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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. At Kingaroy the glider mob are great people and we get along really well with them. I guesss that Kingaroy is set up well for glider ops with a nice grass 34L & 16R strip for them to use, which leaves the main strip for use at the same time. I found in training, and it was stressed to me constantly, to keep and eye out for traffic because some days there were 10-15 gliders around the place. It sounds like someone should meet with the Caboolture rep for the gliding club there and get some discussion going to help everyone use the facility more efficiently. Perhaps a rep for RAA could be involved?
  2. Damn JR, sounds like you just need to go and get urself a good old fashion calibration there mate! ;)
  3. They've got a 230 on line at Bundy and a 170 based at Kingaroy. The 230 gets back to Kingaroy a fair bit though because the owner lives there and likes to take it out every now and then. It's a nice ship as it was ga nvfr reg with full glass panel etc, but didn't get much use so they put it back to raa rego and it's now earning it's keep. Shouldn't be too hard to organise something though.
  4. Great news Bec, congrats! The world needs more pilots! I'm keen Tomo. Late Jan and all of Feb I'm on holidays and looking to do that endo. I'll bring my instructor over from Kingaroy and we can go wherever. Be good to catch up. I went with my instructor on a formation flying endo lesson at Bundy, where I got some good shots of his Renegade. It was great fun.
  5. Haha, I got a text yesterday...something about him playing 18 holes...I won't elaborate.
  6. I'll agree with you there Turbo, when the gusts come up the 170 will keep you on your toes! When I got checked out in the 230 I was amazed at how nicely it flew and how easy it was to land.
  7. Awesome work Kialla, keep us posted of your progress!
  8. A top effort by the pilot here. Anyone who has flown in a yak will know that they fall out of the sky pretty damn quick with no noise up front! I helped push this a/c back into the hanger a few weeks ago and was shocked by the news. It's great to see that the pilot and pax are ok. :thumb_up:
  9. I remember the thing that daunted me was in the hold-off, and more particularly in cross wind situations, when the aircraft would start moving across the strip away from where i was anticipating touch down. I worked out that I was stopping the flying and going into taxi mode before touch down. Once I got the rudder and aileron inputs worked out on touch down, i found that I was flying the a/c onto the runway surface and beyond the touch-down which greatly improved my landings. It will all click soon and keep at it as you will enjoy the feeling of a great cross wind landing when you grease it on. Also, I found that once I started getting frustrated, heading out of the circuit and just having a fly was a great way to re-energise!
  10. Shags, you use the google earth application. Google maps won't allow you to measure point to point distances whereas google earth will. It will also give you a path distance also, which is good for checking way-point distances. I use it as a double check for my manual flight plan as it also gives you an overview of the countryside etc. I also found that you can slew the view on gogle earth to the actual approach view of any airport in the circuit. It's a great reference for training etc.
  11. I found when i did my nav endo that google earth gave pretty much the same calcs as i made from the charts, position to position. Even the angle/tracks were fairly spot on too. I flew over maleny on a few navs and it is some beautiful country out that way! :thumb_up:
  12. Look at around 3% of your hull value and you'll be close. That's what an insurance company told me when I wanted a quote for a 230 about 6 months ago. I was also told that there are only about three that insure Jabiru.
  13. Good question Simon, and what is the best way to deal with them. I'm thinking full power, try to avoid as much as possible and get out of there. Do any of our experienced members have any other invaluable advice?
  14. Maj, we get them out west around Cunnamulla fairly regularly but not quite this big. This thing was huge. I had to pick my nephew up and then I went looking for it again about 5 mins later and it was gone. I felt like a storm chaser for about ten minutes and even thought about buying a big F350 ute and putting computers and dishes all over it and talking in a thick southern accent...then i thought about the balloon boy incident :raise_eyebrow:
  15. I heard someone say yesterday that the 120 has fairly small wheels and the brake disc is actually bigger than the tyre when it's flat meaning that a flat on landing may end up digging the brake disc into the surface. Has anyone heard anything about this?
  16. I'd also have a look at your fuel filter also, just in case it has started to come through the lines. This would be more so for an aircraft used by others.
  17. I was driving past the airport here in Kingaroy today and saw this nasty little piece of weather coming over the hill to the north of town. I whipped out the digital SLR with zoom lens and got some pics. You wouldn't want that coming through the airfield with aircraft not tied down.
  18. Maj, looks like a fantastic spot! I'm hoping you win lotto now so I can fly up and see 'your' strip. :thumb_up: When I win lotto and buy the Island next to Toogoom nth of Hervey Bay, with it's own grass strip, you're free to drop in also.
  19. I flew over Bjelke Peterson Dam today and the water is way down, even more than last time I flew over a few months ago even though we've had a bit of rain in the meantime. Send some up this way!
  20. It must really suck having your own strip looking out over the ocean with a mountain range behind all that. Great photos Maj, keep em coming!
  21. Pioneer, I've test flown one with Rodd Stiff from Jabiru and they are a great little ship. They are more slippery than the 160+170 with around a 105-108 knot cruise with the sensenich prop. I also noticed an excellent climb rate compared to the 170 that I learnt in. They are smaller in the cab though and you don't have as much baggage room given the fuel tank being behind you in the cab. I am hoping to put in an order for one at the end of the month. There are a few members in here that rave about them so they can offer a bit more.
  22. One can only imagine the things pilots and passengers might push up against a set of those clear doors, not including those lilly white legs Gibbo! :cool_shades: Qwerty there was nothing like flying my mates R22 with the doors off and yes the lack of breeze wouldn't be the same. You sure as hell knew if you weren't balancing the ball! I'd be really interested also to know if anyone has ever flown a jab with the doors off too.
  23. Try a set of these!
  24. Relfy


    Hey there JR. Welcome to the forums. You'll have to post some pics of your spectacular sceney over there. Sounds like you've been busy in the X-Air!
  25. Great work Ray, keep us posted of your adventures! As Destiny and Eastmegs have said, get stuck into your x-country and go exploring this great place! :thumb_up:
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