I was sitting here at the holiday house at Toogoom north of Hervey Bay building a fence a couple of days ago, looking at al the boats go past on their respective missions to the winter Whiting grounds, when someone flew over in a CSW (I think it was, Rotax powered all the same) and absolutely destroyed my enthusiasm for renovations. The weather had been absolutely perfect and I simply couldn't see another day go past without going for a fly, so on the phone to my CFI who has just started another school in Bundy, time slot was booked and I was even told of a new J230 that was available to fly. Beauty!
I had figured that I was going to get checked off in the J120 up there and then go for a buzz down the coast to make the most of the peeeerfect weather but on arriving, and following the aviation performance enhancer (coffee in the clubhouse with other like minded aviation aflicted souls) Pete and I walked out to the J230 sitting there, like a beacon whispering "go on, you know you want to..." To cut a long story short and keeping in mind this sites G rating, after pre-flight etc in we hopped and after the run ups and commentry on the excitement in the air with the set-up for the airshow, we taxiied out to 14 and followed a bi-plane to the coast.
Now, I figured the 230 would have a bit more punch than the 170, but that is an understatement! In no time, after a few squiggles along the centreline (read wake up right foot, this plane is torquing to you!) we were established in a nice climb at 80 knots and made for the coast.
The weather was perfect and after a few stalls for practice and familiarisation, we met up wth the biplane (can't remember what it is, someone here will advise no doubt) and I took a couple of shots whilst my instructor got us into formation. Down the beach we went to Woodgate and back getting used 230. Following this, we hit the circuit and after a few touch & go's I was away. The energy needed to b bled off to slow the 230 down was something that took a bit of getting used to, but landings are a dream in this model and it made me look good!
With only I on board, I think I was at 1000' by the first taxi-way entry exit! What an incredible performer the 230 is one up. Out to the coast and south I went. I saw a dugong off Woodgate beach and a school of stingrays at the mouth of Burrum Heads. As you can see in the pics below, the weather was perfect. Vis was incredible... I could even see the victorians on the horizon praying for good weather.
Overflying the campers on the beach and the kids who waved each time I went past, was awesome. This is one fantastic part of the country. I flew past Toogoom and checked out a few strips in the vicinity including the Island currently for sale across the water from Toogoom, complete with it's own strip. (Pic below). Alas, my plans for a RAA/Recreational Flying Forum friendly retreat fell through on tuesday night thanks to Gold Lotto. Ho hum, sorry team.
One thing that I did have to concentrate on and also took a bit of getting used to was the complexity of the panel in this plane. There was more glass here than the Chrysler Building. It was set up as a GA registered night VFR model but later put back to RAA rego to get it into work. Says a lot for the success of RAA! After getting used to it though, it was fantastic having so much information available in a simple uncluttered format. I can't wait to do some nav work in this thing.
It was time to head back so I set a course IFB (I follow beach) back to Mon Repo and across to Bundy. Coming through the haze of the small grass fire off the end of 32 and then past the construction equipment at the end of the strip was strange but after greasing it on and taxiing back and parking in the wrong spot...airshow parking changes... I disembarked and must have looked like a wierdo to the volunteer advising me of my parking options. I think I heard him comment to another volunteer "did you see that bloke with the silly looking smile on his face?"
I guess this isn't really technically a trip report, but I thought I'd share a very memorable aviation experience I had and say thankyou to the pilot who saved me from wasting these perfect days watching others enjoy them. :thumb_up: See you all at Bundy on Saturday for the show!!!