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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. For me it's the engineering, the techical details, the electronics, engines and basically the whole physics behind flying an aircraft and then to be able to top it all off with a mixture of applying skills and discipline to safely putting an aircraft up there in that blue stuff. Once you're up there though, it's hard to explain that flying feeling. I love it. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that the feeling you get on late final is unique in that when everything comes together, you can turn flight back into driving again with a smooth transition (most of the time). :thumb_up:
  2. The purpose of the legislation is to provide the boundaries for enforcement which understandably would be any area within the aerodrome where a pilot, student pilot etc may be reasonably expected to partake in direct/indirect aviation related activities. Legislation, at least in QLD, exists providing for an offence of being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst under the influence of liquor or over the legislated breath alcohol concentration. To prove the offence, case law exists where the effected person must be directly in a position to influence the controlling mechanisms of the vehicle. The legislation described here sounds like it is along the same lines. Unless there is a specific statute relating to being over the prescribed limit within the grounds, you really don't have to worry about anything if you're not acting as pilot, student etc. Don't make too much out of this because put it this way, if someone from CASA came in and breath tested you in the club house at a function and decided to send you to court, the matter would be tossed straight out. If however you're sitting in your mates plane doing some engine run-ups at 10pm with a stubby in your hand in the pilots seat, you should be a little worried.
  3. I'll throw a pigeon into the cogs... how about paid joy flights to promote Recreational Aviation? A simple non-instructional flight (seperate to a TIF). I can understand that as recreational aviators, our whole mantra is about recreational aviating but why not allow the promotion of the sport we love through very limited, promoting specific activities? :stirring pot:
  4. Here's the whole pic.
  5. Thats it Bla, Caribou. Taken at the bundy airshow.
  6. New challenge fellow avi-thusiasts. What aircraft does this engine belong to?
  7. ...very similar to driving behind a Jab doing it's run-ups people, be careful!
  8. Steve, short field in the jab is great fun. I loved putting the ship on the exact spot my instructor wanted me to (following a few attempts mind you!). Just plane good fun! (pun intended). :thumb_up: Just get right in there and practice everything from your training syllabus, it's suprising how it all comes back, albeit rusty at first, but there in the end.
  9. Student Pilot. The report reads- The results of the post mortem examination indicated that: The principal cause of death has been given as water immersion death (drowning secondary to incapacitation associated with a closed head injury and neck injury). I guess this thread, the crash report and other members stories are all something that we can look at and make an informed judgement on. Again, sad that a very experienced aviator was lost.
  10. Nice work Thomo. That camera seems to work pretty well. Love the editing also. :thumb_up:
  11. I read Col Pays ATSB report tonight and it made mention of the fact that he wasn't wearing a helmet at the time he was testing the experimental water scoops. AO-2007-066 An interesting read but what a tragedy losing such an experienced aviator like that. I wonder if he was wearing the helmet, perhaps he may not have become incapacitated as the plane sunk? Sad stuff.
  12. What a great trip and such a large portion of the country covered in so little time. Great work mate. :thumb_up:
  13. I had exactly that urge today. Awesome weather, nay a cloud in the sky but I had to work. I did drive past the airport though, to see if there were any souls more fortunate than I passing through. Windsock looked like a parramatta supporter leaving the grand final...
  14. Can't find that one Maj, but I do remember seeing a similar set-up at Cobar, next to the windsock.
  15. did you drop through for a touch & go there Tomo? Thats one of my enroute options heading back to civilisation when i get my jabby. Looks like a nice strip.
  16. That be Tara me thinks.
  17. Welcome Mark, great to hear from you. I'm sure you've had some adventures in your Superpup that you could share with us! I grew up in Goulburn and overlooked the airport from our house on the hill near the wool stores. I still remember the Fletcher's taking off every morning roaring across the countryside. Are they still operating from there?
  18. Thanks for the replies. Sounding more attractive already.
  19. I was looking at a jabiru add and saw that a reco engine is $3000 less when purchasing that way. Does anyone know what Jabiru actually replace/upgrade etc in their reco engines? Is it a total overhall of a lot of components or just the standard rings, pistons valves etc? Obviously the factory will fill me in but i just wanted to throw it open to my learnered friends in here!
  20. Good work Chris and a great little web site to boot. What a great facility too! :thumb_up:
  21. NZ Brett, Queenstown in particular is awesome. I've been there twice the last being last August/Sep and even though the skiing may have finished, the place is packed with great things to do and the prices are great. It is just a beautiful place with so many places to eat and enjoy yourself. The wife and I even jumped off a perfectly good ski mountain attached to some strangers and a paraglider!
  22. Congrats Bec, great work. :thumb_up:
  23. I have a formula I use in crash investigation for calculating the velocity of an object ie vehicle for it to begin aqua-planing. The three variables are weight, surface area of the tyre contact area width and depth and speed being the unknown which can be derived from the other known values. I'm trying to work out though where a locked tyre may be different and the only reason I can think of it the gyroscopic force of an unlocked wheel beginning to turn, adversely effecting pitch control of an aircraft.
  24. It's for the pilot with the most large mouth gatorade bottle stamps on the side of his/her aircraft...
  25. Put it this way, there'll be trouble if you don't post something about a trip like that! :hittinghead:
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