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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. Awesome work Tomo, well done mate. :thumb_up:
  2. classic
  3. Likewise Adrian. Just have to sell my block of land in sunny Hervey Bay and the order will be placed with Jabiru. Test flew it a few weeks back and Rod took me through the factory. Kid in a candy shop comes to mind... There was one in production that Rod said he could put my name on. I told him that if I did that my wife would put my name on my headstone. I'll wait...
  4. He should be charged with endangering the life of his crew and culpable navigation. It's only luck that this hasn't become a coronial matter. thumb_down
  5. Thanks and they sure do Maj, but those people weren't up for the dawn service this morning, which went really well. Seems there are more people every year. Did anyone else notice this?
  6. I'll iron my best work shirt tonight and be up for dawn service. It's a small service here in Cunnamulla, very touching and one of the locals has an old army jeep that comes out of the shed and adds to the service.
  7. I did an overnight reccy to Hungerford (Sth QLD on the historic NSW/QLD border dingo fence) yesterday and inspected the strip. Excellent sealed strip with an excellent unsealed cross strip and the publicans will come and pick you up if you do an orbit over town. Free camping in town with excellent facilities and the stars overhead...wow. Oh, great meal at the historic Hungerford Pub too. Well worth a visit. I know it's not really in the south, but it's sth QLD and on the track to a lot places out west.
  8. I've also found the J170 more comfortable to land in turbulent conditions, with 1/3-2/3 flap. Full flap in light winds is nice but when it gets a bit rough and sideways I found that with full flap I was more susceptible to sideways drift on round-out and flare.
  9. I always wondered what those strips were when I was pre-flighting. Is it something to do with harmonic vibration at or near vne Brett?
  10. Standing in the backyard in south west sydney sanding the wing of a slope soaring glider I was building when I heard a roaring whistle, thinking to myself "that sounds different" then looking up and seeing the Concorde streaking across the sky at about double the height and speed of the normal traffic. Guess I won't see that again!
  11. Awesome work Brett, congratulations. It's been great following your progress. I found the navs to be so much more exciting...not that engine failures after take off and in the circuit and just about everywhere else the instructor wanted to, weren't exciting. I guess it's the planning and exploring new places. Keep us posted! :thumb_up:
  12. Brent, did you check your CM detector when you saw this plane, not that I'm saying you didn't see a plane...
  13. Nice CT there Mark. What a beaut location. Life is certainly tough up there in north QLD!
  14. Sounds great Mark, keep us informed of your adventures and post some pics! You will learn a lot here because there are also a lot of other people infected with the same bug... ;)
  15. Has there ever been any talk in RAA of increasing the pax allowance, obviously depending on aircraft design/weight limits? I'm certainly looking forward to showing some friends what it is that i keep raving on about and only have 1hr solo to go in that regard. Last month I did my RAA cert, x-country and all up with 32hrs it was around the 6500 mark. Add another 300 i suppose for the equipment (books, flight comp, protractor, maps, ersa etc) and I now have a certificate to learn! Priceless!
  16. Is there a bad day to sit at a bar talking about all things aviation? i_dunno
  17. Speaking of generator power Andy, around 10,000ltrs of jet A1 a month was what I was told! Given this though, rooms are around the $50 a night mark and the drinks are very reasonable. The actual pub is owned by 'Noccatunga' Station down the road and was originally built to keep the contractors away from the governesses. That sounds like a good photo, can you post it up for everyone to see? I'll ask the local 'quality' motel here in Cunnamulla about their aviation friendliness. We seem to get a lot of people coming through here from VIC and SA so it would be great for them to help out the travelling aviators! Of course though, if you buzz the town, I won't be able to resist a trip out to the airport to say hi and give you a lift in. :thumb_up:
  18. I stayed at the Noccundra Hotel the other night with a few mates who were riding their donor machines around the SW QLD corner and it is fantastic. Good clean rooms in the outback (and I mean outback) with a great meal at reasonable prices and the best thing is you can taxi up to the room and tie up to a post. Just give Don a ring and check the availability of avgas otherwise it's available down the road (120k) at Thargomindah. I told him I'd give the place a wrap...so tell him i sent ya! They are very aviation friendly. If you are looking for an outback stay, you can't beat it.
  19. Thanks for the pics Captain. We working lesser mortals are very appreciative. Now, this rumour, you can't tease us like that... i_dunno
  20. I had the same problem with Telstra bills not being directed to the correct address time after time and then with Optus after they continually billed us for services we had disconnected. If you have dramas, lodge a complaint with the telecommunications ombudsmen online and you will get a result fast. The telcos hate them because it causes them so much extra work and they have to adhere to certain time frames or you paid for the inconvenience. I lodged a complaint re the deduction from our bank account on a service we had cancelled and they weren't going to send the money back for 21 days. I lodged a complaint and got phone calls from reps and the money back the next day. The telco ombudsmen also kept in contact to find out how they were doing. Bret, I hope they offered to divert to your mobile line at no expense due to the delay? They did that with us when we moved out west here.
  21. Excellent work mate! You look extremely smart with all those letters after your name!
  22. Awesome work mate! Keep us posted of your other adventures! :thumb_up:
  23. Relfy

    taralga nsw

    Is that the strip beside the Hume Highway?
  24. Congrats Brett, well done mate! I've knocked over everything in the past three weeks and only have an hour solo left for the pax endo. I know exactly how u feel!:thumb_up:
  25. I did my XC prac and theory exam today and Motza is on the money with everything he has suggested. I'd also study up on your air law, VFR flight levels, minimum conditions etc and also your entry into CTAF areas and radio procedures, restricted areas etc. I found it a more practical (compared with the others) exam with not so many trick questions. Happy studies and good luck! Relfy Oh, passed both too! :thumb_up:
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