Is is exciting, challenging, rewarding, difficult, frustrating and really takes you out of your comfort zone but above all it is just damn fun. You just need to adjust your comfort zone!
  14. That is a fantastic idea and I would really like to go to one of these sessions. The more information and understanding of what we are dealing with, the better i say. On another note, instead of going for an all out restricted airspace endorsement, why shouldn't we consider starting out with a transit restricted allowance to start with, as a trial to any further additions. Perhaps if casa can see our professionalism in this regard to start with, they may feel more confident in allowing RAA to utilise such an endorsement. Apart from adding to safety in regards to transversing tiger country, it is also a 'probation' period for easing RAA into this area. Thoughts?
  15. Spot on Detective Watto, my thoughts exactly.
  16. Awesome work Keith, three thumbs up! :thumb_up::thumb_up::thumb_up: As already stated, keep us posted of your adventures. Every account brings back the memories!
  17. This is terrible and I would say from experience that the offenders here will be looking to come back at some time also, given the MO over the last week. I will be storing an aircraft soon and I will be fitting a device like this to the Hanger to record all movements in and out. They are cheap and great for use in evidence at court later. I'll have an internal and external camera. 2.4G Wireless Motion Detect Record System - eBay, Cameras, Security Systems, Electronics. (end time 15-Feb-10 21:30:56 AEDST) You can fit a couple of cameras and it's night rated. It's also relatively cheap and great insurance. Just hide the recording device well and it's a great system.
  18. Thanks Tomo, I jumped straight into that post I must admit when i saw the title. Bring on June! Another great vid by the way. :thumb_up:
  19. Winsor, I've got 53hrs in 5229. It's a great little ship and runs really well. My avatar was taken with it on a nav at Caloundra. Pete McNamara looks after it REALLY well. You will have a ball learning in it! Have fun! :thumb_up:
  20. He's teasing us Ultra... :big_grin:
  21. Where are the pics Brian!!
  22. But is there an efficient altitude that we can cruise at with our mostly Jab and Rotax motors? At what heights does the motor performance deteriorate?
  23. With the changes in technology ie glass cockpits and the freedoms afforded by RAA, there may well be some exciting changes in our form of aviation in the next ten years. It may well be the case that in the future we will have greater altitudes, speed, endurance and most importantly, safety. We may well be able to do a Dick Smith and pop over to New Zealand for dinner and return home the same day...who knows!
  24. Blackrod, the Jabs were put on the NZ register under their LSA category and then special permission was granted through casa for them to be flown from australia. I was merely pointing to the fact that the actual flight is quite achievable, not the legalities of doing so. As it stands in accordance with regs etc, an RAA reg plane could not be flown to NZ.
  25. Thre have ben a few jabs flown to NZ, even a J120 who did what you are talking about Thalass. They seemed to do it quite easily, albeit with a lot of planning and preparation. Weather would be a major influencing factor going that far.
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