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Everything posted by Relfy

  1. Looks like I've got the slopes all to myself...
  2. Went solo yesterday morning in a J170 here are Kingaroy. Took me a bit over 10hrs and I believe learning in the jab is very challenging but really making me learn and ensuring I am disciplined about everything. I'm lucky though, 4 weeks off work, came down here a week ago and have just got stuck into it every day. I have also been unusually lucky with the weather (touch wood), which is not normal for me. I must say though, I picked up a lot of useful tips from these forums! :thumb_up:
  3. Good story Pablo. I was doing my first training flights over Kingaroy on Sunday and there were also a few warbirds there buzzing around. It was a great day and it's a shame you couldn't make it. It did look a bit cloudy though down towards Kilcoy. 2.3hrs in the log book and more to come!
  4. Top work Brett! What an awesome day. :)
  5. I've done a bit of heli mustering with a very experienced R22 pilot and he always tips the drums on their sides with the cap down. His theory was if the fuel leaked out, he didn't want anything left in it and if it stayed it didn't draw moisture and contaminants in so it was ok.
  6. ...and off we head for the next leg fellow sailors. Anyone who hasn't joined up yet should get in nice and early and be part of the racing group! :thumb_up:
  7. At a time when RAA is seeking to extend the boundaries of it's exposure ie controlled airspace and heights etc, it is important to accurately represent the organisation as a professional and safety conscious body (which it is without doubt). I know that I will ensure that any incident in QLD will be accurately reported on through police media to ensure that there can be no adverse criticism unduly drawn towards RAA. I'm sure that any other RAA members who are members of other state police forces etc will do the same. Donkey's question of whether the RAA has a dedicated media officer is a great question.
  8. Spot on skydog, he told me we were going to burn some oil!
  9. I was fortunate to meet up with a mate when I went for my TIF the other day and he took me for a spin in his Yak. Well, what can I say except that it was TOTALLY AWESOME and an experience that I won't ever forget in a hurry!!! The roar of the radial and acceleration was very impressive. He gave me a rundown on what the Russians used the Yak for and basically you did your initial training in them and then jumped straight into a Mig and off you went to combat. No mucking around in those times, if you didn't make the cut then you found out the hard way! I'll have to brush up on my Russian though as the gauges are still in Russian and it was weird doing 230kph ias instead of knots.
  10. Top work mate! I did my TIF the other day and can't wait to get stuck in to the training in March on my holidays. I'm 33, always wanted to do it and decided that it's time to just do it and stop dreaming! Sound familiar? ;)
  11. I'm doing 12 knots and I've added everyone else. There should be a rec aviation prize on for the eventual winner, perhaps something small like a jab120 say? My boat is called Brooke.
  12. Turbo, hence the reason QLD has over 300 fatal car crashes per year.
  13. From crash investigation at work, it is widely held that the average reaction time for a person driving in a built up area is 2 seconds compared to 3 for a country area.
  14. That's it, Cameron Corner. The tyres are tractor tyres.
  15. At least his tie downs worked! i_dunno
  16. It's in a corner...
  17. Got these pics from a mate the other day. Apparently the story is that a Cessna Conquest was parked at the Balera Gas Fields Airstrip in SW QLD, when a freak wind squall picked it up and tossed it 120 meters away into a telegraph pole, severely damaging the tail, fuse and wings. The pics are the end (and very expensive) result of dismantling and transporting to Sydney for repairs. If it did that to such a large plane then imagine a poor little jabbi or savannah! Ouch!
  18. I've found the Studentpilotcast by Bill Williams quite good to listen to. He does a good job of describing the excitement of learning to fly and reaching the milestones. There are some great cockpit recordings also. The Student Pilot Cast - Learning to fly...in front of the world.
  19. Just keep up the good thread Cralis, it is great to share your experiences. ;)
  20. Tomo... I'll give you a clue, it's a public strip and not one on a lonely old property somewhere. And no I wasn't on a very low final, I went there by 4wd and took that from the ground. You can see it quite clearly on Google Earth.
  21. How about this one? I was there two days ago.
  22. Good old Hervey Bay, I recognised my old trail bike stomping grounds on the right. ;) Say, can I land there on an RAA license or do I need GA with a Transponder?
  23. $2.16 at Cunnamulla yesterday, no call-out or landing fees.
  24. Where do I start... Aeroflyte Appolllo (trainer) World Models 40 trainer Astro Hog Midwest Hots 40 QB monster 60 (launched glider for old mitsubishi commercial) Ugly Stick Butterfly Skyburner d/f (designed and kitted by my mate steve mee of oldtimer aircraft) Numerous fast slope soarers 4m DG glider Raptor 39 Mustang 46 Ag wagon 45 World Models Spitfire 120 Raptor 46 (Fixed wing) Twister EP 2.5m ASW Bell Twister EP But to put it bluntly, you aint an RC pilot until you've flown an astro hog. This plane is one of the best designed planes I have ever flown. Tail slides 30ft above the ground and inverted low passes dragging the tail in the greass. I even touched and goed (pardon the pun) in about three seconds knowing that you can punch this plane with full throws on all three axis without any nasty snap rolls. As for just all out awesome back to basics flying, I would say the spitfire 120 with a supercharged saito 120 was simply superb. Great to see an RC following on here! :)
  25. Relfy

    NEW - Jabiru J120

    I bet he was smiling the whole time Pete! I'm still trying to sell the 120 to the wife. Did anyone else notice that the empty weight of the 120 has gone from 265 -280kg?
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